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References blockchain for the humanities

The theme of cryptocurrency and — more broadly — the blockchain over the past year has been superpopular. As a result, many humanities scholars (and my students are no exception) scored their term papers, diplomas and dissertations on topics. But the problem is that serious things on the topic are written with Gulkin's nose, and even in high-rating journals there is often frank nonsense.

I sketched a small list of “serious” literature on the blockchain and cryptocurrency for lawyers, economists, and other humanities scholars in Russian — at least to build a framework for understanding the issues. Of course, there is a lot more literature on the topic, so if you know something sensible that I could miss - send in a personal list, the list is complemented. Let's start with the works in Russian.

1. Introduction materials

1.1. Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin: a digital peer-to-peer cash system

The Most Main Article with which it all began.

1.2. Blockchain and DIY Mining

A simple explanation of the principle of the blockchain. Of course, it is assumed that you already know this principle, but just in case, and as a warm-up for the brain - why not refresh?

1.3. Roman Yankovsky. State and cryptocurrency

My short article is for those who are already exhausted and want to sleep :-)

2. Work on the economy

2.1. Murray Rothbard. State and money

Rothbard - American economist of the Austrian school, a follower of von Mises. This book is a good introduction to monetary issues. The author shows that money arises during voluntary exchanges in the market, that the state has no relation to their creation, and that the principles of the free market should be extended to the production and distribution of money. Starting with a review of the classic gold standard of the 19th century, the author completes his study by analyzing the likely appearance of a European currency.

2.2. Ludwig von Mises. Theory of money and credit

Economist of the Austrian school, one of the founders of libertarianism. In The Theory of Money and Credit, Von Mises works on the theory of money: in particular, the book The Theory of Money and Fiduciary Means of Circulation, in which he substantiated the value of money as an independent class of goods and established an exhaustive typology of money. The concept of fiduciary means of circulation introduced by Mises made it possible to give an economic and theoretical description of banking. Of particular interest is the analysis of the effects of inflation.

2.3. Friedrich von Hayek. Private money

Lauret of the Nobel Prize and another representative of the Austrian school. In his most famous work, he proposed to denationalize money and create a monetary system based on the competition of parallel private currencies. According to Hayek, just as the competition between ordinary goods contributes to the improvement of their consumer properties, the competition between private currencies will reject bad — insufficiently secured and poorly managed — currencies. Von Hayek can be considered an economist who theoretically substantiated the imminent emergence of private money, including cryptocurrency.

2.4. Genkin A.S. Private money: history and modernity
2.5. Genkin, Mikheev. Blockchain: How it works and what awaits us tomorrow

It is good to read after Hayek and other economists of the Austrian school - many modern examples and additional literature are cited. The legal component of the second work is weak, you should not rely on it.

3. Works by law

3.1. General issues of the legal theory of money

3.1.1. Luntz L. A. Money and monetary obligations in civil law

Until now - the best work on the issue of the legal regime of means of payment and cash surrogates. Classic! Of particular interest are examples from the post-revolutionary mess surrounding the author.

3.1.2. M. Bashkatov. Adaptation of Original Theories of Money in the Civil Law of the 20th Century

Maxim Leonidovich wrote a lot about the legal nature of money and now deals with this issue at the HSE Institute of Law and Development. I advise you to get acquainted with his works.

3.2. The problem of rights to non-cash money and non-documentary securities

3.2.1. Sukhanov, E.A. Property Law: Scientific Essay

In principle, any work by Evgeny Alekseevich in real estate law, in which he relates to the legal regime of non-cash money and non-documentary securities and describes why non-cash money is not a thing in a legal sense, will do.

3.2.2. Badmaeva S.Yu. Objects of property rights in Russian civil law

Graduate student Yevgeny Alekseevich, who summed up the problematics of the object rights system.

3.2.3. Dozortsev V.A. Fundamental features of property rights in the Civil Code

A good article describing the basic criteria of the object of ownership.

3.2.4. Sklovsky K.I. Property in civil law

If the previous work was not enough.

3.2.5. Efimova L.G. Banking transactions: law and practice. Monograph.

In this paper, we are interested in §3.4 "Features of the subject of banking transactions", since Lyudmila Georgievna is one of the few surviving opponents of Evgeny Alekseevich Sukhanov on the nature of non-cash money. If you don’t find “Banking Deals,” you can read her dissertation.

3.3. Problems of “virtual objects” rights

3.3.1. Nuzhdin T.A. Atypical objects of property rights in modern Russian civil law: a review and critical analysis

Mainly for general development - to compare tokens with other "unrecognized" objects of civil law. Not disclosed unless the land.

3.3.2. Arkhipov V.V. Virtual property: systemic legal problems in the context of the development of the computer games industry

General overview of the regulation of virtual objects.

3.3.3. Saveliev A.I. The legal nature of virtual objects acquired for real money in multiplayer games

The classic work of Alexander Ivanovich on the nature of game objects is a must-read.

3.4. Works on the blockchain and cryptocurrency

3.4.1. Kislyi V.A. Legal aspects of the use of the blockchain and the use of cryptoactives

General overview of the blockchain, cryptocurrency and ICO.

3.4.2. Saveliev A.I. Smart contracts as the beginning of the end of the classic contract law

An article about smart contracts and their relationship with contract law. On the topic of smart contracts, the first source for a lawyer.

3.4.3. Saveliev A.I. Cryptocurrencies in the system of civil rights objects

The newest article by Alexander Ivanovich, summarizing the problem of intangible objects of property rights in relation to cryptocurrencies. Required to read.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409973/