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Windows 10 for the first time overtook Windows 7

Despite the ways that Microsoft uses to promote the Windows 10 operating system on the market, its share for two and a half years after the release could not overtake the very successful Windows 7. Finally, Tens did it, but not all trackers agree with this.


Statcounter on February 1 published a study, according to which Windows 10 occupied 42.78% of the world market of Internet users, which is slightly higher than the share of Windows 7 in 41.86%. At the same time, according to NetMarketShare, Windows 10 remains behind the “Seven”: 34.29% against 42.39%.

The release of Windows 10 took place in the summer of 2015. Microsoft introduced Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users the opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10, but they could opt out. In February 2016, Microsoft began distributing Windows as a recommended update to increase the share of the operating system on personal computers.

Later, Microsoft decided to take tougher measures. Users were offered to "upgrade now" or "upgrade in the evening . " From the malware with a similar tactic, Microsoft's new OS was distinguished only by the presence of a red cross with the ability to close the dialog box. Then the corporation revised the tactics, and clicking on this cross started the installation process . If the user was not at the computer and could not change the installation time, it began automatically.

This led to unpleasant situations for users. Broadcasting professional gamer Eric Flum to Twitch for thousands of people was interrupted by the installation of a new operating system, the update window could appear on the big screen behind the leading weather forecasts .

A year after the launch of the operating system, in July 2016, the possibility of a free update expired . But this also turned out to be another marketing move needed to increase the share of the operating system in the market segment, and so owned by Microsoft: users with a Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 key could enter it to install a new OS .

Windows 7 took two years to exceed the share of Windows XP, which was the leader in the market of operating systems for ten years. At the same time, XP, 17 years after its release, remains on the market: for example, it works in ATMs, terminals, and other equipment in the financial sector and medicine. Despite the aggressive policy of Microsoft to promote the "Dozens", the system took 25% more time to become a leader.

The StatCounter tracker, which prescribes the victory of a new OS, is installed on two million sites around the world and analyzes each site visit, determining the browser, operating system, and screen resolution of the user. At the same time, NetMarketShare data is different : according to the estimates of this tracker, Windows 7 with 42.39% of the OS market, Microsoft wins against Windows 10 with 34.29%.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409913/