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How to cook IBM Model M

You've probably heard about this keyboard. IBM Model M is called "the best keyboard for typing", "the legendary unkillable keyboard", by all means adding "these no longer do." To posts on Reddit about finding a Model M, they often add to congratulations the wish to “enjoy this keyboard over the next decades”. What is so good about IBM Model M, how is it bad, and how can it be improved?


A bit of theory. IBM Model M, in its most famous modification called the IBM Enhanced Keyboard, was produced from 1985 to 1999, and in a slightly modernized form (USB, Win-keys, later - a smaller case) continues to be produced to this day by a small company Unicomp.

The main highlight is the buckling spring mechanism (“curving spring”), to which we owe tactility and a clicking click. If you are interested in details, design features and a list of modifications, then you should read the article in the English-language Wikipedia (you should translate it) and in the Deskthority encyclopedia .

Glitter and poverty IBM Model M

First about the good. Here, for what love IBM Model M:

There are no perfect keyboards. Here's what's bad in IBM Model M:


Dealt with the advantages and disadvantages. If you weighed all the pros and cons, thought and bought IBM Model M, then, most likely, will get in an imperfect state - the production of these keyboards was discontinued in 1999. If you do not want to repair, the vintage of the equipment does not matter, but you definitely need a mechanical keyboard with buckling spring, then it is better to take a new Unicomp. Classic Unicomp with the talking title Classic (there is even a Classic 101, almost like two peas in a pod similar to the 101-button IBM Enhanced Keyboard with the exception of the nameplate) or a little less cumbersome Ultra Classic will cost only $ 84. Even with the delivery (about $ 40), it will be inexpensive against the backdrop of the modern renaissance of mechanical keyboards. The difference in quality will be (slightly curved print on some keys, not so neat looking body), but nothing fatal.

If you need exactly the "same one", then you should carefully examine the keyboard when buying. Virtually any killed "most indestructible keyboard in the world" can be recovered, but it costs time and money.

Actually, for the repair you will need the following:

  1. A 5.5 m (7/32 inch) socket wrench to unscrew the four self-tapping screws that hold the keyboard case. Inch end keys do not lie in each household, but, like many things now, this key is easier to order on Aliexpress. If you don’t repair Model M and Unicomp more or less regularly, you can save money by making a key from a ... ballpoint pen! It is necessary to melt the end of a suitable plastic handle with a cigarette lighter and quickly attach it to the head of the bolt.
  2. M2 × 8 screws and nuts - 58 pieces. Small screws can also be a problem, usually you can find M3 and more in hozmagi. On Aliexpress, I managed to find them from 200 pieces, but for a single repair this may seem unnecessary to you.
  3. Spare parts from Unicomp . Keys, hammers + springs (Pivot Plate & Spring Assembly), fluoroplastic inserts stabilizers (Stabilizer Insert), membranes. They even have stickers on the window with LEDs (the corresponding classic IBM is called “Pebble LEDs on Bottom”). For reference, the color of IBM's gray keys (modifiers, arrows, Escape, etc.) is called pebble in Unicomp. Immediately throw something to order before the full diagnosis is not worth it because of the expensive overseas delivery.
  4. Teensy 2.0 or Arduino Pro Micro. On the one and the other, you can run TMK or Soarer's converter. Pro Micro is cheaper, but a little harder is stitched and the USB cable does not come with it. Chasing the originals is not worth it, the Chinese from Aliexpress now work without problems, at least for this purpose.
  5. USB Type C connector with board. This or such . A large fee is easier to fix in the case. Don't forget two 5.1 kΩ resistors.

    Why not to use the microcontroller connector or not to make a fixed wire? Of course, this can be done, which will lead to substantial savings, but mini-USB in Teensy or micro-USB in Pro Micro is flimsy, and the fixed cable is not always convenient and does not look so aesthetically pleasing, and we are doing it like a conscience , children and grandchildren. If you still want to save money and are too lazy to mess with Type C decoupling, then you can put a good old USB Type B, but you can’t accurately put it in the latest generation Model M, which had a non-removable cable, it will not work because of its size. You can make an external converter, but I don’t see any point in this, since most of the Model M’s museum value isn’t, it’s still not a Space-cadet of any kind. However, if you regularly check Model M and other keyboards with PS / 2 interface, an additional external converter will be very useful.

