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Researchers from Korea have developed contact lenses - blood glucose meter

Smart contact lenses with integrated sensors are no longer a novelty. Recently it became known that Korean researchers have developed flexible contact lenses that can determine the level of glucose in the blood, while improving the vision of its carrier. Contact lenses of this type are very useful for diabetics, who usually have to undergo a process of selection and analysis of their blood.

Inside the lenses are electronic components that allow the device to receive energy without wires, to determine the level of glucose in the blood and show the result. In this case we are talking about the demonstration of measured indicators without data transmission, the image is transmitted directly to the human eye.

“This brings us closer to what the patient himself would like,” says Gregory Herman, project manager. He invented transparent sensors for the contact lenses in question. However, he did not participate in the preparation of the report.

As is known, many patients suffering from type 1 diabetes (in fact, the vast majority of patients with this disease) should measure the level of glucose in the blood. For this it is necessary to take blood from a finger, which is not such a painful, but very unpleasant procedure. But contact lenses, equipped with the necessary sensors allow measurements without any blood samples.

As for the idea itself, it cannot be called new. For example, earlier the company Verily, a division of the holding Alphabet, patented its own invention of this type. But her device was not very successful, because the contact lenses of this type should contain fairly large electronic components that are embedded in the lenses. Developers of new contact lenses are familiar with this invention. In particular, he was examined by the head of the new project, Qiang-Yun Park, a professor from the National Institute of Science and Technology Ulsan.

The lenses from Alphabet are not very convenient for the carrier, since they partially cover the angle of view. But the new lenses fully preserve the field of view of a person, with this there are no problems.

All electronic components, including the microcircuit, antennas, LEDs (they show the measurement result), the sensors are distributed throughout the lens. Components are connected by flexible conductors that do not interfere with anything. Due to the special design of the lenses, the electronics are not subjected to heavy loads and remain operational in any situation.

When the patient’s blood glucose level is at a normal level, the LEDs remain on. If the level of glucose is different from normal, they turn off, and the person immediately realizes that something is wrong, taking the necessary medications. Unfortunately, the quantitative parameters are not displayed, but in the future the developers plan to fix this problem. True, thanks to the LEDs, the patient must now understand that the time has come for the injection of insulin.

Another disadvantage of contact lenses - the source of energy must be at a distance of about a centimeter from them. This, of course, is very uncomfortable. However, over time, developers will improve this result by increasing the distance between the energy transmitter and the lenses. The positive side is that the antenna is flexible and does not affect the field of view of a person.

Scientists have developed an antenna for energy in the course of their previous project. Then they created a film of graphene and silver nanowires, which served as transparent, flexible electrodes. About this project, the developers reported in April 2017. Now the development was useful for another project - flexible contact lenses with a built-in meter.

As for contact lenses, they are made smart not for the first time. For example, the creation of lenses with an integrated glucometer was reported in 2016 by another group of scientists from South Korea. And specialists from Switzerland stated that they were able to create and launch lenses that diagnose glaucoma. With regard to diabetes, the lenses, which were discussed above, will be sold no earlier than five years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409889/