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Yandeks.Kassa, Robokassa, and other payment aggregators: where to go to a startup or small business to work legally?

Hello! Three years ago, when I had my own small online store of unusual gifts, there were no such marketplays and promotions as now, and I had to invent all my “bicycles” myself. But, on the other hand, there were no online cash desks and tight state control. It was possible to trade anything through public in VC in any format: with a check, without a check, for cash and non-cash - everything dear. Then the ring of "state control" began to shrink. At first they took up big business, then banks. Then all the alcohol traders, including tents near the house, were “planted” at the USAIS. Then they “counted” the truckers, twice or three times stripping them with the Plato accounting system.
A year ago, the hands of the state got to such small fry as small and microbusiness. Many thought it would not come to that, but it came. The "tin" began - I mean the change of the rules of trade under the law 54-FZ . Some shouted that these online cash registers were expensive and would kill the trade. Others, on the contrary, claimed that it would be easier and more transparent to manage the process. Still others (especially geeks, fans of Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, and apologists of technology) predicted that inevitably there will be new services that will change business processes, which is good.

A year has passed: trade, of course, has not gone away anywhere, and new components have really appeared in business processes. And when my friends recently suggested that I enter their business - I, thinking about whether to get involved in a start-up project for making funny t-shirts with prints, decided to study in detail the issues of box office discipline. Understand how you can now manage your finances, how much it can cost, and what new services a small and even microbusiness can use in order not to remain in the red.

Why does a goat need musical instruments or why do you need digitization of sales?

It is no secret that business, especially small, in Russia has worked for many years in a “gray” and even “black” field. In rural stores and wholesale stores, sales are now often carried out “on a notebook”, without the use of computerized accounting. The sale of sweets, home-made soaps and other microbusiness (and mine too) never published any checks and had a very vague idea about the concept of “Internet acquiring”. With the introduction of the new trade rules for 54-FZ, everyone needed the accounting. According to the so-called “Online Cash Desk Law”, all organizations and companies involved in trade, even small firms or just groups of individuals (with very few exceptions), are obliged to install and use online cash registers, which are sent in real time to FTS data about each trade operation.

The goal of the law at the state level is good: “whiten” the business and make tax accounting transparent. And yet - due to the accurate work of the online system, minimize the “contacts” of an entrepreneur with the FTS: reduce the number of sudden and frequent tax audits, etc. It should be noted that, thanks to discussions in the business community, the adopted version 54-ФЗ includes exemptions and exceptions for a number of businesses or areas with “problem Internet”. But the fines stipulated by the law, frighten - especially worried about small business, which does not have a single "free" penny. Sanctions for non-use or incorrect application of new cash registers (CCP), as well as for non-issuance of cash voucher to the buyer, have been tightened.

The measures seem draconian : for non-use of the CCP, the PI will be fined 10,000 rubles, LLC - 30,000 rubles, for a check not sent at the buyer's request - a fine of 10,000 rubles, which previously could not even be imagined. This is at the time when a beginner’s start-up or baker of home-made cookies has a total monthly revenue amount of just 10,000 rubles. In addition, the law provides for the possibility of suspending activities: for individual entrepreneurs and limited liability companies, for up to 90 days. And here it is not necessary to explain what the loss of revenue means for a small store in the high season. And we have to repeat: if the state has already pressed big business and retail to the wall, then it will definitely not stand on ceremony with the “kids”.

Someone, afraid of innovations, immediately announced the termination of its activities. And someone began to look for options to reduce the cost of these innovations. Because, objectively speaking, any merchant cannot bypass not only the law, but also a general change in consumer behavior. People are really used to buying goods for non-cash: Russian statistics show a steady increase in the number of bank cards issued and purchases made with their help. It is convenient to buy on the Internet, as well as pay card services for hairdressers and taxi drivers. We usually pay with a card for movie tickets and order pizza with online payment. Therefore, even a tiny “enterprise”, consisting of one girl-pastry chef, cannot do without an electronic payment system. After all, against the demand is no arguing.

