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Carpets and eyesight, how to wash, clean glasses and stroke a cat

I treat people's eyes, and I have many patients who do not know completely ordinary basic things. How to wash, what is possible, what is impossible, what causes bad eyes.

For example, an adult already comes a person who has a history of 7 years of wearing lenses, and says: "Something I have become worse." And he has a beautiful purulent conjunctivitis. I ask him to remove the lenses in order to examine all this, so he spits on his finger and is going to crawl them in the eye. With the causes of inflammation immediately everything becomes clear.

Or here are the glasses. Often, retirees are turning, they say, to see become worse, probably, a cataract. It happens and cataract, and sometimes - you just need to change the glasses with glasses. If the coating is cheap, then wiping with a paper napkin or cloth from the table glasses for a year somewhere "matted", anti-reflective coating is erased. Seeing really gets worse.

In general, then - educational program.

How to wash

A person must wash in the morning and evening, after the gym and after various hard work. Properly wash - the skill is not God knows how difficult, but mistakes happen. You need to take the soap, lather your hands, rub them, hold your fingertips on the soapy palm a couple of times, then wash off the soap. Get clean hands. Clean hands with a handful need to scoop ordinary water from a normal faucet and splash into her face to fall on her eyelids and skin in general. Wash off. Then take a clean towel and attach it to the eyelids, just get wet, and not rub with fierce fury. Wipe the rest of the face. If necessary, repeat the procedure using facial cleansers.

Soapy eyes do not need to climb.

Do not rinse eyes with antiseptics in normal situations.

If you are hiking, for example, wet wipes, it is better to use those for children, or tools designed specifically for such purposes. If the skin is sensitive, it is necessary to wash it, but in a more gentle way: take our blepharosalphages for resuscitation. They are more expensive than usual, but packaged individually and have anti-inflammatory and sorbent substances suitable for the eyes. But usually enough clean water.

If you have makeup on your eyes, you need to wash it off. If you wash it off with a special non-medical device, the tool must also be washed off, even if it says there is no need to wash it off. "You can not flush" - this is a marketing ploy. It means in translation into Russian: “this is better than with makeup, but you still have to wash it off.”


Houses need to be cleaned. This is pretty obvious, but many are rarely cleaned. And if the house is also filled with something, then it becomes very difficult to carry out a full cleaning. A good pace in Moscow is to wash the floors at least once every three days, in regions with a lot of dust - more often.

Why this is important: dust irritates the eyes and reduces the overall level of protection. The “colonists” also move on the dust particles: the microflora, without which you will manage well.

If you add to a not very well cleaned room, and even low humidity, then wait for dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis in general, if you try. Because the mucous is dried, and the effect is multiplied.

If you do not ventilate the room, but it is also wet, then fungi also begin, manifesting themselves as black mold, which can be seen in the bathroom between the seams of the tile. You saw this at home - most likely, you already have a fairly severely disturbed colonization resistance of mucous membranes and skin. This in itself leads to increased risks of morbidity.

When central heating is turned on, the number of dry conjunctivitis in our clinic increases dramatically. Humidity should be monitored (this is important) and ophthalmologists, and otolaryngologists. It is good to keep it somewhere around 40-60% depending on the time of year. But don't turn the house into a swamp. At the upper limit of humidity (65% or more) mold will appear on the walls, which will also be glad to settle everywhere: in your eyes, and on the eyelids too.


If you are not ready to walk on the carpet with a vacuum cleaner every day, it is better to throw it out. Right now.

Someone already thought that the damage to the carpet is associated with the pattern. No, the pattern can only mentally hurt (especially if you watch the carpet instead of the TV), but not functionally.

The notorious carpet and other dust collectors like the skins of "wild" animals, large soft toys, all sorts of woolly covers and large dirty curtains with a pile are all a source of discomfort for the eyes.

In carpets, whole colonies of various small organisms are formed, plus dust is separated from there and circling around the room. Children with a history of or a tendency to allergies - immediately remove the carpets. Completely healthy patient (I would like to see this) - carpets can be cleaned regularly. That's when your eyes itch a little in the room, well, like a hand spent, and everything is fine again, these are the special effects from the carpet most often.

Or it is time to remove the dust from under the bed and throw out the Christmas tree.

And even in patients with a history of carpets, the risk of demodicosis is many times higher when there is a landing of very small ticks for ever. To treat this is difficult, because the mites are inhumanly resistant and crawl well under the skin of the eyelids. There are no numerical studies on carpets, but remember: ticks are waiting for you there. And, besides them, there are still many different interesting organisms.


A regular history of drinking alcohol leads to dry conjunctivitis. Alcohol, salt and coffee in large doses bind water. Alcohol - more precisely, alcohol from its composition - is best of all. Therefore, if you decide to specifically drink, in the morning you will turn red eyes, not only from the pressure and other joys of a hangover, but also from dehydration. The mucous membranes will be dry - eye protection will suffer greatly. As noted by my colleague, especially not thump in front of the plane and in it.

Systemic diseases

In chronic diseases, just in case it makes sense to look to an ophthalmologist. This primarily concerns hypertensive patients, diabetics, people with different long-playing infections. All this gives complications to the eyes, so prevention can be done on time. It is better to ask once for nothing, what then six months to be treated. This is a separate big topic in ophthalmology.


It is not necessary to apply face cream on the eyelids: they are different in composition with the eye cream. Even with the same active ingredients, eye cream will be lighter in texture. On the mucous membrane a lot of things can not be used, and with eyelids gels and creams fall into the eye.

The same our blepharoge for the eyelids almost always gets into the eye, and it's not at all scary. The manual says: Do not let it fall. But some ophthalmologists even advise them to drip directly into the eye for a number of diseases. This is against the instructions, but generally acceptable. That is, it was originally created with the understanding that it will be on the mucous.

Eyes do not need to be washed with soap. There are skins, micellar water and a lot of things for washing and removing makeup - use them. If eyes dry, change the product.


If you do not have allergies, then there are no special requirements. The only thing - to get out more often: wool, especially short, irritates the eyes. Moreover, if a domestic cat or a guinea pig has a maximum - its feces are smeared, then the dog will have different small parasites from the street and a whole set of bacteria from everything in which it lay. Stroked - wash your hands, wash off microparticles of wool, bacteria, animal saliva. Well, after a walk after a walk, a dog is not a sin.

Glasses and lenses

About the glasses will tell you the ophthalmologist who wrote them. I can talk about them for a long time, but it is important for these recommendations that it is desirable to process the glasses, at least occasionally wipe the temples and nose pads with an alcohol wipe. If suddenly they turned green on the metal parts, wait there for a colony of microorganisms.

The solution is very simple. Go to the optics and ask if they have ultrasonic cleaning. Well, or take the ultrasonic generator and throw it into the bucket. Dilute Mr. Muskul or a similar type of cleaning agent there, throw your glasses and wait. That's what they do in optics, and the tools are there with names that are so familiar to you. The frame is disinfected and looks decent.

There are more problems with contact lenses, but this is also a doctor. The biggest mistake is not to read the instructions. Read. If the usual means of medical use instruction is written in blood, then in lenses it is written with pus and tears. Some of my patients wore one-day lenses for a week, because they did not believe the printed word, or swam in lenses in the river, which also did not lead to anything good.

For now. Here there are more recommendations for those who work with a computer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410123/