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We are saving in the rich or familiarity with the BMW i3

If someone somewhere has spoiled the film or the whole season of the series, then it will not be so interesting to watch it. The same with the test drive of "non-standard" cars - if you look in advance at a detailed review on YouTube and study all the characteristics, then the wow-effect will not be what it could be. That is why I decided not to watch anything and not to read before meeting with the BMW i3. And did not regret. But here you ruin the whole raspberry - welcome under the cat.

It is believed that the first impression of a person is formed in just 10-20 seconds after they met, and the degree of attractiveness and attitude to him is formed in 2-4 minutes. With cars a little harder - a few minutes you can stick on only one exterior, and still in the end do not understand, like it or not. But the impression is still created by the interior and operation, the attitude of others and much more - even for the first impression 5 minutes will not be enough. It is not enough to take a ride with the manager around the car dealership. I also had a BMW i3 for a few days and during this time I gave a lot of emotions that I found it difficult to describe. In my head, they were drawn in the form of a graph, which for some reason I called a sinusoid, although by the third day I had it on a stable line :) Without claiming to exact sciences, I will try to explain what these fluctuations were - first some emotions, and then TTX and so on.

Take this opportunity to

Where do test driving cars for journalists and bloggers come from? Cabbage and storks have nothing to do with it - in most cases they are provided by the automobile brand itself, which has its own small press park for these purposes. Usually there are only relevant models for this region.

The car for the test was provided by the company's partner - the YouDrive car-sharing service, in whose arsenal there are as many as seven BMW i3 and about which I will tell a little lower. For now - just thanks for the opportunity, without which this publication did not appear.

Day 1. First meeting

As a sine wave is supposed to, it comes from 0. In my history, it was the evening of the working day, at the end of which it was suddenly suggested to take i3 for the weekend, for which you just had to choose the most convenient option on the map of the YouDrive application and "book" it ( other users of the service could not “steal” the car). It is worth noting that for me it was the first acquaintance with car sharing services - somehow I didn’t reach it, because most of the time I travel by car, taxi or public transport. BMW i3 in YouDrive is available starting from the fifth level, so that everything worked out, I was provided with a test system account.

The car was not very far from work and was 100% charged. I approach the car, in the application I press “Open the doors” - they do not open immediately, since you first need to go through a formal procedure for checking the car. Namely, to inspect for physical damage - if they are before the doors open, then they are on the conscience of the previous driver; after opening - on yours. In the case of the i3, an extra pop-up comes out: “ Check for the presence of a charging cable in the trunk ”. I open the trunk, see the wire and press "Next." The driver's door opens - the sinusoid of impressions is all in anticipation, although it still does not quite know where to go next.

Throwing my backpack onto the passenger seat, I involuntarily ran my eyes along the center console ... and at that moment it was hard for me to believe that I was in a BMW car. In addition to the logo on the steering wheel and the “washer”, iDrive did not say that it was a production car, and not some kind of concept car, the interior of which had just begun to work.

Everything turned out to be unusual. Dimensions outside, a cubic meter of free space inside - a huge windshield, starting almost a meter from the eyes. Two-spoke steering wheel. Lack of dials of devices where you expect to see them. The lack of gear selector in the usual place - instead of it is empty space. Some incredible and seemingly illogical execution of the "torpedo". Materials dashboard, doors and seats.

It was dark and not everything could be seen, but already then the level of emotions got up - finally something new and non-standard was encountered that could be studied, compared and so on. It's like a transition from iOS 6 to iOS7 - the phone and applications remain the same, but the design has changed completely. And it takes time to understand, like these changes or not.

I adjust the seat (and the i3 has only mechanical adjustment, which also surprised me a little against the background of numerous electric adjustments in the entire BMW model range) and mirrors, and press the “START” button.

Finally, the dashboard lights up and you can begin to get used to the variety of instrument readings ... which is missing here. From the available - a small flat display driver behind the wheel, on which there are neither tachometers, nor any hints at analog arrows - only a digital speedometer, a progress bar for charging a vehicle and other bread crumbs. 100% charge, hooray, now will be a party! Sinusoid is ready to open champagne.

