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8 rules of communication in a multilingual environment: instructions for employees of international companies

Many of us work in international companies, and often we are faced with the need to learn English for business. But knowing a language is one thing. At least, everyone will speak it, since the company is international. Another thing is to understand the cultural differences between you and your colleagues and partners. We are all different, each of us grew up in his own cultural environment, we have a different vision of life and a different view of the same business processes. Understanding cross-cultural differences every year becomes a necessary skill for working in a multilingual environment. Let's see where exactly a misunderstanding can arise and how to avoid it.

Imagine that you communicate with your French colleagues, and suddenly they switch to French among themselves. You do not understand anything and feel some embarrassment: are they discussing you? You certainly know that unpleasant feeling when someone speaks a foreign language next to you, and you do not understand a word. And if during trips like this still all right, then at work you will secretly feel discomfort. You never know what they are discussing!

Or, for example, you are negotiating, and, it would seem, everything goes to the successful conclusion of a contract or a transaction, but your client suddenly “breaks down” and does not sign anything. And then it turns out that you hurt him badly, although you didn’t seem to have done anything like that. Such situations will certainly cause an attack of despair in young people who just came to work in a company where there are colleagues and foreign clients. But there are a few rules that will help settle in the first few days.

Communication with foreigners is only in English.

Even if all the Russians have gathered, and only one foreigner, and even if he speaks a little Russian, the communication is exclusively in English, as in the language of international communication. Business does not allow different interpretations, and it is better not to put each other in a position where someone misunderstands something or does not understand at all. If the conversation took place in English, then it will be much easier to summarize in a follow-up letter : letter that is sent to participants after the meeting.

Examine customer culture

And if you have colleagues of the same nationalities as clients, then such knowledge will also help in the workplace. We all know that there are huge differences between our cultures. Yes, you can speak English with Japanese customers. But in any case, you should know the basic rules of behavior adopted by the Japanese, so as not to offend anyone inadvertently.

For example, the same Americans are always very straightforward and say what they think. In a number of other cultures, including Asian, to speak directly is not accepted. Accordingly, you will have to learn ways of presenting a thought so as not to seem tactless.

The dress code and level of formality at the meetings are also very different. In Russia, the American approach is becoming more and more common: we are for the casual style and informal communication. However, some countries strictly distinguish between work and friendly conversations, and if you lower the bar (you are not polite enough, use an informal style of dress and speech) you may be considered an unserious partner.

Another striking difference between businesses in different countries is hierarchy. The “boss-friend” phenomenon is far from widespread, and in principle, in many places it is welcomed. It is better to read in advance about the features of your customers and be prepared for the fact that you may not understand the first time.

Do not maintain stereotypes

Each of us has our own heritage and our own prejudices. While we often swear at immigrants from the former Soviet republics, Europeans have a negative attitude towards Slav immigrants. For Russians, not the best glory was fixed since the days of the Cold War. We are considered prudent and cold-blooded, then crazy drinkers. But, you see, you, too, can unflatteringly think about representatives of certain nationalities. Here the distinction “work - personal life” comes in handy. For example, do not be indulgent to the Chinese, they say, they do not understand us at all, with their foundations. All your work communication should be as neutral as possible.

By the way, English in this regard is quite convenient: neither you are of the category of a gender, nor problems with the transition to “you”. The language is generally generally neutral, and knowing certain cliches will save you in any situation. And if someone from the foreigners starts joking about bears, balalaika and vodka, then it is better to ask politely not to do it. Stereotypical thinking always leads to conflicts. Better send it in the right direction and use rule 2: the Chinese may really not understand you. But why? What are their concepts about business? How do they do business? And so on.

Summarize all the arrangements and make requests in writing

This rule will relieve you of a headache in case your interlocutor “forgot” something or perceived your agreement in his own way. And the point is again in our cultural differences.

For example, the concept of time in each culture is perceived in its own way. Arabs, Spaniards, Italians and Mexicans are extremely unhurried and non punctual (if we judge from our point of view). So if you do not want to hear something like: “Well, you are in such a hurry, do not burn!” At the moment when you are just burning, it is better to write your partner a letter in which you once again remind that, for example, tomorrow at 18:00 you need a report. True, it is better to always leave time in reserve. Yet, for some nationalities, a tight time frame is something that does not exist in principle.

Always look for the best way to work.

If you are a manager and you have to work with the project, where a team of representatives of different nationalities will be busy, pay attention to how they work comfortably. The fact is that Europeans and Americans are individualists. It is more convenient for them to work alone, they are ready to answer for their actions and results. Work put on stream: there is an order from one client - we do. If this client does not apply later, we work with another.

But Asians and residents of Latin America prefer to work in a team and rely on long-term work. If they have already started to cooperate with you, then this is a long time. Well, individually they may simply not want to work. You should distribute tasks so that all employees feel comfortable and work at their own pace.

Keep calm in a stressful situation

Asians can beat around the bush and be afraid of telling you the bad news. More impulsive residents of Europe and Latin America can pretty exaggerate the problem and deploy a full-scale hysteria with escalation of top management. Never panic, ask for a clear explanation of the problem and never hesitate to ask for time not to think about solutions.

In principle, asking for time to think is normal. Let a better excited client know that you have taken his problem into account, rather than thinking that you are ignoring him. By the way, in this regard, the peculiarity of some people not to respond to letters immediately is noteworthy: here, too, you should not be angry. If you ask a question and you are not answered, it does not mean that the person does not have time for you. It may be that in his culture it is customary to thoroughly answer the question, and the unfortunate runs in all instances to answer you as fully as possible.

Remember time zones and national holidays

Sometimes in a working confusion, we pick up the phone and call another country at a completely inoperative time for foreigners. In many cultures, dinner is almost a sacred ritual, the omission of which is tantamount to sin. During lunch, no one will be distracted by work. The Japanese and the Chinese in the workplace can sleep at all. Be attentive, stipulate calls in advance and notify about your readiness to make or receive them at a certain time. In your working skype and in the official signature must be present working hours with the standard time.

Get a calendar with notes of national holidays. List the holidays with all your colleagues and clients. First, when planning meetings and work in general, it will be important for you to know that someone from colleagues may not appear in the office for a couple of days. Secondly, it is always useful to congratulate clients on this or that national holiday: this is how you show that you are not indifferent to the client.

Watch your speech and gestures.

You can work in a company where not all foreigners speak fluent English. Accordingly, there will be a language barrier between you. If you have to talk with such a colleague, then try to speak slowly and clearly, without using difficult phrases. Remember yourself in the early stages of learning English. Be polite and sympathetic, because any of us may be in such a situation.

Hone business clichés and avoid literal translation from Russian. Naturally, many people first come up with a phrase in their native language, and then translate it into a foreign one, but remember one simple sentence that will introduce into a stupor any foreigner who even knows Russian: “No, I guess”. Try not to speak Russian with English words.

Be sure to follow the gestures. What is considered acceptable by us may mean something completely indecent in another country. And some gestures can be regarded as a hoax. For example, when you prove something, but at the same time shake your head and not nod. Smile or lack of it can also be regarded in different ways.

Of course, it is quite difficult to unify all the rules of communication with certain foreigners, but remember: we are all unique. Despite our differences, we can meet each other and show patience. We can negotiate and conduct joint business. The main thing is to be open and friendly.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410013/