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Wozniak criticized Mask for high-pay; said he believes in nothing

Steve Wozniak with his wife Janet and car Tesla Model S, 2016

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak set aside an unflattering review about the famous entrepreneur and innovator Ilona Mask. He had previously expressed in the sense that " there are too many hyip around the company ." Now, at the Nordic Business Forum in Stockholm, during the question and answer section, we talked about Tesla plans and promises: “I used to believe in these things,” Wozniak said. “Now I don’t believe anything that Ilon Musk or Tesla says.”

Steve Wozniak blames Tesla for reassessing the autopilot’s capabilities and using “cheap” methods to disclaim responsibility for mistakes.

Steve Wozniak owns two Tesla Model S cars. He often drove them and shared his impressions.

“One day late at night, our first Tesla near Lake Tahoe slipped on the ice and we crashed into a snowdrift,” he recalls one of the funny stories. “There was no damage, but it became clear that we needed the all-wheel drive Tesla.” Later, Steve and his wife allocated money from the family budget for the upgrade.

Wozniak's most interesting stories are about Tesla's so-called autopilot. He recalls how Ilon Musk, in October 2016, performed with his tweet, where he promised that the car would “be able to drive itself without any human participation through the city’s streets and highways - and find a place to park”. Sounded very promising.

Until the end of 2017, Ilon Musk promised to hold a demonstration of how their autopilot would independently travel across the country from Los Angeles to New York, without any driver participation.

"Oh damn, I had to get this," says Woz. “And then ... they got rid of their sensor company and put new sensors on the car: instead of one camera, eight cameras.” Here we are talking about breaking relations with Mobileye, an Israeli company that develops computer vision systems. It should be noted that Intel (Intel) announced the purchase of Mobileye for $ 15.3 billion in March 2017.

So, what about a trip across America on a Tesla autopilot? Well, in August 2017, Ilon Mask postponed the dates for this experiment to “the beginning of 2018”. Then, in December 2017, Musk said that the experiment was again slightly transferred: by about two years .

Steve Wozniak says that at this moment and lost all confidence in the promises of Ilona Mask and Tesla. He even compared Mask with Steve Jobs in the sense that he is not an engineer at all and does not possess technical knowledge, but simply “a good salesman.”

“Tesla inspired people that their cars drive completely independently, and this is so far from the truth that they are simply deceiving us, he said for several months at the Money 20/20 conference.

Now he continued the story of autopilot: “When Tesla is driving on the highway in any environment, it is a bit unusual - such a bump in the middle of the lane - and you need to move away. A stupid person or an intelligent person can easily do this, but Tesla cannot. ” He adds that such an autopilot requires the driver to constantly monitor the road and the need for quick response. At the same time, Tesla disclaims responsibility: “Whatever Tesla says is beta, we are not responsible. This is a pretty cheap way. Everything I read says that all the other automakers in the world - Audi and BMW - are actually ahead of Tesla in the development of autopilot technology. ”

Previously, Wozniak also mentioned companies that are ahead of Tesla, but do not attract so much HYIP: Volvo and Audi. Now he also mentioned another electric car Chevy Bolt from GM. He said that now he uses it for daily trips, and the Model S removes from the garage only for long-distance trips, during which you can use Tesla's branded network of petrol stations.

He also remembered that he was the first in the list of pre-orders for the first Tesla electric car and signed up there in 2004, but in the end did not wait and instead bought a Mercedes. “When I became the first in the list of pre-orders,” Wozniak recalled, “I received an e-mail from Ilona Mask, which said:“ You are not a real geek from Silicon Valley ”.”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409839/