The selector of the power unit is on the right behind the wheel, on the steering column - a massive lever, as in KAMAZ)

It takes time to get used to it (at first I want to switch speeds to the right of the seat) and to the fact that the janitor has a neighbor in the controller.

I switch to R mode to turn around - the screen with the image of the rear-view camera lights up (not as heaped up as in the new BMWs, but better than none). I stop, turn on the turn signal, switch to Drive ... I feel the same sensations, which on cars with ICE simply do not happen. Lack of engine noise and incredible thrust from the first moments of the accelerator pedal depression ... It's like playing NFS without sound: the car just went and went, in complete silence. Unusually, but very cool. No, I went to a hybrid car and they were also silent, also accelerated, but there was always a feeling that the electric motor was an imposed bonus to the engine of the engine, so that it was more comfortable and more economical to push in traffic jams. And as soon as the green light of the traffic light came on, the “main character” under the hood broke the silence and multiplied all savings by 0.

That evening there was snowfall, so I didn’t drive hard. But still I was driving a little faster than the stream, in a convenient mode. At one of the traffic lights, he connected the phone, turned on the music, looked at the power reserve - hmm, drove about 30 km and almost reached the house, and there it seemed and didn’t really go away. Perhaps even for the whole weekend is enough. A sinusoid is not just rolls over, but straight claps its hands - can not wait to ride someone, so that someone else will experience these unusual emotions.

He came home, the guard in the garage does not recognize the car number and comes out to see what kind of beast. I am going to park, I am going to charge for the night, I take the wire out of the trunk ... and I am surprised to notice that it is not charging from 220.


I was not ready for this - I wanted to go and take a photo of the car in the morning, but instead I had to study the map of charging stations (I live in the Moscow region and the closest to me was about 15 km away) and reschedule the next day in order to somehow lay an unplanned charging And the prospect of “spending half a day on exercises” was not very encouraging.

I got puzzled home, I read the official documentation - they write that the charging wire from 220 should be included. Yes, and 740Le xDrive I previously charged from the outlet - did BMW decide to produce a bunch of adapters, like Apple with a minijack? Thinking that in the morning I would find the necessary wire under the hood, I went to bed. In the application YouDrive dripped a couple of thousand, the clouds thickened. Begin to smack of disappointment, the sine wave crept down.

Day 2

In the morning the first surprise was that the car inside does not have a button to open the hood. At least in the usual places I did not find it. A cursory study of the instructions in the car (and BMW has a completely elegant illustrated instruction right on the main screen for this case) that the button should be on the key. But I do not have the key, because the car is car-sharing and opens from the phone. A keen eye prompted me to crawl under the plastic plug in the area of ​​the pedal assembly, under which I expected the cable I needed - pulled it and the sim-sim opened. But there was no desired treasure under the hood - instead of the wire there was either a first-aid kit, or a repair kit for the wheel, an emergency sign and a bottle of omyvayki.

That's how I imagined everything

I understand that test drive is dangerous. No, I'll have time to go, but I would like to make some beautiful pictures. And for this, you first need to wash the car, otherwise it makes no sense to even remove the cap from the lens. Winter is getting dark early - I wouldn’t manage to recharge myself, so I decided to pofot a discharged i3 in my city, and on Monday I could go to Moscow by tow truck. From grief I filled all the omyvayka so that the bottle did not roll under the hood.

Along the way, I decided to call YouDrive - they said that “ yes, the wiring for 220 is included, but it is removed from the car, since the BMW i3 car-sharing in Moscow can only travel within the green zone (which does not even reach the Moscow Ring Road) and there There are not so many free 220 sockets on the street . ” So my undocumented departure from the green zone became a kind of trap for me. However, it is worth paying tribute - after a few hours, a YouDrive employee arrived in my dense Moscow suburb and put the posting for 220 in the trunk. He just said so on the phone: " Alex, I brought you a wire and put it in the trunk ." Then the sinusoid shuddered a bit - not very comfortable at the thought that someone could come and get access to the car, which seems to be as yet “mine”. But then I remembered that it was not the courier who came, but an employee of the company with admin rights that hardly anyone abuses. Moreover, I was later told that such service access is used by employees to put the car on the next charge, if the driver suddenly left it in a discharged state - usually it is done at night, so that by morning all i3 in the city would be charged. I wish someone had put a smartphone on charge at night.

