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ADHD Eternal procrastinators, liars and sluts

Warning: this article was written not by a qualified psychiatrist, but by a patient with a severe loss of body, who with ghostly chances of success is trying to overcome his illness.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

We are 5-10% (depending on the region). In most of us, after the leveling out of the hormonal background in the post-pubertal period, pathology becomes less pronounced. In this case, we are distinguished by negligence, procrastination, noise, disorder and non-punctuality. We are disgusting workers, if the case we have chosen requires a systematic approach and prolonged concentration. In fact, to be honest, almost any business requires a systematic approach and concentration. Even marketing and sales in the 21st century are dozens of techniques and hundreds of Talmuds. Well, programming, engineering is not for us at all. Sales and communications are those areas where we usually settle. We are quick and talkative, besides, often very empathetic, so we seem to ourselves to be supermen managers compared to the rest of the lumps. But the thing is that a lot of incompetent idiots are employed in this area. In Russia, the indiscriminate unprofessionalism and the wildest incompetence of the gray mass of workers in this sphere save us

Oh yeah, we are also convinced that we are not a gray mass. Our brain has a built-in mechanism that blocks the perception of the fierce chaos that accompanies us in any business. And the more pronounced the pathology, the more brutal those cognitive distortions that accompany our thinking. By the way, at the first meeting we often know how to make an impression. But for any lead it will be a very useful skill to learn to recognize people like me. You won't have to wait for midnight for the carriage to turn into a pumpkin. Until midnight, we have time to screw up three times.

We always seem like oh ... s Supermans. I am 33 years old, I have a severe pathology, and in my case it has not become easier. My world is a mess and a solid procrastination. In my home office is not just a mess. I am sure that new life forms are intensively being formed here. I am not able to organize order on my desktop, but I live with the feeling that I am the Messiah, the only one who knows how to organize the life of all mankind. In the most direct sense. It does not help even the realization of the fact that such patients have an incredibly high self-esteem, and on average we are more stupid than people without ADHD, due to the fact that our brain has never solved complex volumetric problems that require prolonged concentration. Namely, the solution of such problems develops the intellect of an adult. The entire Internet in Russian and English is littered with articles about ADHD, written by grown-up ADHD patients, where 100,500 virtues of thinking of an ADHD patient are given. And in general the Internet is pretty littered with us. Leaving a thousand comments without reading the article itself is our typical case.

To be honest, I haven’t been commenting on anything for a long time and do not broadcast. Because most of the comments are some kind of game of endlessly stupid people. I have learned to add to my own stupidity. At first, I grabbed my hand and stopped me with a question: “What is my competence in this matter? Is my opinion the most competent among all the readers? ”. The answer to this question ALWAYS removed the need to comment on something.

Most of my comrades are hyperactive too. It is easier for us to understand each other and share with each other the plans of our space enterprises and achievements. All these accomplishments are distinguished by one feature - they are always in the near future. Never in the past or present. We are not bad liars, because time is all the time since early childhood. But over time, the people around us notice this lie and stop believing us. But to ourselves we manage to lie throughout our life.

Any bad habit we turn into a heavy addiction. Cigarettes, weed, sweet, burgers and porn. Especially porn. But to anyone, we will argue that we have no dependency, and we can quit smoking, stick to porn, and sugar even right now, to argue. And we can really for the next five minutes.

Science does not know the exact cause of ADHD. This is probably due to the regulation of dopamine, metabolism, and some other factors. Strictly speaking, several types of ADHD can be distinguished, and in exceptional cases, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity may not be accompanied by attention deficit. I got my illness by inheritance. My mother is incredibly impulsive. But her impulsiveness is expressed in the fact that, having received a task or having set a goal, she immediately and without delaying a minute, proceeds to its execution, without stopping, until the task is completed. Rare case. I'm not so lucky. I have a classic type of disorder.

Atypical case of hyperactivity can be observed in Ilona Mask. Complete and sincere inadequacy in assessing the size of the task and the timing of its execution is a typical case. Breaking deadlines is ours too. But Mask is atypical in that, in its classic form, hyperactivity is about how the patient begins, but does NOT complete ten cases at once. And Mask is able to press on all the business started. In general, a normal person has a stress hormone, if his brain fixes an unfinished business. And I can wash the mountain dishes, but when there are only knives and forks, throw them unwashed, because it is enough. A normal person, being in a minute from completion, will even help them out of their last strength, because dopamine reinforcement is so close, and the release of cortisol due to the dirty forks left in the sink will not let you relax. It's not a problem for me.

In addition, Mask’s atypicalness is that he seems to be a psychopath and has reduced or absent empathy. Because in general, we often have a very strong empathy. In my case, this is super empathy. I sympathize and empathize even with a psychopath, although most people are not able to understand his inner world at all. And having come into contact with it, they perceive it as a monster, in which there is nothing human.

