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Tesla is gradually increasing its Model 3 production.

On July 8, 2017, the head of Tesla Inc., Ilon Musk, showed the first photo of the Tesla Model 3 production car. This is a rear-wheel drive and five-seater electric car with one engine. The distance is quite solid and is 350 kilometers. Then, on July 8, the company announced that production will gradually increase in volume, with the passage of time electric vehicles will be produced more and more.

The company sent the first electric cars to North America. Next in line are the customers from Europe, and then the turn will come from Asia and the Pacific countries. Unfortunately, the company could not increase the volume of production to the required level. So, in July last year, only 30 Tesla Model 3 cars were sent. Then they promised to speed up production, but still not everything went smoothly.

The fact is that Tesla Model 3 has hundreds of thousands of pre-orders, and if the company plans to satisfy the needs of its customers, it should hurry. Hundreds of thousands are not 200 thousand, but much more. Only in the first week of March 2016, the company accepted 325,000 pre-orders, then another 50,000. And although some customers abandoned their electric vehicles, the number of “refusers” is rather low.

Recently it was reported that despite the company's attempts to automate most production lines, some operations on assembling batteries have to be done manually. That is how things are at Tesla Gigafababrika in Nevada, USA. Human resources even had to borrow from your partner - Panasonic Corporation.

Manual assembly led to the fact that the percentage of marriage increased slightly - yet the human factor plays a large role in accurate production processes, and this role is not always positive. Recently, the company Tesla, however, said it was beginning to accelerate.

“The company did launch production automation, and the battery production line now works at the same speed, or even faster, than manual collection. Workers went to perform previous duties at the Panasonic factory. Now Tesla has achieved almost complete automation of production at its “Gigafabrika“.

In other words, it seems that Tesla has already emerged from the “bottleneck” and yet was able to start what it had promised earlier - to achieve an exponential growth in production.

True, one of the engineers of the factory, who wished to remain anonymous, said that there is no duplication of production lines. If something fails, then everything stops. However, automatic production with occasional stops is still more efficient than manual assembly.

Well, Tesla's delays do not happen for the first time. So, in 2009, the company announced its intention to begin shipping its Model S in 2011. However, shipment had to be postponed until mid-2012. At the same time, the company promised to produce 5 thousand electric vehicles, but was able to ship only 3,100 in a year. As for the Model 3, in the fourth quarter only 1800 were shipped.

As far as one can understand, the company is still gradually achieving its goals. And if so - everything is fine, customers will be satisfied, and the flow of funds will allow the company to keep afloat for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409719/