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Who lives on our face

Mite Demodex, for example. Most often it is landed on the skin of the eyelids from wall carpets.

On your face lives saprophytic flora fauna - microorganisms that feed on dead epithelial cells. If you take a “healthy” person, then, if you wish, there will be a piece of iron on his face (Demodex mite), a colony of epidermal staphylococcus in the amount of up to 10 5 , and acne in small quantities. The same demodex mite moves under the skin, reaching 0.4 mm in diameter. Chance - 100% for 70 years.

Do not be afraid. Less than 5 ticks per square centimeter is the medical norm. The skin feels good. But if, for example, acne appeared, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a real chance of falling into a vicious circle: the growth of the parasite population will cause acne, and it will contribute to an even greater reproduction of the tick. Because in acne, the mite feels warm and seductive.

It is rather difficult to corrode this reptile: it is not a bacterium, and a broad spectrum antibiotic will not take it. We must work with the transportation of certain substances into the skin. And this is just the specialization of our laboratory. Therefore, I will tell you what we did immediately after the collapse of the USSR.

How is the skin treatment going

Imagine: you came to a dermatologist. A good specialist will most likely ask you about the problem and ask a couple of dozen questions: how often do you wash, how often do you change bed linen and towels, what tools do you use in everyday life. If the situation is perfect, you will return home, follow all the recommendations of the doctor and after two weeks you will see an improvement at the control reception: at least, the skin rash will decrease. But only two weeks later. Proper treatment does not set itself the goal to make the skin in 5 minutes elastic, smooth and without redness. The doctor is not fighting for a short-term cosmetic effect, but for healthy self-regulation of skin processes, which will not require the constant use of a heap of cosmetics.

Pseudo-dry skin error

Problems begin when you or any other person, not seeing immediately from leaving a particular result, buy yourself an inappropriate cosmetic. One of the main mistakes of people who decided to engage in self-treatment is the "drying" of the skin. It is possible to dry spot pimples, but in no case can one apply drying agents to the entire surface. So you only break the mechanism of natural sebum production. And it is the main component of the lipid barrier. In a normal state, the barrier keeps the pH of the skin acidic - in a patient it is usually alkaline.

To control the level of saprophytic flora, this is important: she does not like the acidified environment and will not multiply in it.

There is also a reverse situation: you go to the store and buy the fattest cream, because you are sure that your skin is dry. At the same time, there are no other complaints besides the already mentioned dryness. In most cases, the skin type here will not be dry at all. This is a common feature of our geographical latitudes: much of the year falls in the cold. Healthy skin in summer can not cope with them and seem "dry" to the touch. But in this case, it will not change in type. Since creams for dry skin often contain comedogenic (porosable) substances, the overall picture will only get worse. In addition, some types of parasites and viruses, such as cutaneous papilloma, are anaerobic organisms. They live "under the lid" like. As a result, work with the consequences of improper use of funds can result in additional costs: cosmetic removal of the same papillomas costs a lot.

Facial skin care should be systemic and include tools that will complement each other. The first can be bacteriostatic and suppress harmful flora, the second - moisturize (and, differently, depending on skin type), and the third - to control the pH level. Typically, this is what care systems look like, designed by manufacturers of cosmetics.

Our answer is tick

The task is to maintain the correct acid balance of the skin and poison off invasive reptiles. This medical order was very important for our laboratory, because in clinical practice demodecosis was tried to be thrown at a doctor of another specialization. The ophthalmologist "threw off" demodicosis of the eyelids on the skin, those on the allergist, and from there the patient otfutbolivalsya back to the oculist. There was no effective treatment.

We started to see what can be done. Running a little ahead, I will say: created the gel "Demoten." Here he is:

It was created as the best option for skin care during treatment with a dermatologist and prevention. The main active component, sulfur, has a bacteriostatic effect: again, it reduces the number of harmful flora on the skin, from which the face “blooms”.

Bacteriostatics is when it doesn’t seem to kill, but it doesn’t even reproduce. The natural mortality of the population comes into play. Tick ​​sulfur does not love wildly either, and it makes him feel bad. The problem is that sulfur is an allergen, and not only can a tick be bad. Next - the question of the balance of the formula and the selection of the concentration, when people are still normal, but the tick is not. This is done at the expense of other substances that also normalize conditions at the micro level.

The high-molecular fraction of hyaluronic acid is responsible for moistening (in fact, the sodium salt of the same acid, as we wrote separately here ). It is a powerful sorbent that collected water during the production of the gel. Further, these "death stars" in the world of ae. M. rush to the skin and cover it with a film. Water does not evaporate from the skin because there is a layer of bound water on top.

As a result, we get, on the one hand, microflora indicators within the normal range, and with it - a decrease in the rash, on the other - moisturized, not overdried skin, which is promised by express means and, probably, you want.

Why use sulfur? Those who are older should remember the talkers that were made right in the pharmacies and acne ointment with about 5% suspension. Once again, there was Vidal alcohol milk: it can still be found, if desired. All this is old, time-tested means, effective in its simplicity. Sulfur gives a wide therapeutic effect. In scientific circles, you would have it formulated as " sulfur - a component with a large evidence base ."

In fact, everything is easier. Demodex, living on the skin, simply does not use sulfur in food. After application of sulfur-based products to the skin, the characteristics of sebum change, and parasites lose their food source. As a result, their population is rapidly declining. Important: in its pure form, sulfur is not toxic, it does not even kill the microflora, but rather starves it. As for allergies: in cosmetics, even pharmaceutical, sulfur in this volume is not added.

But, if you are allergic, consult additionally with your doctor.

Mostly sulfur is used to treat skin diseases: rashes, eczema, acne, demodicosis. This is not all its useful properties. Purified medical sulfur can be used as a preventive measure for intestinal problems (it forms hydrogen sulfide and sodium sulfhydrate inside, which act as a laxative) and for the treatment of inflammatory lung diseases. Sulfur, in principle, is needed by the body for normal metabolism. It participates in the synthesis of proteins and is part of some amino acids. A rash on the face may be due to a lack of it in the body. Again, only a specialist can diagnose this. Like any other substance, with misuse it can harm.

Different areas of the face require different means. Even if the composition on the packaging gel for the face and gel for the eyes seem the same, do not ignore the indications for use. The point may be in the correct concentration of active substances. Second story: Blefarogel 2 was created specifically for eyelid skin. It also contains sulfur, but in a smaller volume, so as not to cause irritation. The principle of work - as in "Demoten", but already directed action - exclusively for the skin around the eyes.

Both products are now available in almost every pharmacy in the country and are effectively used in treatment and prevention. There is nothing cosmic in their development, but we needed a huge base on polymers, obtained in our scientific research institute back in the USSR, a lot of tests and practice. Plus, a couple of know-how, how specifically to "pack" sulfur molecules in the formula. If interested, about the development of another substance can be read here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410277/