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Granite BZ-300-L - the elimination of flashing LED lamps

Many LED lamps cannot work correctly with switches that have an indicator - they flash or dim when the switch is turned off.

The Belarusian company Nootechika produces the Granit block BZ-300-L , which solves this problem and allows any lamps to work correctly with such switches.

The unit is installed in the chandelier parallel to the lamps. After its installation, any LED lamps do not flash and do not light when the switch with the indicator is turned off.

Granite B3-300-L costs about 200 rubles and is sold here in this box.

I checked the operation of the unit with two lamps and a switch with a neon indicator. Without a granite block, one of the lamps flashed, and the other burned weakly when the switch was turned off. After connecting the unit, the problem disappears - when the switch is turned off, the lamps are off.

When the switch is off, the power meter shows a consumption of 0.33 W, but this is a reactive load. A housing meter will most likely not consider it, and even if it considers it, the consumption of a Granite block will be only 2.8 kWh per year.

There are three parts on the board: a 0.22 μF capacitor, a 280 V varistor, and a 1M resistor.

The block diagram of granite BZ-300-L (I drew it in the online editor SchemeIt ).

In addition to eliminating parasitic flashing and luminescence, the unit protects the lamps from power surges and reduces electrical interference from the lamps.

I took the work of the block on video:

I note that many LED lamps can work correctly with a switch that has an indicator, and without this unit. In the test results on lamptest.ru in the VI column, I indicate how the lamps work with switches with an indicator. If the lamp in this graph is +, it works correctly with such a switch, if it is ±, the lamp glows weakly when the switch is off, if it is, the lamp flashes periodically.

© 2018, Alexey Nadyozhin

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409809/