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Voting for the reports at the 6th DIY-MAP in Mail.Ru Group (02/18/2018)


Hello! A couple of weeks later, on February 18, the Mail.Ru Group office in Moscow will host the sixth DIY-meeting dedicated to everything you can do with your hands: from electronics to Teddy bears, from LED blinking to cars with AI.

During January, we collected applications for participation in the DIY-mitap. And that's what they sent us:

1. Smart Home: Overview of opensource solutions, Home Assistant, information exchange protocols.
2. Development of an unmanned vehicle from scratch for dummies part 2: stereo vision.
3. Sports minicar: from idea to prototype.
4. An open platform for assembling a smart apartment based on Bluetooth LE and open source software.
5. Cognitive ergonomics of a musical instrument or why spend your weekends making guslias. (and one more to play learn)
6. Cellular networks: tell me who your neighbor is, and I will tell you who you are.
7. Robot tractor, a prototype of an agricultural robot.
8. GSM communication for DIY is easy!
9. One app to rule everyone: a universal app for cameras with wireless interfaces.
10. Universal controller of the washing machine.
11. IoT: own transport scoreboard.
12. How to quickly make an interface for a device - CaptivePortal on ESP8266.
13. Carpentry workshop with your own hands, expectations and reality.

Voting will again take place according to a point system: you indicate how much this or that report is of interest to you, and we will calculate the sum of points and call the most interesting speakers.

So that the mitap is not too long, this time we will choose 8 participants.

So, open the full description and vote on the link .

And to warm up, watch performances from past meetings on our channel on youtube , and subscribe to our channel in the telegraph , to be aware of new products from the field of DIY.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410029/