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Soviet HI-FI and its creators: a domestic dynostatic hybrid that appeared simultaneously with MartinLogan

Continuing the cycle of prominent Soviet developments in the field of HI-FI, it is impossible to pass by the speaker system 35 AC DS-017. This is a kind of living "dinosaur", which, despite its age, will be able to give odds to many traditional dynamic speakers.

The AU is limitedly produced in Lviv in the eighties of the last century - at LPO them. VI Lenin (now "LORTA"), the current state-owned enterprise of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine. Of particular interest to me personally, this system is also because it appeared almost simultaneously with the most famous hybrid electrostats of modern times from MartinLogan.


History of LPO them. V.I. Lenin began in 1944, from a very small factory number 797, which was a little bit involved in acoustics, but in repairing the landing gear of the Yak aircraft. In the 56th year, the company began to produce radio equipment for the air defense forces.

At the beginning of the 60s, the company was renamed the Lviv Production Association named after V. I. Lenin. During this period, the company literally blossomed, its success came in 63–77 years, during which employees of the enterprise were even involved in the rocket and space program of the Soviet Union.

Further, the plant received even greater fame, thanks to the production of acoustic systems and stereo amplifiers of the brand “Amfiton”, which we have already written about.

Circumstances of creation and other facts

As I already mentioned, the Union lacked this kind of technology, and therefore Lviv engineers (history doesn’t say exactly who) decided to create a hybrid acoustic system that has unattainable performance for that time.

The principle was as follows: to develop an electrostatic MF of the HF part and combine it with a dynamic low-frequency section in a phase inverter acoustic design. By the way, in the West, such constructions became restrictedly applied only in the late 80s - early 90s for high-end solutions with astronomical value.

Igor Levitsky, a Soviet engineer, an employee of the Research Institute BREA, now the head of RND at OPPO Digital, said that his colleagues were developing a hybrid dinostatic model, which he considers to be a masterpiece of Soviet column construction. This was the speaker system 35 AC DS-017. In accordance with his memories, the series of this speaker did not exceed 200 pieces.

The Americans from Martin Logan used a completely similar hybrid solution to produce their legendary acoustics almost simultaneously with Lviv engineers. A public demonstration of Martin Logan Monolith was held at CES'83. The year before, the first prototypes of the 35 AS DS-017 appeared, the serial production of Soviet acoustics began 2 years later in 1984.

Martin Logan Monolith

Little about technical characteristics

The design of the system has determined the technical characteristics that have repeatedly exceeded the HI-FI standard. Today, systems with similar capabilities are sold in a price range of 250,000 and more. The only parameter that is relatively problematic compared to modern speakers is the uneven frequency response, which is + 4 / -3 dB.

  • Floor dyno system with bass reflex - characteristics:
  • Frequency range: 25 (-16 dB) - 25000 Hz
  • Irregularity of frequency response in the range of 100 - 8000 Hz: + 4 / -3 dB
  • Sensitivity level: 84 dB (0.3 Pa / √W)
  • Nonlinear distortion factor of the MF of the HF section: less than 0.5%;
  • Nonlinear distortion factor of the low frequency section: no more than 1%
  • Rated power: 35 W (RMS 50 W)
  • Rated electrical resistance: 4 ohm
  • Impedance Min: 3.2 ohm
  • Size (HxWxD): 1070х360х380 mm
  • Weight: 30 kg

In the opinion of many lovers of the Soviet vintage technology, the AU filter deserves special mention, which made it possible to get a downturn of 6 dB per octave and a 500 Hz separation frequency.

It is interesting that when comparing 35АСДС-017 with modern systems, according to some formal characteristics, popular samples with a similar hybrid design can lose to the Soviet device.

For example, the acoustics of the Martin Logan company are of a comparable price category and the upper limit of the frequency range is 22,000 Hz, which is 3 kHz less than the Lviv speaker. Of course, this difference lies beyond the capabilities of most human ears, but many philophonists are convinced that ultrasound is extremely important for fidelity to play. I will not dispute such beliefs in this article - for offtopic, you can discuss them in comments.

Anyway, for the rest of the significant characteristics, Lviv AU from the distant 80s is ready to give odds to most of the traditional dynamic samples and is not very much inferior to modern hybrid and electrostatic analogues. Soviet products of the early 80s do not compare with this acoustics in terms of fidelity.

In the subjective assessments, many users note that the 35ACDS-017 system is extremely demanding on the signal given to it. In their opinion, the AU is able to make visible even minor defects and artifacts made during recording or reproduction / amplification.

The dream of an audiophile collector

It is characteristic that this sample, which is not typical for Soviet acoustics, is very popular in the secondary market until now. Collectors can pay an impressive amount for a well-preserved Lviv couple (today, depending on the state, the cost is about $ 1,000).

The few audiophiles of the Soviet era, who happened to use this speaker, describe its sound as “incredibly pure” and “natural”. According to reviews, the sound is so high quality that the usual dynamic drivers, even the most expensive ones, lose to the RF MF spectrum. Specifications partly confirm the posh user reviews.

The limited-edition 35ASDS-017 is considered to be one of the very rare collection varieties of dinostatic acoustics, a real Hi-End from the USSR. Of course, the collection value of this modification lies in the fact that the AU was released in a small series, not more than two hundred pairs.


Despite age and too favorable time, acoustics 35АСДС-017 will successfully compete with the most experienced and popular systems. Even odious, brand-dependent audiophiles with great respect for this miracle of Soviet engineering.
I am not surprised that such things were created in the Union, taking into account all the problems that existed at that time. At the same time, unfortunately, we are not ready to repeat the “similar” now.

Undoubtedly, one can refer to the low profitability of production and the fact that in China, India and Vietnam labor and components are cheaper. But my hope is smoldering that someday I will be able to listen to a domestic speaker, superior to its eastern and western counterparts.

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Jeans and links

A wide range of amplifiers , receivers and other sound-reproducing equipment is presented in our catalog . You can purchase high fidelity speakers from us, including hybrid dynastatic speakers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410383/