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The smallest carrier rocket successfully put a satellite into orbit

The Japanese space agency JAXA carried out on February 3 at 14:03 local time (08:03 Moscow time) the successful launch of the world's smallest solid-fuel rocket SS-520.


This rocket is described in the November publication lozga
More small space? . The first launch took place on January 14, 2017 and ended in failure, the closure of the onboard electrical wiring was called the probable cause.

The rocket is a modification of the SS-520 solid-fuel two-stage rocket and reaches a little more than 9.5 meters in length. Its diameter is up to 52 centimeters. The launch vehicle weight is 2.6 tons. Japanese media compare its size with the dimensions of the telegraph pole.

Through the use of publicly available batteries and other components, JAXA has been able to minimize the cost of development and launch. Total expenses do not exceed 400 million yen ($ 3.6 million).

The rocket was given a second chance and after a series of launch shifts, the three-kilogram experimental satellite for geological exploration and communications TRICOM-1R was launched into orbit. It was developed at the University of Tokyo, in particular, for photographing the surface of the Earth. With the help of this microsatellite, telecommunication technology based on data transmission to the final recipient through the intermediate storage will also be implemented.


The launch was broadcast (from 11 minutes onwards):

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410113/