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The story "Life is high"

Vasya Pupkin was a very inquisitive future IT specialist and enthusiastically swallowed up any news about modern gadgets, which were displayed in an endless chain of posts in his feed. And when the announced new products reached the stores a few months later, he ran headlong there and tried them on himself, dreaming of how beautiful his life would be if only he had all these magical devices.

He especially remembered the day when the first augmented reality glasses appeared in the showroom of the coolest digital equipment store in the city. Perhaps at that moment his mind flooded the sea of ​​delight from the thought that Sergey Brin himself was wearing the exact same glasses. Delight and excitement pleasantly tickled his imagination and she was carried away into the distant wild green distance, while dopamine and endorphin slowly spread among the cells of his brain.

Inspired by Vasya Pupkin, he devoted many hours of his life to realizing his dreams. He was a smart boy and he understood the conventions of society perfectly well, and therefore he was first concerned with the level of his well-being. And he did it quite well - his dream helped him to learn new things faster and translate his knowledge into skills and skills into money. As it should have happened, regularly repeated activities from a means to an end over the years became a habit and acquired an independent meaning and value. But this value and its corresponding successful social activities have shifted the neurochemical balance of neurotransmitters in his brain. So once the delight that prevailed in his life was replaced by the calmness and satisfaction of serotonin and the lulling melody of oxytocin.

After decades of quiet life, he began to yearn, although he could not remember what he was sad for. Yes, and for the measured rhythm of life, he didn’t really notice that he was saddening, although he could not help noticing the increasingly frequent appearance of notes of depression in the usual routine of his life. Perhaps due to the fact that his general background mood had become gray and dull, he was able to notice a small bright flash of dopamine against a rather dark background of his life.

This flash occurred at a time when, during the cleaning of the cabinet with different household belongings, he had a hand in the box with almost archaic small-soft HoloLens of the third version. He was surprised to get a box that had not yet been printed from the far corner of the shelf, where New Year's accessories usually lay - perhaps the spouse had once accidentally put someone's gift there, confusing it with a box projecting a holographic Christmas tree garland.

Clever Vasya Pupkin concentrated on long-forgotten feelings and strengthened them, thanks to the skills he received at one of the corporate psychological trainings, which dealt with emotional burnout, unconscious self-sabotaging work and procrastination. At that time, he thought it was a waste of time, but he quickly formed the appropriate skills thanks to the ability to learn quickly and efficiently. And now he was not a wealthy and boring young man who slowly exchanged his third decade. Now he was awakened by an enthusiastic seven-year-old boy who had been sleeping anxiously all this time.

And when he woke up, this boy was very indignant and even angry (if not more) to his wealthy uncle over thirty years old, who did not wake him up and gave many years of life to pass unnoticed by him. However, Vasya Pupkin was no longer a smart young man, and thanks to a long-term (and, as usual, seemingly useless) course of psychotherapy, he had well-integrated ego-structures, and this awakening did not lead to the formation of an insoluble internal conflict. Vasya Pupkin has rationally reflexed everything, established successful internal communication, coordinated and synchronized his mental processes. Apparently, it was not for nothing that he showed himself to be very successful as a senior manager of one of the last complex projects, where it was necessary to coordinate the work of the internal department of the corporation with a dozen freelancers in working on a complex and ambiguous task.

It was impossible to conceal this awl in the bag, and Vasya Pupkin bravely set off on a journey across the sea of ​​unlimited possibilities on the ship of the newly-made startup. Killing-fitch of his project was his current internal sense of self - the forgotten delight, excitement and enthusiasm, which he now wanted to give to everyone. Well, not quite a gift, but rather a sell, but this is minor. Recalling his work with a psychologist during psychotherapy, he, in his own way, reconstructed all of his internal mental processes and tried to coordinate them with how he saw his interaction with the outside world. Of course, he attracted to his team and a psychologist, because his product, which he developed, was a software for modern augmented reality devices, the main purpose of which was to help the user live with the buzz. Not with the high, which gave a variety of opiates, effectively spreading through the underground network of drug dealers, but a natural, endogenous high from their own endogenous opiates. And all that was required for this, according to Vasi Pupkin, is to slightly adjust the perceived reality by the user.

The capabilities of the wearable devices of that time made it possible to effectively monitor very many physiological parameters of the organism and, on the basis of these indicators, reliably reconstruct internal processes, including neurochemical processes. However, the systemic understanding of psychic phenomena of interaction with reality and the distortion of this interaction, mankind has only risen. Nevertheless, Vasya Pupkin managed to develop software that was unnoticeable for the user of his software, introduced into his perception those elements that were not there, and removed from the perception what was “superfluous” in the opinion of this very software.

The first enthusiasm of users of similar programs quickly fell silent, as did similar enthusiasm for the first devices of augmented reality. But a small army of such Vasya Pupkin continued to improve the algorithms that change a person's perception in order to achieve a more pleasant or even high state. They did not yet know that the human psyche already has similar mechanisms for distorting reality, and, not fully understanding their presence and their work, tried to improve them by creating some external “crutch” for these mechanisms. This could be compared as if a man digging the ground had created for himself a device that performs the same function. And man created such a device. First, a digging stick, then a shovel, then an excavator, then a boring machine Ilona Mask. And if the programs of the pioneers of this industry (like our Vasi Pupkin) can be compared to the “digging stick”, now we have already moved forward a long time ago and have gone Ilon Mask, who is digging machines much further.

“At this point, I finish the introductory lecture on the history of the development of advanced reality software. We will meet next week and begin to study a schematic representation of the work of the perception of the human brain on a graph model whose connections between the vertices do not overlap only in three-dimensional space. See you at the next lecture, ”the professor finished, looked at the audience with a clear blue gaze, smiled a snow-white smile to two pretty female students, who were whispering to each other during the lecture and caressed his imagination with their playful and languid looks. With energetic stride, he retired from the audience and hurried to his spectacular car, anticipating an exquisite dinner in the luxurious interior of his house. Cleverly dissecting the noisy and lively crowd of hunters to the knowledge of young people, he made his way to the exit from the building of the most prestigious university. Passing by the mirror in the lobby, he glanced at the reflection of a fit and very attractive middle-aged man: “Oh yes, I like you, man, keep it up, because you deserve it!”, He said to himself, admiring his reflection , and lightly awake step followed to his personal parking.

In the old, long-abandoned and dilapidated building of the institute, a wheelchair was traveling, carrying in its womb the barely warming remains of a half-alive old man. The fragments of the dimmed mirror crunched under the wheels, and the old man’s decrepit face convulsively squeezed into a terrible and ugly grimace. The last living person of a quietly extinct civilization was living its life in a high.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409935/