Sinusoid went up again - I drove my friends to the remnants of the charge, I even managed to get stuck on the border of the violation in search of beautiful shots, barely pulled it out.

In the evening I put the phone in the car for charging, I remember the readings of the counters, so that in the morning

Day 3

In general, in the morning the sinusoid struck the bottom: I was surprised to find that the meter readings almost did not change, and after a second I realized that I had an almost completely discharged car in my garage that would have enough charge to climb the tow truck. It turns out that I forgot to press a button (in 740Le there was no such thing) on ​​the charging adapter - you only need to read the instructions when something has broken, and yet nothing has broken. Well, or does not work adapter / wire / outlet, but this is not accurate. A thought passed through: "I saved on gasoline for myself - I spent on gasoline for a tow truck ."

Instead of calling the tow truck, I decided to call YouDrive again and for good reason - they advised me to pour gasoline into the car and not to suffer. WAAAT? What else gasoline ?! It turns out benziiiin, normal, 95th) So I learned that my i3 also has a gasoline engine, about which I was initially not aware of (it’s usually told and shown in the press park, and here I just sat in the dark in an unfamiliar car and drove). This is me just to send about spoilers at the very beginning.
Interesting fact: BMW released its first all-electric car in 1972 - when Elon Musk was just born. In honor of the Olympic Games in Munich, the company produced two copies of the BMW 1602-e , which were intended to carry members of the organizing committee of the games; the cars were also equipped with cameras for shooting athletes at long distances. Now one of the cars is in the museum, the fate of the second is unknown.

Specifications of the BMW 1602-e:

⬝ Electric motor power - 32 kW (43 hp)
⬝ Battery capacity - 12 kW * h
⬝ Acceleration to 50 km / h - 8 s
⬝ Maximum speed - 100 km / h
⬝ Power reserve - 30-60 km

The electric motor (Bosch) was powered by twelve ordinary (12 V) lead-acid batteries (Varta) weighing 350 kg (approximately one third of the total vehicle weight). The design implied a quick replacement of discharged batteries with a set of charged ones.

9 more photos of the car

Already then there was a heated glass (including driver's)

Interior :)

Advertising booklet for the Olympic Games

And even a small video

Sly drove to the gas station, I say “I am full tank”, the tanker is studying my spacecraft with interest. I do not have time to go to the store at the gas station, as the cashier says "the fifth column - refueled ." I understand that this is according to my soul - I attach a phone to the terminal, it is removed, hee-hee, 350 rubles. I come out, the tanker smiles - yes, apparently he did not expect such voracity either. It became clear why the refueling pistol is called a pistol - because when refueling with such sums, it really only has time to “bang”)

And on the dashboard, meanwhile, ~ 150 km was added to the power reserve. And then the sinusoid applauded straight standing, flooded up, on it straight flowers almost began to bloom. And all because the brain folded 150 km (on gasoline) and ~ 150 km (from the battery) and it turned out 300+ km - the maximum power reserve, which can be obtained by spending only 350 rubles. To understand, the same power reserve on my two-liter Civic, but there a full tank costs about 2000 rubles.

I went to the diametrically opposite city near Moscow, to Zelenograd - back and forth on gasoline, without experiencing any discomfort. The dynamics are not bad, except that the car has become slightly "noisy" - due to the work of the gasoline engine in the trunk, the sound of which more resembled the muffled sound of the compressor from the spray gun.

In the evening I put the car on charge and checked that it was charging.

Two hatches - no glitches)

In the morning, the counter rewound +30 kW (in the night tariff it is 1.26 ₽ / kW • h, in the daytime ~ 4 ₽), that is, a full charge costs 38 ₽ at night and somewhere around 120 - during the day (this is if you charge from your outlet ). Moreover, the MOESK and Mosenergo charging stations are completely free (although the freebie will end sooner or later). At private gas stations (such as EMI), the cost is about 10 ₽ per kW • h - this is more expensive than at home, but it also charges the car for 4-5 hours instead of 10 (from 220 V). And on Sadovnicheskaya Street in the center there is a gas station (50 kW), which completely charges the car in about an hour. An hour of charging and a power reserve of 300+ km - is this not a miracle? )

Charging time

Cars with the “Fast DC Charging” (4U7) and “Fast AC Charging” (4U6) options support various charging options.

