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Enzyme medicine or how to get up quickly after injury

When struck in the case of a spinal cord injury or when a vessel breaks in the event of a stroke, hypoxia occurs in the nearest tissues - a pathological process associated with a lack of oxygen. One of the consequences of hypoxia is excessive formation of free radicals. They, in turn, have a devastating effect on the cell membrane and trigger a chain of reactions leading to damage and death of cells and tissues. Complications lead to additional damage to the spinal cord and neuronal death, aggravating the clinical picture. In general, the blow is terrible, but its complications can be even worse.

“An international group of researchers from universities in Russia and the United States, which included the head of the laboratory“ Biomedical nanomaterials ”at NITU“ MISiS ”, Maxim Abakumov, managed to find a solution to the problem of the formation of free radicals in the event of an acute spinal cord injury or stroke. - said the rector of NITU "MISIS" Alevtina Chernikova. - Therapeutic complex based on synthesized antioxidant nanoparticles will help create an effective rehabilitation system. The results of the work of the scientific group were published in the Journal of Controlled Release . ”

As Maxim Abakumov said, a special antioxidant dismutase (SOD1) antioxidant enzyme usually fights free radicals in the body. Therefore, prompt delivery of a substance to a damaged organ can soften or even completely stop the process of tissue destruction. However, the enzyme activity has a downside - when administered intravenously to the patient, it quickly collapses, not reaching the place of pathology.

“To create a sustainable therapeutic complex based on SOD1, we developed catalytically active nanoforms of superoxide dismutase, the so-called“ nanosymes, ”says the scientist. “In particular, for the first time in the world, we obtained a chemically“ crosslinked ”multi-layered polyionic complex SOD1, into which, for the first time, a surface coating of block copolymer and PEG-polyglutamic acid was added.”

The resulting porous polymer capsule with an enzyme molecule inside has a size of about 40-50 nanometers. It is able to pass free radicals inside and neutralize them according to the principle of "reusable trap". “We have developed nanosimes with high enzymatic activity and the ability to preserve and protect SOD1 under physiological conditions, which increase the circulation time of active SOD1 in the blood compared to free SOD1 molecules. The half-life of the substance was 60 minutes versus the usual six, ”added Maxim.

In the course of experimental tests of a substance, a research team led by a professor at the University of North Carolina, Dr. Sc. Alexandra Kabanova obtained the following laboratory results: a single intravenous injection of nanosymes containing 5,000 cu SOD1 per 1 kg of weight, improved recovery of locomotor (motor) functions in rats with moderate spinal cord injury, reduced puffiness, as well as concomitant compression of the spinal cord and the formation of post-traumatic cysts. Therefore, the rats that received the modified injection were able to move normally by the second week, while the control group could not even walk properly by the sixth week.

In the near future, the team plans to complete pre-clinical trials and, summing up, will begin to prepare for the clinical stage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409677/