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Intel showed smart glasses in which the image is broadcast on the retina

Intel showed The Verge to Vaunt smart glasses . Unlike other similar gadgets, this model looks like ordinary glasses. A low-power laser is used to direct the projection onto the glass, from where it is reflected and hits the retina of the eye.

Like Google Glass five years ago, Vaunt will first distribute to developers. Google wanted to rethink the use of human gadgets with glasses. Intel has another goal - to make the gadget as adapted as possible for everyday life.

Smart glasses often have an unusual, futuristic design and lack of commercial success. Magic Leap is similar to the glasses of the protagonist of the films "The Chronicles of Riddick." Hololens are more likely not glasses, and the computer with Windows on the head. Google Glass led to the appearance of the word glasshole (glass - "glasses", asshole - abusive word). Users of these devices look unusual. Other people may not like that the camera lens is constantly directed at them. In the extreme case, this can lead to a fight .

Journalist The Verge spoke about the impressions of the new glasses Intel. A division of the New Devices Group tried to make glasses in which a person would not seem to be a nerve from the 1970s. Intel plans to sell the device, including in optics stores: developers want to enter the market for glasses for vision correction, since such glasses are 2.5 billion people in the world. At Intel, they believe that people will buy Vaunt, as before - the usual points.

The photo on the left is Steve Mann, who made a backpack-computer based on the 6502 processor for controlling the photo equipment at school, and attached a CRT camera viewfinder to the helmet with the ability to display 40 lines of text. Right on the photo is Thad Starner (Thad Starner), the future head of Google Glass.

Vaunt Smart Points display simple messages such as directions, message notifications, addresses and information about restaurants and places of interest. They work with Android and iOS smartphones via Bluetooth. The simplicity of this device can be compared with Pebble watches - especially since Itai Vonshak headed the development of products and user interface elements at Pebble, and now is the product manager at the Intel New Devices Group.

The VCSEL laser - “Surface-emitting laser with a vertical resonator” is placed on the right-hand eyeglasses. He sends a monochrome image with a resolution of about 400x150 pixels to the holographic reflector of the right lens of glasses. Then the picture is reflected on the retina of the user's eyes. Thanks to this, the image is always in focus. Points need to fit the user: measure the interpupillary distance and adjust the software. It is possible to use both ordinary glasses and lenses for vision correction. When the user does not look in the direction of the display, he does not notice it. In the gadget there is no vibration or sound signals - it is enough that peripheral vision responds quickly to any movement and change in the picture.

When asked about the safety of a retinal laser, the developers answer that it poses no threat. This very low power laser belongs to Class 1 safety .

The other components of the Vaunt are the processor, accelerometer and compass. The device recognizes head gestures and knows which way you are looking. There is no microphone in the prototypes, but in the future it can be added to be able to communicate with Alexa's voice assistant. What about the battery - it should work for about 18 hours. After that, smart glasses turn into ordinary ones, but you can continue to wear them.

An important goal was to achieve a comfortable weight of the gadget - no more than 50 grams. Batteries and electronics are placed in the arms in such a way that the device exerts minimal pressure on the ears or nose. Vaunt should not just look like ordinary glasses, but also appear as such to the user. The electronics were placed close to the lenses so that the arms could bend a bit, as is the case with ordinary glasses. In other devices, as noted by the developers, the battery can occupy the whole arm, so this part of the glasses is not deformed in order to fit comfortably to the head.

Intel plans to hand out prototype points to developers later in 2018. All the components of the device are being made by the department itself or ordered, there is no information about serial production. It is also unclear how wide the gadget's capabilities will be - the software for it is still in development. Representatives of the division spoke about possible scenarios for using Vaun, such as displaying information about a restaurant based on geolocation data from a smartphone and the direction of the user's head. Terms of commercial availability have not yet announced.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410157/