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What to listen to in the background: 10 popular science podcasts about sound and work in the field of sound recording

Today we will share with you our selection of thematic audio podcasts that are great for background listening on the road or during a break between work tasks.

Photo by Jonathan Grado CC

Sound matters

[ iTunes ] [ Soundcloud ]

This podcast is interesting for several reasons. First, it is prepared by the B & O Play team of the Danish audio equipment manufacturer Bang & Olufsen (the history of this company on the GT ).

The fact that the podcast is released under the B & O brand does not affect the content - the manufacturer’s name is noted only at the end of the broadcast, otherwise it’s an independent broadcast about sound. Secondly, this show received an award in one of the nominations of the British Podcast Awards, the recently launched British industry award.

The main theme of Sound Matters is sound and everything connected with it. Here they discuss how a good sound differs from a bad one , how the cosmos “sounds” , how the perception of a hearing impaired person changes when he gets an opportunity to improve his hearing, and other equally interesting questions.

World According to Sound

[ iTunes ] [ Soundcloud ]

This podcast is released twice a week and lasts just 90 seconds. Each of them is dedicated to a specific sound, which is literally "viewed under a microscope."

There are issues about the tamping of ants and even about "music" from the sounds of washing machines . From other examples of unusualness: the story of the little-known sound that giraffes make at sunset; and the story of the oldest song in the world .

In 2016, the creators of the show Sam Harnett (Sam Harnett) and Chris Hoff (Chris Hoff) conducted a successful crowdfunding campaign, collecting, thanks to its listeners, funds for the production of the second season of the podcast.

In addition to the podcast version, the show is broadcast on American radio stations and in the format of live performances of Sam and Chris. For example, last year, the presenters gave a lecture in one of the colleges in New York - the students got acquainted with the history of unusual sounds, while being in masks for sleeping .

Reasonably Sound

[ iTunes ] [ Soundcloud ]

Each release of this podcast is a composition of sounds and reflections on them by a musician and programmer from Brooklyn Mike Ragnett (Mike Rugnetta). In his collection there is an issue of white noise recorded on the beach against the background of the tide. There are reflections on the sounds characteristic of the setting of a family holiday. In the 30-minute format, Mike immerses listeners in the search for the hidden meanings of the most common sounds. The host of this podcast also performs live. By the way, Mike himself is a fan of composer Robert Ashley.

Twenty Thousand Hertz

[ iTunes ] [ Soundcloud ]

In this podcast, more attention is paid to the facts than to the sound itself. So, the story of a false alarm about a missile strike in Hawaii inspired the theme of the sound of an emergency alert - in one of the issues they discussed where it came from and why it sounds that way and not otherwise.

Here they analyze the voice of Siri and how the musical accompaniment immerses the guests of Disneyland into a fairy tale . The show host Dallas Taylor (Dallas Taylor) worked as a sound engineer for NBC, Fox, G4 and Discovery, and later founded his own project, Defacto Sound, in which the team creates soundtracks and sound effects for games and films, for example, for Skyrim and Fallout four".

Everything sounds

[ iTunes ] [ Soundcloud ]

A podcast about the role of sound in art, science, history, culture and our daily life. Unfortunately, the podcast stopped coming out, but left behind a collection of 90 issues. In one of them, they recall the once-popular musical machines in the USA, in the other they speak of the most relaxing song . Fans of unusual sound should get acquainted with this show, because its authors were looking for unusual and interesting features in each sound.

Photo by Alexander Dummer CC0

Sonic talk

[ iTunes ]

A podcast about recordings with representatives of the industry from a major resource for electronic engineers Sonic State . The magazine has an educational program for beginning musicians “ Learn from Legends ”, and watch shows continue the topic of knowledge sharing. At the microphone there are professionals and talk about the process of creating music and working in the studio. The conversation can begin with the first emulator of human speech, and end with a new album by Björk.

Sound Design Live

[ iTunes ] [ Soundcloud ]

This is a series of interviews in a podcast format for those who are thinking about a career in the recording industry. The range of topics is very wide - professionals tell students about how to set up an ear monitor, give advice on the selection of musical accompaniment to advertising and help them find work in the industry. For those interested in sound engineering, it will be helpful to listen to the release with Bob McCarthy. He has been working with sound for 30 years, during which he formed his acoustic concept. She took the form of Sound Systems: Design and Optimization .

The Podcast Engineering Show

[ iTunes ] [ Spotify ]

The author of this podcast, Chris Carran (Chris Curran) is professionally engaged in producing podcasts. His portfolio includes work with companies such as Forbes and Johnson & Johnson, along with well-known recording companies: The Hit Factory, The Soundtrack Group and Quad Recording. In his show, Chris talks with the authors of other well-known podcasts, musicians and sound engineers about the hardware, software they use, and the workflow in general. Guests of the podcast share tips and their tricks, so this show can be quite perceived as a ready-made guide to podcasting.

Working Class Audio

[ iTunes ] [ Podtail ]

Another podcast about sound engineering. Its difference from other shows in this category is that the presenter talks with experts not only about professional activities, but also about his personal life, about the financial side of work. However, talking about technical details is also missing. The approach to choosing speakers is also interesting - both well-known personalities in the industry like Steve Albini and beginner talents become guests of the podcast. The podcast will be interesting to people who are seriously interested in working in sound engineering, who want to learn more about the industry.

Recording Studio Rockstars

[ iTunes ] [ Podtail ]

Podcast presenter Lidzh Sho (Lij Shaw) - the owner of the recording studio. His work allows him to invite well-known music producers, sound producers, studio owners and other professionals who have something to say about recording technology. In this program there are very eminent guests - there are even Grammy winners.

Our own audio podcast:

Our other collections on sound and audio gadgets on the GT:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410377/