From theory to practice: what to do to digitize

Large business has long been entered into a technological electronic system and is provided with “airbags” in the form of a large staff of analysts, programmers and technicians who can cheat-evaluate or “screw up” already running processes. But small and micro businesses have to start “digitizing” from scratch. For example, I looked at three microbusiness, for which the changes may hit hardest:

  1. "A seamstress with a twist," this one is my old friend. Her business is hands, imagination and one sewing machine. She sews suits for fitonies and gymnasts: the price of one costume of a 10-year-old figure skater or swimsuit for the Miss Olympia City N-2018 competition can reach up to 70,000 rubles. Since the price tag of a seamstress is more humane than a shopkeeper, and the work is very high-quality, orders go to her literally from everywhere. Its turnover is about 200 thousand rubles. per month. But this is just a girl who does not have any PI, or even a legal entity.
  2. "Reseller" - a typical shop of two geeks, with a business card site, made independently, public in social networks and one pickup point in the city. This is about what I did before, and the business was “handed over” to my brother, he (and business and brother) still works. Resale of popular Chinese gadgets and components for them, rare Rubik's 17x17 cubes and other interesting nonsense. This is an IE with a monthly turnover of about 300 thousand rubles.
  3. “Fierce T-shirt” is a small business, maybe, not even an individual entrepreneur, but a whole LLC of 3-5 people. This is just the business of my friends, in which I am offered to participate. The guys print T-shirts with funny or original prints, have a couple of “islands” in large shopping centers of the city, they have some kind of trade account. The turnover per month steadily exceeds 500 thousand rubles, but they consider their every penny and want to grow.

Since I myself became interested in the question, and along the way, a seamstress friend and a business brother asked me, as a more experienced comrade, what should they do in the current circumstances, I decided to start studying the topic seriously. At the moment of studying the issue, I see only two "live" options to continue my small business and be in the "law":

FIRST - contact the bank.

All decent banks - from Alpha and Sberbank to Tinkoff and “Points” - offer ready-made solutions for choosing online cash registers and terminals, as well as Internet acquiring services. You can pick up the online cash register itself, and choose the service format, and thus, for moderate (or not so much) money, integrate into the modern trading model.

SECOND - choose a payment aggregator, which will connect all incoming payments from the client with the necessary banking and payment systems.

He will help organize trade in such a way that it can be traded with CCV, and even without CCV, but within the law. In other words, the aggregator will take over the “fiscal red tape” and ensure the legalization of e-commerce business.

Both options have pros and cons. Therefore, a business that has never previously dealt with Internet acquiring and online cash registers will have to figure it out - in order to choose a suitable option. I reviewed both of these options in detail, analyzed each one in detail, and this is what I did in the bottom line.

Plus a minus - what is the result? Banks.

It would seem that everything is simple: go to Sberbank or Tinkoff's favorite by technocrats, buy cash from them and its service, and sew further costumes with rhinestones or print T-shirts. And in the popular bank “Tochka” it is possible to open the IP, as promised, with two clicks (and this is true, “The Point” does not deceive).

In fact, communication with the bank will in any case become bureaucratic red tape. A seamstress, for example, will need a legal entity in order to interact with a bank ... Resellers will have to provide complete information about themselves (an impressive package of documents) and issue a credit card - even very large banks feel free to impose “add. services to small businesses. My brother, the "heir of the business," had to come to the bank personally four times (!) To: provide the necessary documents, issue a credit card (a condition is necessary, although he does not need it at all), then carry out several monetary transactions on it (also ). When to trade, if you only do what you run from bank to bank?

And Prizhimistaya T-shirt LLC, with its network of stores, will have to provide the bank with a justification not only detailed data on the network, but also undergo multi-level checks in different banking units to connect each new type of payments. And if it so happens that a settlement account of an LLC in one bank, and acquiring is provided by another bank, then you will have to change everything: without a settlement account “at home”, the bank will not sign an agreement on acquiring.
Well, you say, there is an unkillable Sberbank, which, in any case, never “burns down” and is technologically fully developed. But it is enough to enter the phrase “Sberbank monitoring” in the search engine in order to once and for all discourage the desire to go there. People endlessly complain that, according to the results of this damned financial monitoring, Sber locks funds in accounts. Constantly requires “confirm relationships”, prove sources of receipt or causes of money flow, forcing to close accounts, etc. For small businesses that already have every penny in their account, blocking an account on the eve of a trade transaction can mean instant business folding. I need it? Not. And you?

Next - again red tape. If you try to connect Yandex.Money yourself, you will have to go through a routine check of the Yandex.Money NGO. Want QIWI to connect?

Again - to check the banking organization with which the "Qiwi" works. Go, go. Understand, subscribe, wait. And everywhere you need to be present in person - such rules. In the meantime, my friend, a seamstress, walks through the banks and tax, the costumes for skaters do not sew themselves. And the turnover will not grow.