  6. Office knife or scraper for ceramic tiles to cut plastic rivets.
  7. Dremel or other tool with a 2 mm drill. It is also desirable to use a grinding nozzle (with sandpaper or a roller cutter) for cutting rivets from a plastic panel, since it is inconvenient to cut them with a knife.
  8. Soldering iron.
  9. Spring clamps, four pieces. Can be replaced with large stationery clips. Greatly simplify the assembly procedure.
  10. Soil and paint on metal, if on the keyboard ever spilled liquid.


My patient for this article is IBM Model M with part number 51G8572, released almost 25 years ago, on May 21, 1993. Removable twisted SDL – DIN cable, gray logo, inscriptions on Alt keys in green, right Control is marked Ctrl / Act. Inside the speaker is installed, that is, most likely, this keyboard was designed to work with the IBM RS / 6000 . The keyboard as a whole works, but on top of it is a thick layer of dirt, and the nampad keys are some kind of wadded ones, which do not work out clearly. It is worth a little shake to hear the detached heads of plastic rivets poured inside the case. The task: to wash, make a bolt mod, make sure that all keys work, solder the adapter to USB, place the USB Type C connector.

You should start by washing the keys and the cabinet. We unscrew the four screws , carefully lift and remove the upper part of the body - now it will be much more convenient to remove the keys. If the outside is just dirty, then there is just horror: dust, hair, crumbs, paper clips, a colony of leaf cutter ants and rat corpses .

The keys can be removed with a special tool (you can make it out of wire), but in Model M it will be much quicker to just hook them up from the bottom, just not with a screwdriver, but with something soft, for example, a wooden chopstick. The gap is equipped with a wire stabilizer. Under the other long keys (cipher, enter, backspace and long pad) you will see fluoroplastic insert stabilizers. There is nothing to break in them, it is usually enough to wipe them with alcohol. Send the keys to the wash, separating the top caps from the actual keys. In most cases, there is enough warm water with dishwashing liquid or detergent and a few hours to soak up the dirt. In severe cases, I use an ultrasonic bath, but sometimes even this does not help and the keys have to be scrubbed manually.

Disconnect the controller. Unscrew the bolt from the plate holding the end of the harsh ground wire. Disconnect the small cable from the daughter board with LEDs.

If you have the latest generation Model M or Unicomp, then the insides will look a little different - the small controller board along with the LEDs will be on the right; There will be no LEDs in the terminal keyboards, if desired, they can be added. Then you can gently lift the "sandwich" (assembly of a metal plate, membranes, gaskets and the top plastic panel, then I will call it just a sandwich), pull out the controller and disconnect (neatly!) Loops. Before washing the case, it is worth protecting the “birth certificate” with a layer of masking tape, additionally gluing a regular one on top.

We start disassembling a sandwich. Even if all the plastic rivets remained in place and all the keys work, there are two reasons for the disassembly and bolt mod . First, we make the keyboard conscientiously - for ourselves and future generations (even if some telepathic neural interface appears in 20 years and the keyboards start to die out, then retrocomputing fans will still remain). If these plastic gizmos miraculously did not fall off, then perhaps they didn’t use the keyboard and should prevent this attack. Going to the dark side and glue the places of the rivets torn off with epoxy is only if you are a shameless huckster and a barbarian. The epoxy will last for a while, but most likely will fall off .

The effects of repairing the keyboard with epoxy. The author is Ripster. Source of

Disassembling the "repaired" in this way the keyboard will be more difficult. For the same reason, dubious durability should not be used instead of screws screws. Secondly, disassembling a sandwich greatly simplifies the cleaning of the plastic panel; all sticking horror can be washed off with water from the tap, and not picked out with cotton buds.

If there are broken keys and / or torn rivets, the choice is obvious - you have to cut it. Remember that after removing the keys from the "wells" now unprotected springs stick out, so you need to put the sandwich on the appropriate stand. Suitable shoe box. Cut off the remaining rivets with a knife, scraper for a slab or other suitable tool. Observe safety precautions, plastic is strong enough, cut away from you. One or two rivets may be under the paper label. Before removing the plate, the edges of all rivets must be completely cut off, the plate must be removed without much effort. Pull the plastic panel by the edges or corners, and even more so it is impossible to use a screwdriver in any case - it will crack. Remove the plate and three membrane layers. If liquid is spilled on the keyboard, you will immediately notice this by the dark stains on the contacts of the membrane and rust on the metal plate. In some cases, rubbing with isopropyl will help, in case of strong oxidation, you will have to change the membrane. Under the membranes will be a thin rubber mat, handle it carefully so as not to tear. Finally, at the very bottom there will be only a plastic panel with springs / hammers. You can simply gently shake them out or transfer them to strips of masking tape, so as not to spend much time on installation. Springs should be carefully examined for rust. Remember the fragility of the plastic panel! It is provided with grooves, “fold lines,” but it can crack and cross when handled carelessly.