The easiest, but long way - from a household outlet through a standard cable from the basic configuration, charging time will be about 10 hours.

You can use the original charger - BMW Wallbox Pure (power - 3.7 kW, 1 phase, 230 V, 16 A), with which the charging time from 0% to 80% will be 7.5 hours. Or BMW Wallbox Pro (7.4 kW, 1 phase, 230 V, 32 A) - it will take 3.5 hours to charge. With fast charging with alternating current up to 11 kW, charging time up to 80% will be less than 4 hours.

There is also the BMW i Wallbox - the newest charging station with a bunch of extra chips, including built-in Wi-Fi and control from a smartphone, logging, the ability to connect solar panels, access via RFID cards, etc.


The fastest charging method is direct current (Mode 4, maximum power up to 100 kW, however, charging with power up to 50 kW is practically used; from 0% to 80% - less than 40 minutes). They come in two tims: CHAdeMO and CSS; the BMW i3 uses CCS.

Began to count. If I drive an average of 20,000 km a year, and the average power reserve of my car is 350 km, then I refuel about 57 times a year, every time for 2000 ₽ - a total of 114,000 ₽ per year is spent only on gasoline. If I had an i3 and I only drove on electricity, charging at night in the garage, then the same mileage would have cost me in: 20,000/150 (I have an approximate actual power reserve) = 133 charges. 133 charges * 38 ₽ = 5054 ₽. So, everything, I remove the calculator, so as not to be upset.

In just a couple of days, I had an understanding of the BMW i3 appetites and they pleasantly surprised me. A sinusoid, contrary to all the rules of behavior of a decent sinusoid, crawled slightly above the unit and straightened parallel to the X axis.

The next morning, I silently went to work - in three minutes of walking from our office there is the building of MOESK with a free “gas station”, where I finished renting a car.


Above, I shared the emotions that I had for several days of the test, and I hope that my attitude passed on to you. But I admit that not everyone was interested and would like to read something besides emotions.

So, first let's try to figure out why the i3 appeared at all - a car, all so uncharacteristic for BMW. Here, by and large, there are two reasons: the first is the trend itself for the transition from ICE to alternative sources, the second is strict environmental requirements. This explains the fact that hybrids and electric cars began to appear in all like mushrooms after rain.

There is a similar story in the portfolio of many brands, but in many cases it only looks like a formal flirting with the "green", while BMW has long had a global idea to make the most environmentally friendly and economical car. And, it seems, one of the first results of engineering works just became the BMW i3 - designed from scratch, I’m not afraid of the word, an innovative electric car.

If we already started for the environment, then just a few dry facts:

It turned out similar to the text from the advertising brochure, but can you immediately call other cars with similar approach and materials? Hardly. There is hardly any other car that treats the environment with the same respect.

The BMW i3 has a modular aluminum frame structure, at the base of which is the battery compartment. Carbon body is mounted on top - ultra light (you can lift it together), durable (even in comparison with steel) and corrosion resistant.

I can not share information about how the car behaves in the cold - could not catch significant negative temperatures, so there were no complaints. Зато есть большой плюс, который заключается в том, что климатическая система также запитана от аккумулятора и начинает греть сразу, как только её включаешь — не надо ждать, пока автомобиль прогреется.

Забавно, что шаг регулировки температуры сделали в 1 градус, а не привычные 0.5

Кстати, что касается низких температур — прошлой зимой у меня был на тесте BMW 740Le x Drive (ДВС + электродвигатель), на котором я поехал в Тверь на новогодние праздники. Две ночи автомобиль стоял при температуре -35° — я переживал, что попросту не заведу его, но нет, никаких проблем — как от аккумулятора, так и от бензинового двигателя. А вот планшет на Android, встроенный в консоль между задними сиденьями, слал SOS-сигналы о том, что ему холодно и включится он только в тепле.

And all the official owners of the BMW i3 are provided with roadside assistance service - part of the Connected Drive system, which we'll talk about in the next post.

Under the hood

Under the hood is a small storage compartment - all the fun is in the back.

