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IoT Samsung Academy project - we teach technologies of the “Internet of Things”

The first toaster, operated via the Internet, was demonstrated more than 25 years ago. Now you will not surprise anyone with home appliances with the prefix "smart" or "smart home". All these are IoT products for the consumer market.

And yet, the industrial / industrial “Internet of Things” (Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT), which can significantly increase productivity, is much more relevant. And this puts forward the requirements of a completely different level both to technologies and to the used hardware. For example, no one will use the hobby electronics for the production of products for animal husbandry or street lighting.

Are there many specialists on the market now who can design, or at least on the customer’s side, competently set the task of developing a IIoT device? Do they teach this in high schools? Is there a lot of systematic information on this subject?

Obviously, we have more questions than answers to them. This was a prerequisite for the creation of a social educational project for Russian universities - IoT Samsung Academy .

Blitz story about the program

- Who can participate? - By September 2018, the project will be launched at 10 universities throughout Russia. The pilot launch was implemented in September 2017 on the basis of MIPT and MIREA.

- Who is the program intended for? - These are senior IT students studying at the partner universities of the program.

- Who conducts classes? - University teachers who have undergone additional training.

- Do students pay tuition fees? - Not.

IoT Samsung Academy: course of study

The program is designed for one academic year. In the first semester, students study the “Internet of Things” toolkit, solving 5 case studies. In the second semester, they work on individual projects.

The final of the program involves the protection of projects in front of experts and the delivery of certificates of successful completion of the Samsung IoT Academy. The best works of students are nominated for participation in the intercollegiate project competition, which from 2019 will acquire a federal scale.

All teaching materials used in the learning process, created by specialists of the Samsung Research Center. Expert assistance in developing the course was provided by the Russian company Wireless Devices, which is well-known in the IIoT market.

Awarding the participants of the Summer School at MIPT, July 2017

The course is built on the study of Cases - from simple to more complex. All tasks are taken from real life, and each Case assumes a comprehensive study:

Subject Cases:

  1. Monitoring of humidity and temperature in the pharmaceutical warehouse.
  2. Access control system with electronic keys; In the advanced version of the problem, each key has its own validity period.
  3. Adaptive office lighting: automatic adjustment of the brightness of light bulbs depending on how sunny outside the windows.
  4. Smart dumpster. One of the Keys tasks is to determine the occupancy level of the containers using an ultrasonic rangefinder and display this data on a city map.
  5. Smart greenhouse: you want to set up watering flowers and the inclusion of light on a schedule. The developed system must have a convenient graphical interface and display a graph of indications.

Fifth Case - team. In the course of its implementation, the teacher plays the role of the customer, and the student group will have to draw up terms of reference, distribute tasks within the team and solve them.

Team meeting Summer School at MIPT, July 2017

Students practice the following technologies:

More about the program

Current project status

In 2017, with the support of the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS), the program started in two universities:

As part of the pilot recruitment, one group was formed at MIPT, four groups of bachelors and one group of undergraduates were formed at MIREA. In 2018, the geography of the program is expected to expand to 10 participating universities from various regions of Russia.

Samsung partner universities will provide:

  1. Methodical materials for students and teachers.
  2. Equipment for the IoT Lab, including 10 training kits containing everything needed to create prototype systems. In each of the kits - microcontroller modules, wireless transceivers, sensors, actuators, and a powerful Samsung Artik single board computer.
  3. Training and support of university teachers who take up the course.

More information about the training set will tell in the following articles.

We hope that the Samsung Academy IoT program will result in the emergence and development of permanently functioning “Internet of things” communities and centers of expertise based on universities that will conduct research and solve applied problems.

We expect universities to adapt and complement our course in accordance with their specifics. For example, if a student studies the science of data, he will learn about how this data is collected, what restrictions on the frequency and volume of data transfer must be taken into account. If a student studies computer networks, then he will practice with us with the latest wireless technologies. If a student specializes in information security, then he will have the opportunity to study these issues in relation to IoT networks.

Already, we can conclude that in the next version of the program the selection is necessary
two training profiles: with an emphasis on software development and with an in-depth study of the issues of electronics and circuit design.

Laboratory of the Internet of Things in MIPT

We see that our project is in demand among students. Hopefully he will bring more
favor of Russian higher technical education.

We invite you to read the news and watch a video about the program, share comments and chat!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/409993/