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Priority projects of mankind

There are many important things that we have to do right now, but for some reason we don’t. In which areas, in your opinion, should the intellectual and physical resources of our planet be spent?

Where to start? Yes, the fact that we are surrounded. Cities. These smelly, slowly killing the body and the spirit of crowds of people so necessary for the progress of humanity ... and yet they may be completely different.

Eco-friendly cities

And by the term eco-friendly city, I mean not the pretty stupid renders of fancy skyscrapers. It should be a comfortable habitat for residents with minimal stress on the planet. Clean air and tidy streets, beautiful architecture not disfigured by advertising, an incredible amount of greenery, minimal noise and light pollution. We will have to come up with completely new planning solutions, taking into account changes in the technological capabilities of mankind, to reduce the use of transport in principle. Perhaps the new environment will affect our social habits, for the better.

Eco cars

This is part of a plan bringing us closer to an eco-friendly city. Get rid of cars with an internal combustion engine - only a teleporter is better. A person should not breathe exhaust gases, because the dirty air is not only harmful to physical health, but also affects the psychological state. Ilon Mask launched a process that was picked up by all automakers. We assume that the first tick is set.

Waste collection and recycling

In civilized countries, separate garbage collection and recycling is underway, but even they are far from ideal. More sophisticated robots will be required for accurate sorting of garbage, but separate collection of human waste will still remain, this is not labor-intensive, but it greatly facilitates subsequent work.

Farm work

At the moment, the problem is not in the number of products, but in their quality. Good yields with fewer chemicals can only be achieved through individual care for each plant. People no longer want to do this, but the robots ...

Most of the robots are focused on harvesting, but this is a relatively pleasant part of the work that can be left to a human being for the time being. But, for example, weeding is a rather inconvenient occupation for a straight-handed creature and contains little creativity, and collecting Colorado beetles is also disgusting.

I see the spread of robots not only in industrial agriculture, but also for personal needs. Here you want the perfect English lawn - please, eco-friendly strawberries - yes, plenty. Of course, this can greatly affect the entire production and logistical scheme and even the way of life, it is even interesting how things change.

Management System and Policy

Here I do not even know what to do. At the moment, I don’t like that the money is distributed inefficiently: often priorities are placed incorrectly and a lot of finances are settled in the wrong pockets on the way to the goal. I do not like the presence of rigid boundaries, complex laws and suboptimal bureaucratic processes.

The other day I watched a video about how the Africans tried to get a better life from their area where they were born. But they did not succeed. Some tried to cross the ocean, and drowned, others tried to go through the desert, but the bandits took away even the crumbs they had. Moreover, if a few decades ago, the state began to regulate nature management, the land would not lose fertility, and they would not have to leave their land. It's Complicated.

Unconditional income

I am for him, but within reasonable limits. Unconditional basic income should not give the opportunity to idle, its task is to remove fear when making decisions. Each person will have the opportunity, albeit minimal, to eat, sleep, wash, get to work. For a while, you can simply meditate, but if you need other people's things and services, you will have to get involved in the economic system.

Perhaps Ilon Mask and tears from the ground, so that we no longer feel the national, racial and state fragmentation. So we all come together in the people of Earth. Although, personally, I with Mars would wait a bit. Full-scale space exploration should begin after 2040–2050, after the process of solving urgent problems is launched on this planet.

Net neutrality

Freedom is not equal to anarchy, so some kind of regulation is necessary. But, in fact, they stifle freedom because of the fear of losing power and money. Perhaps the Internet will be created, however, you will have to go back a step and again limit yourself to sending text messages, because they do not need such a powerful infrastructure as for the transfer of video content.

Common language

English has become the basis for programming and is actively occupying a niche of international communication. But, it does not seem to me perfect. In general, none of the modern languages ​​is suitable for global communication, since they were all created locally and for other needs. The goals and objectives of the language changed a little, but they always had a utilitarian basis. Further, it spread during the wars of conquest and arbitrarily changed. I would like to have a language, even richer than Russian, but with an unambiguous sound-writing and without any rules of exceptions, in order to learn it was easy.

A universal language, in addition to the everyday communication of people from different cultures, should allow to create beautiful poems, harmonious songs and fascinating stories. But most importantly, language should be inherent semantic ambiguity. In order not to lose time when discussing scientific phenomena, economic activities, philosophical and psychological concepts.

At present, attempts to create the perfect artificial language have not been crowned with success. I think this problem can be solved if you add the capabilities of computer programs to help with the knowledge and intuition of linguists. I would like to note that if we use a different conceptual apparatus, this will give us new opportunities in creating more advanced computer programs.

Open communication protocol

This is the easiest task of the above, but very urgent. The system should be independent of any particular company, for example, as e-mail, and combine messaging, voice and video messages. If everything is done correctly, then people and companies will be able to save a significant amount of money and time. The interaction procedures will be simplified. You will not even need to think about how to contact a person: make a phone call or catch him in one of the many social networks, or maybe he has already moved to some instant messenger. You will not need to put a zoo out of applications, choose one for yourself, one that you like and communicate with everyone. Unified open communications will allow humanity to climb a new step.

All of the above does not mean that other tasks are not important, in any case. We need culture, education, health care and a lot more, even computer games are beneficial. It’s just that there are already acceptable solutions in these areas and they are developing consistently. However, the solution of the tasks of the first stage is undoubtedly more important and will affect all the others.

Progress moves, thanks to intellectually developed people with an inquisitive mind. I would like each of you to analyze what he is doing now, in what industry he works. Is your activity really necessary for the progress of mankind, or are you involved in a dead end. For example, you develop electronics for cars with internal combustion engines or, worse, you make an engine for pumping money out of sick people. Do you fulfill your purpose? I know it is difficult to leave the comfort zone, and the people around you may not support you, but on the other hand, but why are we here?

It turned out a little categorical, about which my colleagues have already told me. I agree that all professions are important, all professions are needed. Understand that progress can move anyone. For example, a simple cook, because he baked a bun for an artist who cheered the child of the locksmith who carved the hub for a spaceship, according to the engineer’s drawing, etc. The main thing is to do your job well and for the benefit of others.

Each person has his own opinion on priorities. Therefore, immediately set out in the form of a list, you can even in order of priority. Constructive opinions and suggestions are welcome.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410201/