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CES 2018: What do smart home developers offer?

That year, in the middle of the Mojave Desert, thousands of people have gathered from all over the world. Some come to see, others come to show the most advanced (or not) gadgets. We also sent our delegation to CES 2018, the International Consumer Electronics Show. This is what our “scouts” found interesting on the stands dedicated to the smart home.

Smart entertainment

Keecker Robot Projector

The Keecker gadget looks like the fruit of the forbidden love of the robot vacuum cleaner and the R2D2 droid from Star Wars. Simply put - it is a projector on wheels, which obeys the voice commands of the host. He is able to project an image with a diagonal of 2 meters on the floor or ceiling, plays music, shoots video on a 360-degree camera and goes independently to charge at the docking station. The luminous flux of the projector is 1000 lumens, the contrast is 6000: 1.

The robot collected $ 260,000 for Kickstarter back in 2014, but the first deliveries to the backers began only in September 2017. Now the robot has finally gone on sale, but the price of pleasure is rather big, about $ 2150.

"TV" Divoom Tivoo

The creators of the "pixel" speakers Divoom turned to retro. Remember your old lamp tv? Now you can wear the same in your pocket. The gadget is called Tivoo, it has handles and a built-in speaker pointing up. Thus, Divoom engineers achieved an improvement in the sound perception of the speaker (the speaker had previously been sent back from the screen, due to which it had to be placed against the wall). But it is obvious that the most important thing in Tivoo is the built-in Tetris and Arkanoid, which look just incredible on a small screen with high resolution.

Smart home interface

Netatmo Home Gadgets

The French company Netatmo is mainly known for its weather stations, which so far no one has managed to really copy. At CES 2018, a whole bunch of devices were set up: a smart lock, and two smart surveillance cameras, and a smart valve on the radiator, and a smart smoke detector, and a smart thermostat. All these devices and instruments are united by one feature: they give “voice” and “eyes” to different parts of the house. The valve regulates and shows the temperature of the radiator, the thermostat controls the temperature in the room and saves money on heating, the cameras recognize people and cars. And weather stations report on the weather outside the house and say with scientific accuracy when it is time to open the window. It sounds boring, but there’s no need to argue about the benefits: each Netatmo piece of hardware is very pragmatically aimed at doing something useful in your life and paying off.

Display and sensors LaMetric

In 2014, Smart Atoms, a startup from Lviv, successfully launched a stylish LaMetric Time smart watch with a pixel display (which we recently talked about ) on Kickstarter, but did not stop there. At the last CES exhibition, Ukrainian inventors showed a prototype of LaMetic Air - smart watches with built-in humidity, temperature and light sensors. This year, the watch came again to Las Vegas, already in the company of individual RoomPoint temperature and humidity sensors. With the latest, the “old” version of LaMetric will also be able to display air condition data.

Someone such functions are not particularly needed, but, say, a change of humidity often threatens the death of house plants, especially difficult to care for. In such a situation, it is absolutely timeless to receive notification of a problem. At other times, the clock shows really important things: the number of your followers on YouTube and Twitter, Bitcoin quotes, and Trump's latest funny tweet. The time on the display of the gadget is also displayed, but we love it not for that.

Futuristic Nanoleaf Backlight

The triangular luminous panels of the Nanoleaf Aurora won the hearts of geeks back in 2016, and since then have enjoyed great success at each CES. The third time the startup decided to do something new, and changed the shape of the panels to square. Now the shimmering rainbow panels are touch sensitive — yes, you can change their color by touching the surface. In addition, a whole thousand panels can be combined into one light installation. Imagine the wall of your room, covered with thousands of "pixels" that change color at the touch of a hand.

Moreover, the new Nanoleaf square panels work with the IFTTT mashup service, that is, such a giant “display” is easy to set up to display useful information. But generally it is beautiful. (By the way, you can buy triangular panels from us right now).

Choice of gourmet

Immersion thermostat Anova Nano

Su-view, or cooking in a vacuum at the moment determined is considered the most high-tech culinary method. Not least, the popularity of technology is due to the emergence of low-cost submersible thermostats, such as Anova devices. This company was one of the pioneers of sous-view, who supplied thousands of devices to the kitchens of grateful chefs. At CES 2018, Anova brought the budget thermostat Nano, which costs only $ 99 and is designed for one-time cooking of four servings. It works with smartphone, but all important settings can be set through a separate touch interface on the handle. The gadget failed to launch last year; We hope that this year Anova will succeed and we will bring Nano to Russia.

Coravin Smart Corkscrew

Each uncorked bottle of wine should be drunk completely as soon as possible, otherwise its contents will turn into a nasty pumpkin. So it was in the XX century, and in the second decade of the XXI century, the startup Coravin made a cunning gadget that protects the wine from the damaging effects of oxygen. The device pierces the cork with a needle, the wine rushes into the glass through a needle, and in its place an inert argon gas is injected into the bottle. When the needle is pulled out, the stopper naturally closes and closes the opening. As a result, the user has the chance to drink a glass in a civilized manner once a month for health, without the risk of spoiling the entire bottle. The Coravin Model Eleven version comes bundled with the app, which also tells you which music and movie are best combined with your Pinot Noir “Crimean cellar”. Seriously.

Aromatherapy of the XXI century

Home "combine" for essential oils and Oblend vape

The Oblend gadget looks like a stylish coffee machine, but instead of an espresso, it makes vape liquid, hand lotions, and mixes essential oils in perfect proportion. Like many similar devices, Oblend works with ready-made cartridges, which are loaded into the upper part of the machine. Each cartridge looks like a small cartridge case, and the contents of some of them will easily provide a fine of 4–5 thousand rubles and 15 days of arrest in Russia.

