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Squeeze electricity

Piezoelectrics are one of the most amazing materials in the world. You can literally squeeze electricity out of them. That is, an electric charge appears at the moment of squeezing (or stretching) the material. This is called a direct piezoelectric effect. There is also a reverse - when under the influence of electricity the material reversibly changes shape. Piezoelectrics have many applications - from pressure sensors, microphone sensitive elements to ink injection controllers in inkjet printers and quartz resonators. Therefore, many scientists are looking for new materials with a piezoelectric effect.

Moreover, the most popular at the moment piezoelectric, such as lead zirconate-titanate, have several drawbacks. First, it is heavy. Secondly, inflexible. Thirdly, slightly poisonous. It is both carcinogenic and teratogenic, and badly affects ATP synthesis and is generally tasteless. Therefore, scientists are constantly looking for new materials with low lead content (and better without it), at the same time selecting the easiest and most flexible options.

In search of the best solutions, I happened to encounter the development of Dmitry Kiselev from NUST MISiS. In Germany, he mastered one of the world's best scanning probe microscopes MFP 3D Stand Alone (Asylum Research), with which he and his colleagues from TGU and MIET just studied the structure of piezoelectric composites based on barium lead-cycronate-cycronate matrix consisting of vinylidene difluoride and trifluoroethylene. The device helped to arrange the substances more correctly in order to obtain the most optimal composite, which eventually resulted in an article in the journal Scientific Reports .

This work has three implications. Firstly, the material itself turned out to be quite specific - for example, it feels better at low temperatures (after all, an organic polymer, what to take from it), but it withstands great pressures perfectly. In addition to the fact that it is possible to make a part of any size and shape cheaply and efficiently, we obtain an excellent basis for deep-water pressure sensors. What to do with them further - think up yourself, not small ones. And I will tell you about the second consequence.

To study the composite, scientists had to modify the standard technique: “In order to more clearly capture the electrical signal, we heated our sample from room temperature to 60 degrees Celsius in a certain way. This allowed us to measure the characteristics of the material very qualitatively and reproducibly. Our technique will greatly facilitate the work of colleagues to study composites. Therefore, I hope that it will be in demand among fellow microscopists. ” If you want to know exactly how the method has changed, click here , and I ask all the others for the third investigation.

The atomic force microscope, which stood in Duisburg, is now in Moscow. It works, it can be used even if you are not an employee of NITU "MISiS", because it is included in the Center for collective use. So several institutions are shamelessly using this. And you?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410005/