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How to negotiate on Skype and telephone in English: instructions and useful phrases

In our blog on Habré, we were asked to write tips & tricks on the subject of telephone and Skype etiquette, and we already planned. We post the finished article about how to speak English on Skype or by phone.

On the phone and in Russian, many do not like to talk, and when suddenly you need to call abroad - write is gone. What if I do not understand? What if they consider me stupid? And what will they say so quickly that I do not have time to write? And what if there will be interference? And Skype also shows how worried I am!

For any telephone conversation has its own set of clichés that will help you navigate and get the right information. And if you have to talk with someone English-speaking on Skype, then you can not worry: after all, incomprehensible words can be asked to duplicate in the chat. But first things first.

Preparing for telephone calls

There can be quite a few reasons to call abroad, so it will not be possible to cover all useful phrases. If you are facing business negotiations, then you should tighten your professional jargon , because foreign interlocutors are likely to operate with them. Best of all, of course, look through the English textbook for your field of activity. You can also turn to professional editions in English and read at least one article each day to maintain and develop vocabulary. Working cases can also help: ask colleagues to show the history of interaction with your potential interlocutor.

Also in the preparation stage should include numbers . Especially if you have to record some parameters, because an extra zero can be almost fatal. With numbers, you can go from simple to complex: first record them by ear, and then listen to the dialogues and lectures to learn how to recognize numbers in the stream of speech and how to write them correctly by ear.

Pull up the rules for the use of modal verbs , in particular, could, would, may, might . They are extremely often used in business negotiations, because at the expense of these verbs, sentences sound more formal and polite.

Before the call, carefully prepare and make a plan of negotiations , so as not to forget anything. And the most important rule: smile! A smile will automatically make your speech more sympathetic to the ear.


Communicating with business partners informally, maybe it will not work, but if you have colleagues abroad (for example, you work for an international company), then the second column in our table will be much more appropriate.

If you need to say who you are calling from, the following phrases can be used in a formal context:
• 'I am calling from ___
• I'm calling on behalf of ___ '

Ask the right person to the phone

If you need to ask someone on the phone or transfer you to an employee of the company, or ask you about it, the following phrases will help you:

Please wait and / or transfer the call.

If you call, do not need to be afraid. Here are the cliches that will save you:

What if nothing is clear?

There is a great chance that you will not speak with a native speaker of royal English or with an American who read your audition tasks in the textbook. And you can communicate with a person who is in the same position as you: English is not native for him, and he speaks with a strong accent. The following useful phrases will come in handy if you no longer understand the interlocutor:

Also do not hesitate to ask again the correct spelling of names, first names and surnames. English speakers have the practice of spelling a word, so asking for it is completely normal. It is enough just to say “Could you please spell it for me?” , And each letter in the word will be dictated and explained to you.

We say goodbye to the interlocutor

The most important thing here is not to be mistaken with intonation, because in Russian and English in this case it is completely different. Our "well, come on!" Or "goodbye!" Is always pronounced with a descending intonation. But in English they say goodbye to ascending intonation. We advise you to practice in advance.

Skype talks

In general, all the above phrases you can easily use in a conversation on Skype. However, if you have to make a video call (which foreigners make more often than simple voice calls), then you should remember the rules of etiquette.

Do not call without warning

You can call the company office at any minute, but to call on Skype without warning is moveton. Before you call, even if the call was agreed, it is better to write to the chat and ask if everything is valid and whether the interlocutor is ready.

Do not rely on a quick written response

You can write a business email and wait for a prompt response, but a chat on Skype is not a place for business conversations, until both parties agree and agree on the time in which they want to correspond. So if you wrote a huge message in the chat, do not expect that you will be answered quickly.

Follow the rules of business correspondence.

The love of writing a dozen short messages in one or two words is completely out of place in a business context. Formulate the idea to the end and write coherently. If you want to add a message, use the introductory words and connecting structures ( however, therefore, aside from that, in addition to, thus ). The use of emoticons is controversial. Generally, in the business area there are no emoticons, but many companies support a free corporate style and do not mind the use of emoticons. We advise you to observe a certain balance: if you have already known your interlocutor for a long time, probably, emoticons will not interfere with the work. But during the first correspondence it is better to refrain from them.

Watch the situation and look

Once again, it is worth recalling that your favorite posters and a cat no less favorite are not what your business partner wants to see. If you are having a conversation from home, try to create a quiet environment, make sure that there is nothing distracting in the camera, follow the business style of dressing and look at the camera and on the screen, not on the sides.

And finally, two tips

Council first. After a business conversation on the phone or in Skype, send your partner a letter in which you can summarize the results of the conversation, thank the interlocutor for their time and express hope for further cooperation. Also, the letter will help you in the event that you misunderstood or missed something. By the way, pay attention to all English-language incoming, because from there you can learn new cliches and useful expressions. Here are a few phrases for writing after the conversation:
Following our phone conversation ...
Thank you for taking time to ...
Thank you for your time and assistance.
I appreciate it
I really enjoyed talking
I was happy to discuss ...
If you have any additional questions.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Council of the second. Responsible to fill out your profile. Do not put in the "name" fictional nicknames. Remember that a profile is your business card. Enter in it information about where you live (convenient for determining the time zone), where you work and by whom. You can make a status of what time you are available for chats and calls. As a photograph, it is best to use your own photo in a business style. If there is no such one, or you don’t want to put your photo, then you can put an avatar with the company logo.

So, now you are armed with a small list of clichés that will help you start and improve communication internationally. Remember: everything is not as scary as it may seem. Be polite, smile and do not be afraid to ask again if you do not understand something.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410149/