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Pretty unusual achievements of domestic medicine

I often hear the opinion that our medicine is in a fairly backward state. I will not argue about the equipment of hospitals and other parameters, because it is far enough from them, but I would just like to show you things that either have no analogues in the world, or are simply very good. This is the development and production of domestic companies with which we stand nearby at medical exhibitions from time to time.

Let's start with Ates Doctors: they make very interesting ECG recorders for first aid. They have a whole line of equipment, but the most interesting thing for foreign colleagues is getting a cardiogram directly from the ambulance. Here is the link with the details - there is a very interesting technique behind the rather dry descriptions.

GRAND Cryo makes a unique cryocapsule . This is an installation for cold treatment: controlled and metered cooling of the surface of the body to start a whole complex of body responses. Details here . It has been produced serially since 2013, and is used, in particular, in cosmetology and to restore the tone of the security forces fighters. The idea to heal with frost is very national in spirit, since the procedure itself is not so comfortable. But the pros outweigh.

"RTM-diagnostics" - complexes for microwave radiometry to detect the thermal activity of tissues. The output is a picture similar to the image of the thermal imager, only in volume, and not along the surface - due to the penetration of microwaves into the fabric. The result - you can quite accurately see the micro-temperature changes non-invasively. This method has many applications, but the most common so far and with a good accumulated knowledge base is mammology, an early definition of tumors. Details and other uses are here .

The company "Lazma" firmly occupied the niche of lasers . They continued the theme of the USSR (as we do, like many other successful laboratories), but if our fad is polymers, then they are diode lasers. Here are the details. Of greatest interest is the system for studying the state of microcirculation of blood by laser Doppler flowmetry.

“MED-KIP” just makes an excellent portable ultrasound technique for the teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance and other things where you need to look inside the patient on the spot, without being able to get to the hospital in time. Here is their website . No one except them makes portable scanners in Russia. Although, of course, with headache sensors: difficult production, components are used imported. By the way, almost every sale of them ends with the purchase of a special ultrasound gel for ultrasound, which allows us to significantly reduce the distortion in comparison with the usual ones.

“BIOS” JSC: our ultrasound direction is poorly developed, and they brought several interesting theories in ultrasound to implementation in the series, and this is very good. Historically, we have a good idea to rarely defend to victory in the form of mass production, alas. They have complexes for bilateral monitoring of cerebral circulation (and other Doppler scanners). Another must be noted complex for proctology. With it, hemorrhoids of Stage I – IV can be treated (and this is a common problem after childbirth, for example) with great accuracy. This dramatically reduces the risk of complications due to lizirovania arteries and determine the depth of their occurrence. And their special joy is an international certificate that opens a wide export. Work closely with practitioners.

Honey Teko makes the best plasma sterilizers in this galaxy. From known to me. Sterilization is very high quality, including devices with narrow channels. What is incredibly important to foreign colleagues - does not damage the material even years later. Speech, for example, about the ophthalmologic scalpels intended for accuracy in tens of microns. Here are the details .

Well, on polymeric medical products - it is worth praising yourself, more precisely, the Geltek-Medica development team. We confidently enter foreign markets with our gels - yes, the base, which was laid back in the USSR, but is very well developed and strengthened by researchers, is having an effect. From the moment we separated from the scientific research institute due to the collapse of the USSR, we did not stop research, although we had to survive in the commercial field. In principle, this story is almost all.

Well, in the end, I note that it is worthwhile to look at the website of the Federation of Laboratory Medicine - this is a unique association of doctors and manufacturers that allows you to quickly change information. This structure is very interesting in terms of the potential for developing and improving existing devices and medical facilities.

From what I know fragmentary, there is a large enough deficit in circuit engineering in the industry: if we tighten this competence, we can compete with foreign physiotherapy equipment directly. The second problem is that we do not always know how to talk well about our equipment, properly do its marketing and deliver even basic things to the foreign market. The West is very strong in this discipline.

I understand that many other colleagues have interesting things, but, naturally, I know far from all. Therefore, if you note in the comments that there is still worthwhile attention, this will be very useful. Thank.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409667/