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The sixth DIY-metap in Mail.Ru Group (02/18/2018)


Hello! The voting results have been summed up, the authors are preparing presentations, and now is the time to leave an application for participation. To do this, click on the link and register. Mitap, traditionally, will be held in the Moscow office of the Mail.Ru Group, at m. Aeroport, Leningradsky Avenue, Building 39 Building 79.

The list of reports and brief descriptions read under the cut.

List of speakers:

Sergey Savkin
Sergey Savkin

Smart House

Yury Lilekov
Yury Lilekov

GSM communication for DIY is easy!

Evgeny Savitsky
Evgeny Savitsky

An open platform for assembling a smart apartment based on Bluetooth LE and open source software

I want to talk about the current state of the concept of "smart" home, in terms of solutions for "smart" apartment, as well as to offer a solution and technology that may interest the DIY-community. The purpose of this technology is to provide a simple and affordable way to start collecting your “smart” apartment and not to pay a lot of money for expensive box solutions.

Boris Rebrov Boris Rebrov

DIY carpentry workshop, expectations and reality

Vladislav Zaitsev
Vladislav Zaitsev

Cellular networks: tell me who your neighbor is and I will tell you who you are

Kirill Smirnov
Kirill Smirnov

Development of an unmanned vehicle from scratch for dummies. Part 2: stereo vision. Jetson TK1 + PlayStation EYE v2 Camera

Peter Blokhin
Peter Blokhin

Sports minicar. From idea to protopipa

Pavel Budnikov
Pavel Budnikov

Robot Tractor, a prototype agricultural robot

Kirill Snezhko
Kirill Snezhko

One app to rule everyone: a universal app for cameras with wireless interfaces

There will be 3 blocks of reports on 3 reports:

- 11.00-11.30 - API of cameras (Kirill Snezhko)
- 11.30-12.00 - Stereo vision (Kirill Smirnov)
- 12.00-12.30 - GSM (Yura Lilekov)

- 13.00-13.30 - Home Assistant (Sergey Savkin)
- 13.30-14.00 - Robotractor (Pavel Budnikov)
- 14.00-14.30 - Workshop (Boris Rebrov)

- 15.00-15.30 - BLE (Evgeny Savitsky)
- 15.30-16.00 - Cellular networks (Vlad Zaitsev)
- 16.00-16.30 - Sportcard (Peter Blokhin)

Artem Kashkanov
The bonus will be a poster presentation " Self-made computers - BrainfuckPC and others " from Artem Kashkanov. Artyom talked about his project at the summer meeting , and this time he will demonstrate the work of the assembled blocks of the relay computer ad and announce a couple of even more insane projects.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410115/