Jokes, but Matt Wilson, the CEO and founder of the Oblend startup, decided to make such a “combine” after his dog was diagnosed with a brain tumor. To alleviate the pet's sufferings, the owner began to give him marijuana extract. Sometimes the dose was perfect, and sometimes it was insufficient and did not prevent seizures. That is why the Oblend is highly accurate, but it costs a lot - $ 949 for one device.

Smart aroma diffuser Moodo

Moodo gadget is an average crowdfunding success by the standards of Indiegogo. Its creators made a beautiful video, collected a lot of likes on social networks and only $ 200,000 in orders. However, the product was delivered to the backers, and its application was even updated for compatibility with Alex. In fact, Moodo is an electronic air freshener with replaceable cartridges. The device mixes and sprays their contents depending on the application settings that have been set, and synchronizes with the smart home, including via IFTTT.

Issue price - $ 189-209. A pleasantly smelling house is priceless.

Nota Nota Perfume Mixing Machine

A bright future has already arrived, and there is no need for him to dive into the odorous hell of the perfume department to buy himself new toilet water. Nota Nota is an invention straight from Saudi Arabia that mixes your chosen diluted essential oils. Drop by drop, and it turns out a unique flavor. The recipe is laid out in the app of the device, where hundreds of other users will be able to download it and repeat it in their typewriter, and then leave a kind, enthusiastic comment.

Nota Nota works with replaceable cartridges of 15 milliliters each. So far, the gadget exists in the form of a prototype with a plastic case, which looks live a little worse than in retouched photos. Probably, the aesthetic flaws will be fixed in the final version, but for now the developers accept pre-orders for the “capsule perfume machine”. The device itself and a subscription (just a month) for cartridges will cost $ 850.

Such cute robots

Robo pet Winky

By tradition, a lot of robots have arrived in Las Vegas. Honda, LG and other companies presented concepts of varying degrees of readiness and realism, but the crafts of little-known startups were much more interesting. For example, take the charming pet robot Winky of the French company Mainbot. He recalls the stylized images of cats from Japanese cartoons (the same kitten Chii). This is not a random association, almost all robots at the exhibition in 2018 are overly cute. Winky and behaves nicely, reacting to strokes on the head and depicts different emotions with "eyes" -display. Nevertheless, the robot has a serious goal: it must instill in children ages 7–10 years old a love for robotics and engineering. Winky is disassembled into modules that are attached to each other by magnets, and is programmed through the application. The developers are going to release the first model of the robot in 2018.

Smart toy for cat Mousr

If robots are able to entertain children, then probably pets will do? The founders of the Petronics startup have learned from their own experience how difficult it is to implement such an idea. In 2014, a trio of engineers from the University of Illinois successfully conducted a campaign on Kickstarter to finance Mousr, the world's first smart cat toy. Mousr is not an old winding mouse, but a full-fledged robot with sensors that allow it to see the world 360 degrees around itself. The gadget simulates the behavior of the prey and tries to escape from the pursuer, due to which the cat does not lose interest in the game.

American inventors successfully tested the robot on their own cats and for the last three years they have been finalizing the final version. The mice, which were shown at CES, are characterized by increased briskness. To catch such a difficult hand!

The smart robots have just entered production and may soon go to the backers. It remains only to wonder whether happy cats will prefer cardboard boxes to newfangled gadgets.

Sleep futurist

Smart Sleepace Lamps

The Chinese are constantly accused of copying other people's products, but they do not invent anything of their own (of course, accusers routinely forget about the existence of the same DJI.) A relatively new startup from the Middle Kingdom, Sleepace, does not hide the fact of copying: at one time he tried to repeat the tracker Sleep for beddit bed. Now the company has developed its own gadget to improve the quality of sleep, in particular - the Nox Aroma aroma lamp and the Nox Music light alarm . The first works with interchangeable aromatic cartridges and does not glow as bright as a night light. The second gadget also replaces the night light and loses relaxing sounds in the evening, and in the morning imitates the dawn, in order to wake the user carefully.

Both lamps work with the proprietary Sleepace application, which tracks the duration and quality of sleep. They are also compatible with RestOn and SleepDot sleep sensors. In the future, all these devices should integrate into the DreamLife sleep monitoring system, which would automatically adjust the bedroom (temperature, humidity, light) to improve sleep quality, turn off the forgotten iron and TV, and automatically prepare coffee in a smart coffee maker before getting up. The whole “smart bedroom” was shown at an exhibition in Las Vegas, but it is not yet ready for prime time.

Thermostat for bed Chili Pad

Many people face the problem of finding a personal comfort zone every day when they go to bed and turn in too hot or icy bed. It's worse when two people try to sleep on the same bed and can't agree on whether it's hot or cold. Fortunately, the startup ChiliTechnolgy found a solution to such an important problem in the form of a ChiliPad mattress cover. In it is hidden a whole network of canals, into which water from a separate water pump supplies the desired temperature. In the case of large versions of a mattress cover, there are two pumps, for separate control of the two sides of the bed: one can be hot and the other cold. If necessary, the level of heating changes in minutes. The temperature range of the ChiliPad is from 12 to 43. The biggest problem is the price of a mattress pad (from $ 449 or more), but its inventor Todd Youngblood is sure that the investment is worth it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409803/