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Heart attack and sepsis in 10 minutes

Russian folk wisdom about the relationship between peasant and thunder did not appear on an empty, but in a very tragic place. A place for our man prayed and almost loved. Mostly, personal disasters are associated with neglected diseases. And this is one of the reasons why such a topic has arisen.

We are talking about a way with which you can quickly (including at home) to determine the early stage of acute myocardial infarction, sepsis, gestation (!) Of pregnancy, to distinguish between viral and bacterial infections. All tests are based on the immunochromatographic system of qualitative and quantitative rapid analysis, developed at NUST "MISiS". The most famous of these systems is the pregnancy test.

“We improved the technology used for rapid tests: now it is possible not only to detect the presence of certain substances in the body, but also to visually determine their critical amount,” says Alexander Osipov, senior researcher at the department of functional nanosystems and high-temperature materials at NITU “MISiS”. “To get a quantitative result, you need to apply one or several drops of a biosample to the test strip and simply count the number of colored test lines appearing in the analytical zone of the device.”

As Osipov explained, it is usually necessary to use special portable tools for obtaining quantitative results and making a diagnosis. For example, a reflective photometer that allows you to record the intensity of staining of the test area. And sometimes the speed of diagnosis is extremely important for initiating therapy. Especially in cases of acute myocardial infarction, sepsis or malignant neoplasms. To begin the correct treatment, you need to know the concentration of the marker. And now it can be measured by simply dropping a drop on the analyzer.

“Biological fluid flows onto the segment of the test strip containing the conjugate (hybrid molecule) labeled with gold nanoparticles or antibody quantum dots, captures it and moves along with it along the assay membrane. - Explained the expert. - The formed labeled immunocomplexes pass through several transverse lines, containing second antibodies adsorbed in increasing concentrations against the detected antigen. Due to specific interactions “antibody-antigen”, the binding of labeled immunocomplexes on the carrier occurs, which is visually recorded in the form of colored transverse test lines. The higher the content of the analyte in the sample, the greater the number of lines manifested in the analytical zone. Such an approach when analyzing, for example, human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine allows determining not only the presence but also the duration of pregnancy. ”

The system has already worked on procalcitonin. This substance is a marker for sepsis. And also on the protein that binds fatty acids (c-BFA), because if myocardium (heart muscle) is damaged, the concentration of c-BFA in the blood gradually increases. And if a heart attack has passed to a later stage, it can be detected using a marker for troponin I. “Our rapid test allows us to determine hidden forms of heart attack,” Osipov said.
It may well be that in this case, self-diagnosis will help save many lives. And over time it will become as common as the measurement of pressure and temperature, because it is easy to carry out not only in an ambulance, for example, but also at home. In the meantime, a batch of experimental test samples is currently undergoing preclinical testing, do not forget to be regularly examined by doctors. Stronger than you, nobody needs your health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409953/