We can also detect the state of hyperfocus. This is an amazing phase for the hyperactive, during which we achieve a fantastic concentration that is practically inaccessible to normal people. Many hyperactives never find one occupation that is capable of causing a state of hyper-focus. And this could be their safe haven. A vocation in which slobs and eternal amateurs could become real pros. I know this line of business for myself. And in my pathology, the state of hyperfocus is not comparable even with the impact [Roskomnadzor]. I'm a pyromaniac. The fire completely subdues my mind. No, I could not be a pyrotechnist engineer. In this profession, up to the phase of the fire, you need to make a thousand calculations and do not mess up anything. It's not about me. But if I start a torch or electric arc, I can only wake up after 14 hours, realizing that my mouth is the Sahara, I did not eat anything, and my back and wrist ache so that I don’t budge and need to call for help, because I can't slide off the bench. But my ambitions extend far beyond the horizon of the steelworker or welder profession. But I would be the most skilled and happiest welder in the world, if not for the poisonous desire to be a messiah.

My attempts to find a good psychiatrist in Russia were unsuccessful. Competent did not take up my case, preferring to work only with children. The second ones were carrying a blizzard about the fact that there is no such disease, and you just need to be more attentive, concentrate, stop smoking ... ADHD was invented by American killer doctors in order to hook healthy people on drugs ... hair is on end, and this is not the only opinion. Unfortunately, only psychiatrists who suffered from ADHD, who could not help themselves, were called to treat me. They scratched every nonsense about the merits of hyperactivity, citing as an example. I received the initial consultation, though also so-so, only in Israel. And damn, it's not cheap.

By the way, my advice to parents who suspect ADHD in a child is to find a way to emigrate. Any methods without drugs, strictly prohibited in Russia, will not give even 5% effectiveness. For all these things, “limit sugar”, practice according to method X, and apply the method Y, you will pay a high price in old age, when you observe how total chaos your child has turned its life.

We are perceived as hopeless slobs. But as drunkenness and licentiousness is different from alcoholism, so ADHD is different from sloppiness. (Ie almost nothing). However, the fact is that my closets were crammed with books about how to stop procrastinating and start working effectively, books about how to think slowly, decide quickly, and learn how to concentrate. But I lacked concentration even to finish reading them, not to mention the formation of new habits.

This article made me write two factors. The first is my friend. He is a techie, computer security specialist, clever and owner of outstanding intelligence. His eldest daughter suffers from severe ADHD. The doctor told him that later it would pass, but for now he advised me to give sedatives. From his advice, anger and unrestrained rage sweeps over me. Being impulsive, I would have stunned this doctor with a vaza if I had been present. To give such a child a sedative is to ruin his life and bury his intellect. Such children in normal countries are prescribed drugs based on [Roskomnadzor] or [Roskomnadzor]. Here, half-witted gurus psychiatrists talk about killer doctors and harm [Roskomnadzor], offering some kind of shamanism and homeopathy. Others simply, without batting, advise soothing.

People often ask me why I do not bring children. And having heard the answer that I am not ready, and I still do not consider myself competent in this difficult matter, they say that you’ll never be ready. Our ancestors, grandparents, as well as parents gave birth in more severe conditions, nothing. Coped.

One of the manifestations of the Dunning-Kruger effect is not that an ignoramus does not realize the full extent of the problem, but that he does not realize the very existence of the problem. Because our ancestors did not get it. From generation to generation, for centuries and millennia, they could not cope with the production of stupid fools, villains and freaks. And with this crowd of cripples, fools, and scoundrels, we walked through the darkness of our history, illuminating our way by the burning madness in our eyes, making the route irresponsible.

5% like me. Another 5% are psychopaths. Up to 2% of people with BAR,> 2% of people with borderline disorder ... The statistics are merciless, and the list of mental disorders in ICD-10 is very long. Most of these disorders are found from early childhood. And it depends on the qualifications of the parents whether the affliction will be a compensated feature, or, over time, turn into a continuing nightmare. The chance that your child will not have anything from this list is not so great. It’s not enough to want a child, swing him in your arms and take him to the pioneers' house. You need to be ready to love and give all of yourself, all your time to a psychopath who will never experience any love for you without gratitude. Or to teach to live a fidget, which is not something that I can really learn, even the order in the room cannot be maintained.

There is a second reason that I write this article and start publishing mini-reports on my blog page. I suggested to our small team of fans of VR movies to cut down a commercial video presentation production studio with virtual reality glasses. Such a studio could easily earn money for those small NF films according to my scenarios that we all want to realize. For grants and budgets allocate to all sorts of rubbish about how robots are humanized, instead of sawing beautiful fantasies about how artificial intelligence instead of killing people could help to become better weak, stupid, psychos, autists and people like me. The guys wrote an application for remote content management, and the creative team is ready to take on the implementation of projects. But my challenge is to become the company's CEO.

My knees are leaden with fear. I started a million cases in my life and each failed. Bookkeeping, sales, organization - something I better not touch. ADHD-Schnick fill up any of these cases. And all at once with a guarantee! But I have scientific knowledge and desire to become a messiah. My plan: start making this world better by starting from your desktop. And it is important for me to publicly report on each stage. We, ADHD-shniki, can not tolerate external control. But at the first stage it is simply necessary. Moreover, when you know that your brain is full of crooked mirrors, it would be good to rely on someone who sees the path without hallucinations and distortions. As for the guys, they all float perfectly, and they just seem to watch me learn to walk on water. Cruel grandfather's way to teach a child to swim. And my feelings suggest that the way is stupid and ineffective. But I'm already in the water. And I can only go to the bottom under their fervent jokes or push off and go on the water.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409887/