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ChargePoint Annual Report

One of the ChargePoint charging stations near my home


Charging stations for electric vehicles (hereinafter referred to as EV) are now big business. ChargePoint - one of the leaders, among builders of points for charging, presented its regular annual report , which refers to the state of the EV market (both clean and plug-in hybrids) at the moment and forecasts for the near future.

The report contains visual illustrations, text and links. I chose the most interesting illustrations in my opinion and commented on them.


It all starts with an optimistic forecast. Million EV will be sold by 2020. In 2030, every fourth car will be an electric car, and in 2040 - half.


From the future back to the present. The rapid growth in sales of electric vehicles in the United States (the report focuses primarily on the US market) and about one million sessions per month at ChargePoint charging stations. In my opinion, a million charges per month is a very impressive number, especially considering that the vast majority of EV owners charge them from home stations, and not from public ones.

My city

Network of charging stations from this provider on the map of my city. The number inside the circle indicates the number of outlets. For example, if it is 6, then when you increase the map, you can see that there are actually 4 stations not far from each other, each of which has 2 sockets. Green indicates the number of free outlets. Many of these stations are free. They are sponsored by organizations that want to attract more customers. For example, shopping centers.


The total number of EV sales in the United States. According to forecasts, one million EVs will be on US roads in the next two years and 8.5 million EVs on the entire planet in three years.


Comparison of the average cost of servicing the EV and the car on the engine. $ 15 vs $ 766 per year.

The lineup

The number of EV models in the US market. Let me remind you that the EV in the report is also connected hybrids.


Very interesting footnote according to the plans of the largest automakers for the near future. Around 2020 is expected to significantly expand the model range, which can be very interesting for potential buyers.


New for 2017 model in the US market. Here is also a decoding of what is BEV (pure electric car without an engine) and PHEV (plug-in hybrid).

Sales leaders

Bestsellers 2017 in the USA. Interestingly, about half the EV is pure electric cars, not plug-in hybrids. Those. if you want to get data on pure EV for 2017, then you need to divide the total number of electric cars sold this year into two. From pure EV on the roads of Vancouver and Seattle, I most often see Tesla Mode S / X, Nissan Leaf and BMW i3.


Useful for beginners memo, which explains the difference between the types of charging stations and the time required to charge a spherical EV in vacuum for a run of 100 miles (160 km). The most advanced charging is DC Fast - for example, Tesla Supercharger (“Super” in its name is not casual).


The potential savings on fuel when replacing a spherical car with an internal combustion engine with the same spherical EV will be $ 820 per year.


Picture to attract greens. Do I relate to green? Definitely not. Do I want the air around me to be clean and not contain exhaust gases? Definitely yes.

Another card

Construction of charging stations ChargePoint. In addition to this provider in North America there are many others. In general, this card is somewhat reminiscent of the Tesla Supercharger network of cards was / has become.


43,000 commercial charges, which have been used 31 million times.


ChargePoint now charges electric vehicles with 8 GWh monthly. Next year, the forecast is 12 GWh per month. Such capacity would allow sending in 1985 a few Americans every month.


Another interesting and illustrative schedule. Model S is usually charged a little more than Mode X, and Bolt is smaller than both.


Another demonstration of the fact that EV will be overtaken by the sales of ICE by 2040 and a pleasant to tears chart of the fall in the cost of batteries for EV.

Charging station

Charging station from the beginning of the article, this time with the consumer.


It is difficult to add anything to what is already written. The numbers speak for themselves.

PS The data in the original publication are confirmed by references to sources.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410255/