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Dream Guitars: multigref monsters, strange hybrids and other re-created “bikes”

Recently, I thoroughly forgot about the guitar theme. It's time to fix this flaw. A year ago, in a post about the "influence" of the soundboard material on the electric guitar sound , I told about the cardboard guitar to the Fender cat. This article will focus on other unusual electric guitars, as well as people and companies that created them.

With the growing number of standard electric guitars of the same type in the 60s, there was a demand for unique models, with features and capabilities not typical of standard instruments. Many musicians did not want to be satisfied with the classical architecture of the instrument, considering the latter too primitive for their performing techniques and bold creative ideas.

I had to invent a bicycle again. For some, it became an interesting DIY experiment, while others trusted professionals from large companies. Over time, the number of unusual guitars grew, and today I hardly have enough material to tell about all the strange projects that deserve attention. The assignment of some of these guitars sometimes remains a mystery altogether. I will not deny that some such ideas border on absurdity and even outright insanity.

Frankenstrat by Eddie Van Halen

Perhaps one of the most legendary guitars of the 70s, created by the great Eddie Van Halen in 1974. Perhaps subconsciously, Van Halen wanted to reconcile the supporters of the two warring brands Fender and Gibson, since the tool used technical solutions characteristic of one, and for another company.

The virtuoso's conscious motives were more pragmatic, a musician noted in an interview:
“I didn’t assemble this guitar to please someone. I just had no money and there was no guitar in the world on which I would like to play. I collected it for myself. ”

In other words, it was pure DIY, which could later scale.

The appearance of the instrument was inherited from the stratocaster, but instead of one of the singles, the guitar received a humbucker, which had not happened to the strata before. The Frankenstrath griffon was created from a single piece of maple, which was also not characteristic of Fender tools.

Special mention deserves the tailpiece. Instead of the traditional Fender tremolo and the classic Gibson bridge, the design of the Floyd Rose, popular in our day, was used.

The guitar received only one potentiometer that allows you to control the volume.
Since 1983, the Frankensstrata began to be produced by the company Kramer, the endorser of which was Van Halen.

Michael Angelo Batio Double-Guitar

The name of the Chicago virtuoso Mike Batio, who, by the way, the authoritative Guitar One Magazine recognized as the creator of the best masterpiece of all time, is tightly connected with unusual guitar constructions. Among the multi griffon guitars created in the 21st century, it is his instruments that are among the most practical, and they are fundamentally different from everything that was created before him.

The first instrument of this type was a two-neck V-shaped guitar, which allows the performer to use both fingerboards at the same time for sound. He is the author of the original technique of execution on this instrument.

The first instrument of this type was the guitar, hastily put together a virtuoso of two Gibson Flying V. A full-fledged independent serial tool of this type was released by Dean in 2003 — it was the Max 7 Jet. From the side of Dean, an engineer, Mike Line, developed the idea of ​​Batio, who turned the project of an ambitious guitarist into a serial product.

Quad Guitar - the development of the V-shaped concept

Another invention of Mike Batio became a four griffed cross-shaped guitar. So, on the upper necks of the instrument 7 strings are placed, and on the lower ones - six. American companies Gibson and Wayne Charvel took up the implementation of the ambitious idea. For the first time, the guitar and the techniques of performance on it were demonstrated in the video of the Nitro group “Freight Train”.

Hamer Five-Neck and similar projects

Guitar, which will be discussed, rather a symbol than a musical instrument. The author of the concept, implemented by Hamer, is Rick Nielsen, member of the United States Cheap Trick gang. Odious aging rock idol from the 70s ordered himself one of the most recognizable instruments on the planet - a guitar with five necks. The instrument is not very comfortable to play, but it is still possible that Rick Nielsen occasionally does.

The concept, within which Nielsen’s five-pen tool was created, was developed and brought to aesthetic pop art of absurdity in the spirit of classical Warhl, by Japanese artist Yoshihiko Sato, who is probably the world champion in the number of vultures.

Steve Way's Ibanez Triple Neck Heart Guitar

It would be unfair to bypass the 3 griffin instrument of another virtuoso - Steve Vai, who, in all likelihood, was created to perform only one piece of fever dream. Deca is made in the shape of a heart.

Vultures of the instrument can be divided into one main (6 classical tuned strings) and 2 auxiliary (six- and twelve-string tuned into a chord). We can safely say that the layout and to some extent the technique of Vai, anticipated the ideas of Mike Batio.

Baster Stereo

The Baster Stereo bicameral guitar is perhaps one of the strangest concepts that has emerged lately. Judging from the demo video, the instrument is more suitable for avant-garde guitar music. Although it is possible that the potential of this strange surrealistic Shaitan Stratocaster has not yet been revealed.

Atlansia Pegasus Vass

The Japanese company Atlansia is widely known in narrow circles as a manufacturer of rather unusual tools. Their 6-string bass Atlansia Pegasus is probably the champion in the number of pickups among single-string instruments. There are exactly 18 of them on the guitar. 3 independent sound pickups per each of the strings of the instrument.

Presumably, the tool was created in 2015. According to the ideas of the developers, the solution used will make it possible to achieve maximum density and volume of the instrument.

Destructive Aesthetics of End Of The Road

My personal favorite among the original design solutions was the guitar from Devil and sons, which in many ways develops the ideas of the Vahalen frankenstraat. The idea is difficult to describe in words. A picture of the instrument and a demo video will exhaustively tell about it.

Gibson Flamethrower Colin Firth

Armed with a serial Epiphon, gas cylinder and improvised means, the British video blogger Colin Furze, probably impressed by the shots of Mad Max, built a flamethrower guitar. This DiY-project is perhaps one of the most spectacular concepts selected for this material.


It can be long to rush about how useful and practical the solutions presented in the article are. But I believe that many would agree that such experiments are at least interesting, aesthetically impressive, and in some cases expand the boundaries of performing equipment.

I remind you that in our catalog you can buy guitar amplifiers, combos , as well as other musical instruments for creating music.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410175/