BMW i3 выпускается в двух модификациях — продаваемая в России i3, а также i3S, которой легендарных ям увидеть пока не суждено. Опыт подсказывает, что буква «S» в названии намекает на некую «заряженность» (в контексте автомобилей это звучит немного двояко) и спортивный характер автомобиля (например, как у родственных мини-куперов), но нет — в данном случае модификации имеют одинаковое «железо» электромотора, практически идентичную начинку и совсем немного различий. Мощность штатного синхронного электродвигателя составляет 170 л.с. (250 Н•м), время разгона до сотни — 7.3 с. Мощность i3S-версии чуть выше — 184 л.с. (270 Н•м) и 6.9 с до сотни. Когда я был маленьким, мы прислонялись на улице к водительскому стеклу автомобилей и смотрели на спидометр — крутость тачки определялась максимальным значением. С BMW i3 так не получилось бы из-за отсутствия аналогового спидометра, однако, максимальная скорость на электротяге ограничена планкой в 150 км/ч, до которой автомобиль разгоняется очень шустро. Ну а что, тише едешь — дольше будешь.

В обоих случаях под полом салона установлена тяговая 360-вольтовая батарея весом в 230 кг, состоящая из восьми модулей (по 12 элементов SB LiMotive в каждом). Номинальная ёмкость составляет 94 А•ч, или 33 кВт•ч (эффективность — 11,3 кВт•ч на 100 км). В 2018 году должен появиться аккумулятор на 120 А•ч.

При этом обе модификации могут быть в REx-исполнении, то есть со встроенным (поперечным) бензиновым двигателем, который при подключении генерирует энергию и поддерживает уровень заряда батареи — отсюда и название, Range Extender. REx включается автоматически при разряде батареи до 6,5%, после чего он поддерживает этот уровень заряда (но не заряжает). Опционально его можно подключить вручную, если уровень заряда опустился ниже 75%.

«Павербанк» двухцилиндровый, объёмом 647 см³ и мощностью 38 л.с. (момент 56 Н•м), без привода к колёсам. В комплекте к такому игрушечному моторчику идёт не менее игрушечный бензобак объёмом 9 литров. Однако именно эта опция может сделать i3 пригодным для длительных поездок по нашим бескрайним просторам, добавляя ~150 км к запасу хода. Отсюда и разница в запасе хода: у обычного BMW i3 она составляет в среднем 150-200 км, у BMW i3/i3S REx — около 330. А если ехать на круиз-контроле, то в обоих случаях можно выжать ещё больше. Примечательно, что даже при езде на бензине автомобиль показывает запас хода в километрах, а не расход в литрах.

Рекуперация в BMW i3

Многие читатели слышали это слово, но многие мои друзья — нет. Поэтому они удивлялись, когда впервые сталкивались с этим явлением.

Как гласит Википедия, рекупера́ция (от лат. recuperatio — «обратное получение») — возвращение части материалов или энергии для повторного использования в том же технологическом процессе.

Рекуперативное торможение (возврат энергии обратно в батарею) в BMW i3 настроено довольно специфично — автомобиль тормозит всегда, когда вы не жмёте педаль акселератора. Видимо, считается, что если вы убрали ногу с педали газа, то собрались тормозить, а раз собрались тормозить — давайте выжимать из этого процесса максимум пользы. Поэтому в BMW i3 не существует «наката» — его можно «имитировать» лёгким поддавливанием педальки, но стоит её отпустить, как сразу загораются стоп-сигналы: замедление может достигать 1,5 м/с². Педаль тормоза есть, но если привыкнуть к рекуперативному торможению, то ей можно практически не пользоваться — так и тормозные колодки прослужат дольше (один комплект может прокататься 60-100 тысяч), и батарея будет заряжаться больше.

