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Blue Origin is negotiating the construction of a launch pad for its extra-heavy New Armstrong PH

The link is quite an extensive and interesting article on how things are going on launch sites in Florida, their brief history, etc., as well as a couple of interesting news. But, actually, the most interesting moment is this one:
“Blue Origin is currently a large launch facility for their new Armstrong rocket north of 39B, where the original Pad 39C would have been located. This site is currently underway. ”

Roughly speaking, Blue Origin seems to have begun to accelerate and plans to build a launch complex for its super-heavy reusable rocket New Armstrong, and yes, this is not about New Glenn, which is planned to be launched for the first time in the coming years, but about a rocket comparable in size to Saturn –5 or SLS (judging even from the name: Shepard - suborbital flights, Glenn - orbital flights, Armstrong - for flights to the Moon and beyond). And all this despite the fact that even the appearance of this rocket is still unknown. This launch pad will be located north of LC – 39B in the area of ​​the landing pad for the first stage of the Falcon 9 (brown circle on the KDPV) and, if built, will be called LC – 49.

Well, and a separate interest is the mysterious Horizontal Launch Area, about which so far nothing is known.

These are the pies. Bezos - great!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409713/