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17 most unobvious iOS features that you might not have known

When I was just starting to keep my channel about the secrets of iOS (link in the profile), I could not imagine that it might really be interesting to anyone. It always seemed to me that all the possibilities have long been known and everyone has known everything for a long time. How wrong I was. During its development, iOS has acquired a huge number of features that many users do not even realize. Even among my technically advanced friends, I met a genuine surprise. Below is a detail of the most highly rated tips for Geektimes readers.

1. Do you know that the camera application on the iPhone has a focus mode ? Surely you know. To do this, just tapn on the screen in the area where you need focus. But after all, bad luck, if the hand trembles, the focus will shift. It turns out that it can be fixed . To do this, long press on the focus point to bring up the commit menu. After fixing, the focus will no longer shift and you can select the desired shooting angle.

2. In iOS 11, a very convenient way to share a Wi-Fi password has been added. In order for the function to work, it is necessary that both devices be with iOS 11 and the Bluetooth connection turned on . From a device that does not know the password, you need to go to Settings → Wi-Fi and try to connect to the desired network. A device that is already connected to the network should be physically nearby (yes, it is better to bring the device directly to each other), and the contact of the person who shares the password should be in your contact list . It will display a window with a proposal to share a password, you will need to confirm this action and the new device will connect to the network. The function can be useful when dictating your 20-character password } X9} I | zxEyw23} 4 @ Ym8>} X9} I | zxEyw23} 4 @ Ym8 is really long, and you can reduce your time and nerves with such a simple trick, forgetting the explanation like “es as dollar”, “sy as es es russian”, etc.

3. There is a surprisingly convenient way to remind yourself of calls that you cannot answer right now. With an incoming call, click "Remind", and then set the time you need - for example, after leaving work . After clicking, a reminder will automatically be created with geolocation reference, and as soon as you leave the place of work and leave the building, you will receive a notification about the need for a call, with the necessary contact already added, and the call can be made by pressing just one button. In my opinion it is very convenient.

4. In iOS, there is the most convenient Reminders application, which, with the use of geolocation functions, can really become your assistant. Imagine a situation that you need to remember to do something when you come home, however, it is difficult to predict the time of arrival, so it is more convenient to attach a reminder to geolocation . Open the application "Reminders", create a new reminder and in the geolocation options we attach to the point and convenient scheme "When I come" or "When I leave." As soon as you arrive at home, a reminder will work.

5. Siri can be taught what is the name of your wife, mother, sister and other family members, so that you can then dial them simple “Call your sister”. It is very simple to do this; it’s enough to tell Siri this phrase “ Call your sister ”, then Siri will ask you exactly who you meant and you can associate a relative with your contact.

6. You can monitor currency rates against the ruble and even the rate of bitcoin through the standard application Shares.

Open the application and add the following items:

Russian currency:

RUB = X - dollar to ruble rate
EURRUB = X - euro to ruble rate
GBPRUB = X - British pound to ruble rate


BTCUSD = X - bitcoin exchange rate to the dollar
ETHUSD = X - rate of the air to the dollar
LTCUSD = X - lightcoin exchange rate to the dollar

Ukrainian currency:

UAH = X - dollar rate to hryvnia
EURUAH = X - the euro to hryvnia
GBPUAH = X - British pound to hryvnia rate

Belarusian currency:

BYN = X - the dollar exchange rate to the Belarusian ruble
EURBYN = X - the euro exchange rate to the Belarusian ruble
GBPBYN = X - British pound to Belarusian ruble rate

I think that the principle is clear to you. Do not forget that you can display the Stocks widget in the notification curtain, this kind of information is sometimes useful to keep “at hand”.

7. Do you know that you can charge your device when it comes to you, be it at least 90%, at least 10% - it does not matter. Charging cycles are not counted as percentages, but as mAh . When your device is discharged in the amount of the full volume of the battery, for example 1600 mAh , 1 charge cycle will be counted. So do not worry about this, and charge the device when you are impatient, you will not make it worse.

8. The easiest way to check your white cable for originality is to try lightning the Lightning connector . If it is magnet, then most likely the cable is original. If not, this is definitely not the original Apple cable. You can remove the magnet from the fridge, where everyone usually has souvenirs with a magnetic holder. Of course, this is not all the differences, the rest can be found in the Apple article .