Вообще, BMW i3 очень напоминает смартфон ) Тут и «весёлые сменные цветные панельки», и «чехол со встроенным аккумулятором» в лице REx-модуля, но даже с ним иногда надо вставать на зарядку. Однако есть и «программные» сходства: например, смартфон проработает дольше в энергосберегающем режиме, но стоит включить фонарик или запустить ресурсоёмкую игрушку, как тут же заряд аккумулятора начнёт таять на глазах. Примерно так и в BMW i3 — можно долго ездить на круиз-контроле в режиме ECO PRO, но если втопить «на все деньги», то запас хода начнёт резко уменьшаться. Прогресс-бар на приборной панели довольно динамичный и сразу показывает, какой «потребитель» сколько кушает: включение кондея или подогрева сокращает дальность поездки где-то на 15 км, открытие окон или включение радио — на пару километров. Нет, подключение смартфона по проводу ничего не меняет ) При этом дисплей показывает самый пессимистичный расклад — может оказаться так, что вы проедете 10 км, а запас хода не изменится.

Что удивило

Простор внутри. Есть мнение, что этот автомобиль изначально задумывался для двух человек, которые могли бы иногда складывать задние сиденья и перевозить вейкборды, стиральные машинки и прочий крупногабарит )

But in fact, it turned out that two more adults fully fit in the rear seats of this compact class. True, the car has not been redrawn for them - they will have neither window raisers, nor a separate climate (it’s a single-zone front) or other bonuses.

Anyway, there is a lot of space: the windshield is quite far away and it feels very large, right on the "torpedo" there is a large niche for every kind of junk shop, the ceiling is high, there is a place in the legs both in front and behind. Very light and spacious, landing high. And if there was a hatch (there is such an option), then in general it would be like in an aquarium.

- Efficiency . When I saw a motor range of 200 km in the TTX, I was upset - my experience suggested that it was not 200, but somewhere between 140-150 (in actual conditions and with my driving style), that is, it seems like even frivolous. However, it would hardly be possible for companies like BMW to produce something unnecessary, because there are no fools working there either. Company research showed that the majority of people travel an average of 50 km per day (for work and back), often less - that is, the power reserve of 150-200 km is enough for several days. Secondly, it turned out that in the version with a gasoline engine, the power reserve is twice as large, and this already changes things. Calculate yourself what you want - in rubles, in liters, in kilowatts - everywhere the cost of a kilometer ride turns out to be several times cheaper than with the engine. The cost of service work is also unlikely to be large: the pads need to be changed very rarely (due to recovery), there is no box, there is no place to add oil, washing and tire fitting at the most modest price list, and so on. For Europeans, what the doctor ordered.

- Maneuverability . Despite the rear-wheel drive, the car was surprisingly quite predictable in terms of control. There is no feeling that the car will tip over on the turning arc - the center of gravity is at the very bottom, which reduces the number of rolls and allows you to feel comfortable with various maneuvers. Small turning radius, the ability to park even in small spaces - something that five-meter cars cannot boast. The mass is 1440 kg, the wind does not blow.

- Dynamics . Remember the riddle from childhood, “what is harder - a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of fluff?” With a disappointing answer “both there and there a kilogram”? Despite the fact that the technical characteristics of the BMW i3 are pretty standard numbers in terms of acceleration, 7 seconds to a hundred are felt much more driving than 7 seconds on other cars, although there and there 7 seconds. It's all about the electric motor, which "drags" immediately to the whole coil, in contrast to the internal combustion engine with its switching speeds and other turbojamy. Most cars have a speed limit - ordinary cars are very reluctant to sneak up on this limit, while the BMW i3 easily picks up speed for the same reasons. And yes, this car is faster than 90% of cars in the city at the start with a traffic light.

- Environmental friendliness . Maybe I am an egoist and, living in Russia, I do not consider this advantage a key for a car, but if we talk about what surprised me , the eco-approach in i3 surprised me.

- Doors . Long time I was not surprised at the door) In the BMW i3, they open like a carriage, wide-open - at the expense of rear-end rear doors. In this case there is no middle pillar - it is formed by the junction of the doors, moreover, not to the detriment of security (judging by crash tests ). This is unusual and adds space again (when the doors are open), although not very convenient - the rear doors can only be opened after opening the front doors.

I tried to find the cons of this car and it was not easy. The only thing you can’t argue with is the price - in Russia it is 4.360.000 ₽, which in my understanding is expensive for a citicar, even if it is with a tiny petrol engine on board. For this money, 9 out of 10 friends surveyed would prefer to take the same BMW X5 or some sedan. The tenth turned out to be my brother, who does not measure the car with the number of horsepower, engine size and size of the wheels - he really liked the i3.

