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Manager of the President postponed the transition from Windows to Astra Linux

The Presidential Affairs Department (RFP) of the Russian Federation failed to fulfill the declared indicators on import substitution in time and switch from the American Windows OS to the Russian Astra Linux. According to the schedule, in 2017 the share of use of the domestic OS Astra Linux Special Edition produced by NPO RusBITech should be 10%, and in fact it was 0%.

According to the schedule of transition to the use of domestic office software published on the website of the UDP in 2017–2020 , the import substitution of text editors and communication software is also 0%. The share of domestic mail applications is also 0%.

The reason for the failure of the plan in the DFC was the lack of readiness of Astra Linux. Testing products showed premature implementation. The developers of this OS were instructed to “finalize the distribution kit and software code”.

According to the plan, in 2018, the share of Astra Linux Special Edition among OSs in UDP should be at least 20%, and in 2019 and 2020 - at least 80%. For the territorial administration in Crimea, the minimum import substitution ratio for the OS for 2019 is 60%, and in 2020 - 80%.

At the same time, Astra Linux is already successfully used in enterprises of Rostec, Rosatom, Roskosmos, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service, and other state authorities, as well as in enterprises subject to sanctions, said Kommersant "Development Director of RusBITech NPO Dmitry Donskoy. He explained that implementation problems in the UDP were studied during the pilot project, which could last from three months to two years. In the course of this project, it is determined which components and modules of the OS should be refined.

In addition to operating systems, UDP introduces Russian reference and legal systems (“Garant” and “Consultant” - 100% share), antiviruses (“Kaspersky Anti-Virus” - 99.5% share) and software for document circulation (50%).

By 2020, it is planned for 80% of computers to use Russian browsers Yandex. Browser and Sputnik, whose share now stands at 10%.

A separate document approved the budget for informatization of the department for 2018-2019. For example, this year 18.2 million rubles were allocated for the operation of printing and copying data, 4.4 million rubles for operating legal reference systems, 7.7 million for operating an Internet portal, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410097/