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New FlashForge Inventor vs. Dreamer


The other day, a new 3D printer, FlashForge Inventor , came to us. It looks very similar to another popular model of this brand - Dreamer . We decided to figure out what new features appeared at Inventor, and what is the actual difference between these printers.

Externally, printers look like brothers, differ only in color. And the size, and arrangement of elements, and design are identical.


As can be seen from the table, Inventor added 2 centimeters of the print area in height. The rest is all the same. But on closer examination, the differences will be visible.


Options remained unchanged.

All tools are placed in a small, neat suitcase. Trifle, but nice.


The first difference was found when starting the printer. Optical sensors are installed instead of limit switches on all axes.

Zero Z has moved down. Due to this, it was possible to add 2 centimeters to the working area without changing the dimensions of the printer.

FlashForge added a very valuable feature to resume printing. Now you can not worry when printing large models. After a power failure, printing will continue in the same place where it was interrupted.

In the upper right corner inside the printer Inventor placed the built-in camera.

Work with the camera

To work with the camera, you need to install the XMEye application on your phone or tablet.

It took us some time to connect the printer with the application, but if we follow the instructions clearly, we should have no problems.

We played with the application, appreciated all its features, including: online print broadcasting, video recording, photo creation, audio recording over video, “Share with friends” function, even zoom setting, simultaneous connection and display of printing process on other Inventors (there are options for displaying 1, 4, 6, 9 and 16 broadcasts).

You can choose HD-quality images, but if the Internet is bad, the picture will slow down. The manual states that you can follow the print wherever you are, the only condition is that you have an Internet connection in your phone. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to connect to the camera via the mobile Internet, but when using any available Wi-Fi network everything works like clockwork =)

The printer's functionality has also changed a bit - now you can connect to the printer using the Happy3D mobile application. Ready models via Wi-Fi are loaded from the application into the printer and saved in RAM.

Learning how to work in the program is very simple, judging by the interface, it is designed for children as well. You can draw your models or use ready-made, loaded into the program (which is convenient when working with children).

It seemed to us that working with the application through the phone was not very convenient, due to the small size of the working area. Ideally use a tablet.

As in the Dreamer, inside the printing chamber of the Inventor placed 5 fans and a temperature control sensor.

It can perfectly print ABS plastic - due to the closed camera and at the same time, thanks to the fans on the case, it even copes with miniature PLA plastic models.

Not without some inconvenience. In the printer, it is still impossible to change the temperature of the pad or extruder during printing. Every time you have to re-prepare the model and launch a new print.


FlashForge Inventor and Dreamer are really like brothers - all the functions that Drimer has are also represented in Inventor. But still, Inventor got a nice upgrade from the developers.
He was endowed with additional features that will be appreciated by many 3D printers. =)

In addition to increasing the print area on the Z axis, the printer has a camera for capturing the printing process and added a useful feature to resume printing.

The difference in cost between printers at the moment is about 10,000 rubles. Price Inventor 79900 rub., Dreamer - 69500 ​​rub.

Printer specifications can be found here .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409659/