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Media: US will stop funding the ISS in 2025

According to The Verge , the administration of Donald Trump plans to stop financing the International Space Station by 2025. For American astronauts, this may mean that they will not be able to fly into space for many years - until such time as new devices for interplanetary flights have been developed and applied, and for NASA contractors - the loss of contracts.

The history of the International Space Station began in 1998 with the launch of the first module, the functional and cargo block Zarya. In December of the same year, the shuttle Endeavor docked the American Unity module to the Zarya module, and on December 10, American astronaut Robert Kabana and Russian cosmonaut Sergey Krikalyov came into the embrace. The station was supposed to work until 2020, but its service life was extended for 4 years until 2024. The subsequent fate of the station is currently unknown.

The cost of NASA for the maintenance of the International Space Station ranges from 3 to 4 billion dollars annually, in total since 1993, the US has spent 87 billion dollars on the construction and maintenance of the station. Experiments are being conducted on the ISS, which are ordered by both government agencies and commercial companies. Russia allocates up to $ 1.5 billion a year for the maintenance of the ISS and carries the main burden of transporting crews and cargo to orbit, and is also working to simplify the conditions for conducting experiments on the ISS to allow organizations that are not related to the space rocket to them. industry. At the station, they study the effect of microgravity and various radiations on the human body, grow plants and animals, study viruses, and conduct experiments in the field of physics and chemistry. The project involves 14 countries, and the station itself consists of 14 modules.

The Verge publication got acquainted with the draft of the budget, which is being prepared by the administration of US President Donald Trump for publication on February 12. It marks the termination of funding for the International Space Station program. Termination of funding for the station will affect the partners and contractors of NASA, as well as American astronauts, who at first will have nowhere to fly.

NASA partners would like to continue financing the project until 2028 - then the station’s operational life expires. This will make it possible for NASA to gain time in order to completely translate operational activities on a commercial basis - in 2017, Donald Trump signed a corresponding act on the withdrawal of the ISS from financing NASA. Or some commercial enterprise will be able to launch its station into Earth orbit in the coming years.

The rejection of the ISS will affect many players in the rocket and space industry. SpaceX and Boeing expressed their dissatisfaction - the company Ilona Mask fulfills orders for cargo delivery to the station, and Boeing performs the function of the main contractor , coordinates the work of the national expert team consisting of representatives of the aerospace industry of the USA and produces the main elements of the station assigned to the American side.

Congressmen believe that NASA needs to concentrate on deep space. The agency for the study of near-moon space within the framework of the Deep Space Gateway program, which should be an important step on the way to Mars, is developing the Space Launch System launch vehicle and the Orion spacecraft, in which astronauts will go beyond the limits of the near-earth orbit. Taking into account the instructions of Trump about the return of Americans to the moon, NASA will have to spend a lot of forces and budget funds to develop vehicles, on unmanned and manned launches, on robotic missions. The project will be carried out jointly with Roskosmos - the Russian side will be engaged in the construction of the orbital part of the complex. According to congressmen, the budget will not pull spending in several directions at the same time. They deny the ISS the only way to obtain resources for these projects.

Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko commented on the decision of the American side to stop funding: “Of course, you can continue to use the ISS. But we need to go further, we need some new solutions, how much you can hang out in orbit, this path is already exhausting itself. We need to master the moon, if the government decides, then the goal is quite affordable. We need to think about Mars. There are a lot of declarations, but so far, in fact, nothing is being done. ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409691/