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Write on Giktaymes, this is cool

In April last year, I came to Hiktaimes with my article about smart cars. Honestly, at that moment I had a bad idea of ​​what Giktayms is, but I knew that it was possible to get there by an invite and that this was a site that “spun off” from Habrahabr. In fact, was it my personal “rather weak”? And I wrote sincerely and in detail about what I love most about cars. This was not the first experience of publication, but in such a scientific journal - the first. And you know what I tell you? Write to Hiktames - it makes a new version of yourself. And I'll tell you why.

Prestige and selfish interest

Before that, I wrote only scientific articles in VAK and non VAK publications - I was obliged to this by the university and graduate school. I am not an engineer, I am a financier, but today without an understanding of IT in life, it is no longer a career. Of course, I first met Habr, when he was still one, and there was no trace of Hiktimes. He caused me some kind of mystical thrill and I never ventured to go there for invite. Then GT stood out and, frankly, I did not like it - it was inconvenient. As an economist, I was interested in the fate of the separated sites and now I see and understand why this was a really cool decision. Our entire geek community has received a unique platform for which we ourselves can create content. That is, this is not just something even more abruptly than PopMeh, this is a magazine that you create yourself - that is, you can come out with your opinion, knowledge, skill. So far I have written once, but in the drafts of googlode there are new opuses, it remains to find the time.

What gives Giktayms, if you write on it (except for karma, rating and other reasons to measure)?

After posting on Hiktatimes I received some suggestions, but I didn’t need them. I am sure that many would have made up a certain interest and helped to find, for example, a job.

I began to read more. Guys, I confess, is a sinner, but after graduate school there was no time to read, and I abandoned even my favorite magazines. And becoming a member of the community, I began to read - all the articles, excitedly. Maybe I like editorial materials to a lesser extent, and to a greater extent - articles by users and companies, but nevertheless, I am grateful to everyone. First of all, because reading only Hiktaymes, you can be aware of the affairs in tehnomir.

I find something for myself in a practical sense: yes, I like compilations and reviews from companies. Definitely this is advertising, this is PR and an attempt to sell (and who is without it?). But there is a significant plus - Hiktimes and Habr, the more so, the level of users and readers set an amazingly high level for publications, companies know this, so it's not enough, there is enough use. I will not say that there are frankly empty articles - there are very few of them.

I was afraid to go out with my article about cars - this is not really a local topic. But still ventured, and this is another plus. You can write about everything that you are interested in and what you own at the level. Therefore, much will go down, especially I lack good DIY, user reviews, and something that tells you how to develop an engineering or natural science in children. And is it necessary? Yet it is for such professions future.

The main thing is to write so that it is cool:

I found a few minutes to write about my experience and my emotions - what if you are on a long weekend, next May or on vacation, sit down and write about your experience. I would be happy to put a plus good articles. Colleagues, let's share knowledge, they only multiply from this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410403/