9. Do you know that by taking the iPhone in your hands and watching all the riot of colors of all your colorful icons, you unwittingly lose your concentration and do not at all what you wanted. After all, everyone noticed the situation when you took the phone to see the time or weather forecast, and after half an hour you found yourself flipping through the instagram. Why it happens? The design and color of the icons are chosen by manufacturers to take and attract your attention. Do not believe me? And believe Google engineer ? So, there is a way to check how you will behave in other conditions. On iOS, there is a wonderful grayscale mode that will help your attention not to get lost due to contrasting and colorful icons.

Ready to try? Great, go to Settings → General → Universal Access → Quick Commands (at the very bottom) and drag the Light Filters to the very top and activate it by pressing so that a check mark appears on the left. Now, by triple pressing the Home button, the grayscale mode will turn on (grayscale), you can return back on the same principle by pressing the Home button 3 times. Almost reading mode like on e-book.

And if you are lucky and you have an iPhone X, then the OLED display will thank you in addition by giving you extra battery power. Using the function on the device without the Home button is not so convenient, but you can still use the AssistiveTouch menu, or turn on the mode manually via Settings.

10. Do you know that you can do some conversions right in the search bar . For example, you can dial 100 usd or 100 eur and iOS will inform you the rate of your local currency in relation to the dialed. And the calculator is not needed. Convenient, right? in the search bar you can perform and calculations. Try typing 151 + 111- (5 + 10) / pi and get the result. By clicking on the result, a transition to the Calculator will occur with the result of the calculation already inserted. Quick and convenient.

11. Do you know that you can recognize someone who calls you without getting the phone out of your pocket? No, I'm not talking about telepathy, but about vibration . You can fill your own vibration rhythm and, without reaching the phone, understand who exactly is trying to reach you. Go to Contacts → Choose the right person → Change → Ringtone → Vibration → Arbitrary → Create vibration and type the desired vibration for the contact. Make sure that the setting is applied and wait for the call from the contact.

12. Quite often, a large number of open tabs are saved in the Safari browser. Closing 40 tabs one by one is still fun. It is much easier to close them all . To do this, click the icon to switch between tabs and wait for the close menu to appear. The function works without 3D Touch. If you accidentally closed a tab in Safari, there is a great way to quickly restore it. To do this, just press the + button a little longer than usual in the tab switching mode, the menu of the last closed tabs opens and you can open it again. You can even drive in the domain zone when typing the site name , simply by holding the dot button before entering the name. iOS will offer you a choice of several domain zones and you can choose the one you need.

13. By default, iOS collects a lot of geolocation data about you. Having collected them, iOS will not be difficult to understand where you have a home (you spend the most time there + night hours), and where is the working office (you are there during business hours). This is how iOS learns to find out that on Wednesday evening you will definitely go to the gym for a workout (you do this every Wednesday for 8 weeks in a row) and will automatically suggest the right route to you in Maps, Calendar and other system applications. Yes, it is convenient, but not everyone loves when such data is collected about them. Although Apple claims that the data is encrypted, it is stored only locally and no one, even Apple itself, can read it. You can disable data collection in Settings → Privacy → Geolocation services → System services → Significant locations . At the same time check how often and where you are.

14. Did you know that on iOS there is a convenient way to cancel text just typed or a change made in the text (analogue of Ctrl + Z in Windows). Just shake your device from side to side and the cancel menu will pop out. If you decide not to delete the change, shake it again and be able to bring the change back.

15. Did you know that you can use drag & drop gestures ? It is necessary to hold the icon until the moment when they start to bounce . Then take the clamped icon to a free area of ​​the screen, and, without releasing the clamped icon, add other icons with a double tap . Icons will be added to the rest, then they can be transferred at once to another screen or folder.

Are you still dragging one icon at a time? :)

16. If in the standard Compass application, to make a swipe from right to left, then an analogue of the construction level will open. Level - a necessary tool for smooth installation during repairs.

17. Your camera can now easily scan QR codes , just turn on the camera and point it at the QR code. It automatically recognizes it and allows you to follow a link or perform other actions.

Oh, how many years we have been waiting for her!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410415/