In my instance, a crack in a plastic panel was formed from the left end and along the “fold line”. At first, a pair of rivets in the area of ​​the nampad came off and one or two keys became “wadded.” The user began to press the keys harder, a few more rivets fell off, and so on, until the keyboard had to be hollowed in order to get the keys to work. With bolt mod, such a crack is not dangerous, but the butt should be sealed. The studs still remain on the panel. They can be whipped off completely, leaving a few pieces for easy laying of the membrane, but you need to at least cut off the thickening from the top.

Install the metal plate back, clamp it with spring clamps. Before drilling it is advisable to mark the holes. In the Model M of the first generation for the vertical keys used wire stabilizers, which can interfere with the heads of the respective screws, you will have to look for screws with a flat head.

Wire stabilizer vertical 2U keys in the early IBM Model M. Written by Sandy (Deskthority wiki, publick domain). Source of

I used a diamond cone nozzle, but you can do it with a soldering iron with a thin sting. You do not need to drill the bottom row - this edge of the panel will press against the projections on the bottom of the case. After stripping and drilling, there will be a pile of electrified plastic chips and sawdust. Take the time to rinse well and dry the panel (remember that you can not shake it!).

Putting a sandwich back. The panel on the stand, inserts stabilizers, hammers (make sure everything is flat), do not forget that not all the seats are installed hammers. Then there is a rug, membranes (they cannot be put on the wrong side, the main thing is to lay exactly) and a plate on top.

We clamp along the edges with four clamps or stationery clips, overturn, insert screws, turn the nuts. It is not necessary to firmly tighten, the screws should protrude 1–2 threads. Put back the keys and check their work. If something does not click as it should, then you need to try a little to loosen the screws around the problem key.

With the mechanics finished, let's do electronics. The SDL connector on the controller will interfere, you need to get rid of it. It is difficult to unsolder it, without peeling off the tracks, at least for me, so I just gently broke the plastic case of the connector with a nipper and dropped out the contacts one by one. The pin of the PS / 2 interface on the openings looks like this:

As a converter, I used Teensy 2.0 (Chinese clone) with Soarer's converter firmware . A kind person under the nickname Soarer placed five years ago on Geekhack and Deskthority firmware, allowing you to connect XT, AT, PS / 2 and IBM terminal keyboards via USB with the following functionality:

Unfortunately, Soarer disappeared from keyboard forums in 2014, nothing is known about his fate, he did not leave the source codes, but there were attempts to disassemble. There is about the same, except for updating the configuration of the TMK project from the no less legendary Hasu.

So, fill in Soarer_at2usb_v1.12_atmega32u4.hex in Teensy 2.0 with the help of Teensy loader (as I already mentioned, you can use Arduino Pro Micro, but there appears fuss with drivers and utilities) and solder it to the keyboard controller: Data to PD0, Clock to PD1 and the earth is powered. You can immediately connect to the computer and check all the keys through the Switch Hitter .

It remains only to arrange everything beautifully and place the keyboard into the case. I chose a strong and modern USB Type C, but, as mentioned above, you can save money by replacing it with Type B or making the cable non-removable. The pinout of the Type C connector looks like this:

For our purposes, we need power (A4, B9, B4, A9), ground (A1, A12, B1, B12 and connector body), a pair for data transmission - D + (A6, B6) and D− (A7, B7). CC1 and CC2 need to be connected to ground through resistors with a resistance of 5.1 kΩ. We connect to the stub of the USB cable bundled with Teensy: black - ground, red - power, green - D +, white - D−. A little plastic, superglue, electrical tape - and the connector is ready. Fix the tie and the keyboard is ready.

We use the functionality of the converter. Я взял за основу layer example.sc, простую конфигурацию, назначающую CapsLock в качестве модификатора FN1 и FN1+I/J/K/L в качестве стрелок. Можно добавить ещё несколько клавиш (PageUp/PageDown рядом с этиими дополнительными клавишами, Win-клавиша, CapsLock и несколько мультимедийных на F5–F11):

One has only to say scwr конфигурация.sc - it will be compiled into a binary one and poured into the keyboard.

That's all, good luck to all drilling and clicking. Many thanks to Soarer, Hasu and Ripster keyboard geeks for their invaluable contribution to keyboard science.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409651/