In Europe, more charge and a lot of i3, including karsheringovyh

Other buyers also understand this, so BMW i3 sales in Russia are very modest. I can voice them with a rebus: when you drive a karshering i3, you manage 10% of all i3 in Russia sold for 2017) With 70% owned by YouDrive. And this is how it turns out: in Europe, this is an excellent family siticar (I was recently in their area and was personally convinced of this), and here it is perfect for us except for car sharing (and here, by and large, there is simply no equal).

Initially, I wanted to inscribe a power reserve in the minuses, but even the two-day experience of owning this car changed my attitude to this issue. I considered it by my own example and came to the conclusion that within a week I would have enough supply of 150-200 km, and a reserve of 350-400 km would be even with an excess. But for some, this is not enough - for truck truckers, who don’t feed them with bread, but let them go somewhere for 400+ km) But as it turned out, the problem is completely solved by a gasoline engine, with which you can get anywhere. If YouDrive offered me now to go on i3 somewhere to St. Petersburg or Samara, then the very next day I would be in St. Petersburg. Well, or in Samara, respectively) By the way, in some countries (for example, in Germany), BMW is ready to give i3 owners a replacement car for free, in case they need to go on a long trip.

Well and the last, design. Arguments about the design is always subjective, but in general, no one argues with the statement that the appearance of the BMW i3 turned out somewhat controversial, and from all sides at once.

- Do the dude blood out of his nose and he wants thirty for it? Right now I will buy paints for fifty dollars and watch them to their fullest, I'll add more blue for free.

But it is precisely because of its uniqueness that this car attracts attention to itself, which you can easily see just by sitting behind the wheel. At every traffic light will have to observe the views of people, whether other drivers or pedestrians. The neighbor said: “ so ugly that you already like it! " :)

I first saw the BMW i3 in 2012 at the Moscow Motor Show - then it was a concept with glass doors. As you can see, the production model is not very different from the concept, which happens quite rarely.

Personally, I can not call the design bad - it is interesting and unusual, but because of the rare encounters on the roads, it just seems “alien”, at least in the BMW model range. As a fan of the brand, I perceive this car rather as an experimental exhibit from the foreseeable future, in which the company tried to make everything unusual - design, interior, management, performance and everything else. Because the cost of the error of introducing such experiments on the same X5 could be too high. And from this perspective, the experiment with the BMW i3 seems to me quite successful.

How much does it cost to ride a BMW i3?

On the very first day of the test, the inspector stopped me and we had a funny conversation. He looked at the documents, checked the data in my WU with the data in the car sharing application. Instead of the full name in the application, it was written “Test Drive” - I had to explain that this is not a hijacking, but a test drive. He began to ask for which edition I was writing about the car and at the end I asked, “how much is it worth driving for.” He replied that he had already diverted 50 rubles to me :)

BMW i3 is the most expensive YouDrive and the cost of renting it is 17 rubles per minute (but not more than 12,000 per day). Is it expensive or not? On average, this is twice as expensive as the minute of renting other machines, and if you compare minute tariffing with a taxi, about the same comfort car costs. At the same time, this price is still lower than that of car-sharing services in Europe.

A three-time “Thank you” from the YouDrive company: for the vehicle provided, for the charger brought and for diving into the carsharing theme — I saw significant advantages in it and I will sometimes use it. Separately, thank you for not writing off the points accumulated during the test, thanks to which the BMW i3 became available at any time - I’ll repeat it again. Just at least to ride friends and tell what kind of beast it is :)


Bend your fingers: small, quiet, fast, maneuverable, technological, safe, unusual, economical, eco-friendly, "thoroughbred." At this, my fingers are over, although some epithets could still be picked up. But instead, just remember this car as the perfect sitikar, which in some countries, people are already full chase.

In the form of “cherries on the cake” I offer you a 1.5-hour video clip, which shows all the stages of creating a BMW i3 at a factory in Leipzig. Follow the link and look at at least 2x-speed, or simply add to favorites to view at your leisure. In the comments write “A fine piece of german engineering”, but in my opinion this is just a great geek-porn:

Stay electric!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410423/