All this is because the tasks of the business and the bank are different. In any case, it is important for the bank to sell you its services, cards, insurance and to be safe three times before the regulator. And a business consisting of 1-3 people has to master in no place its specialties: accounting, tax law, financial management and legal subtleties. All this takes both time (to study) and money (if you have to hire an accountant to serve in the bank).

And the task of a small entrepreneur is to make sales legal, and so that the “authorities” do not touch. For everything to work, but you do not need to understand all the nuisances and intricacies of fiscalization - you just want to sell your product and make money on it. You do not need a deposit insurance or loan secured by a house or kidney.

Therefore, microbusiness, like our “Seamstress” and “Reseller”, are likely to start looking for someone who will help them solve their problems without difficulty. To enter the legal field without huge costs, and then see if the matter goes or not. After all, the promised 54-FZ implementers, useful for analyzing BigData, are still far away and completely incomprehensible, and the loss of revenue and fines is right here on the nose.

Payment aggregator: what is it, why is it needed and how to choose?

A payment aggregator is an online system that takes care of your collection and proper distribution of all payments to you through accounts and payment services.

A good aggregator works with cash on delivery, and with payment systems / services, and with virtual currencies. Easily and quickly streamline settlements, legalize the circulation of money according to the requirements of the law - all these are the tasks of the aggregator. Of course, they charge a commission for the service, in different services the figure ranges from 3 to 5%. But if we compare the costs of working with the bank (both the installations and maintenance of the CCP will fall here, according to the law) and the commission of the payment aggregator, which allows working even without CCP, the benefit is obvious. It is cheaper, faster and easier to interact with the aggregator and pay for a full-fledged sufficient service than a one-time “hit” for about 50 thousand rubles. for the installation of CCV, and then to pay for its service and, of course, to pay the bank its commission.

There are a lot of aggregators and services for receiving payments in the Russian market. First of all, I consider the “big three leaders” - the most famous, authoritative, popular and sought after:

Let's put it this way: does a seamie girl need Yandex.Cassa money twice a day? Yes, this is important: the microbusiness has literally every penny in the account. The option “quickly receive money from yesterday’s customer to pay for material for today's customer” is a guarantee of constant productivity. But no less important is the payment by the client of the order in the conveniently located Beeline salon or via the instant payment terminal, as in Robokassa. Because both “Seamstress” and “Resaler” want their motley buyers to pay for their orders in any convenient place. Every businessman defines priorities for himself, but RBK Money is hardly suitable for all our three businesses, because, unfortunately, it does not work with individuals.

A seamstress microbusiness may be embarrassed by the Robokassa Commission, it is higher than that of Yandex.Cash, but it is useful to know that Robokassa has a rate from 2.3% to 3.9%. With the growth of the store turnover, the maintenance fee is reduced. And this is important for our third business - “Fiery T-shirt”, which already has a network of shops and is counting on further growth. Increasing the turnover, the business moves to a different service tariff, reducing its commission. For example, when the turnover (the sum of all payments received through the service) reaches 500 thousand rubles. per month, the “Real” tariff is used with a commission for card payment of 2.9%, and with a turnover of more than 10 million rubles. per month - the VIP rate with a commission of 2.3%.

"Schwei" and "Resaler" should pay attention to the number of payment methods. RBK Money has only 11 of them, which significantly reduces its attractiveness (and even then, only when working with legal entities), unlike Yandex.Cashi (20) and Robokassi (the unequivocal leader in this parameter is 26 ways) .

At the same time, cooperation with the aggregator will allow the microbusiness to save 35 to 70 thousand rubles at the entrance. That is the cost of the new CCP, which should be provided with trade organizations. And yet: the costs of running on one CCT installation will not end - you will also have to pay between 5-7 thousand rubles for its implementation, design and maintenance. in year. And for microbusiness, the opportunity to save on technology, and trading without breaking the law, is vital. With a good aggregator, you can trade without even buying or using CCP. So even if you pay 3.9% of the turnover, your costs will definitely be less investments in interaction with the bank and less than investments in the installation and maintenance of CCV. Already one opportunity to work without a CCP saves businesses from 40 to 100 thousand rubles. in year.

Finally, both Yandex.Cassa and RBK MONEY interact with only one settlement bank each, and Robokassa with three. Why is this important for business? When a bank of “your” aggregator begins to have any problems, you, as an entrepreneur, risk losing your working capital, which is stored and serviced in the bank. No one is insured against 146% of risks, catastrophes and other force majeure, but nevertheless, it is safer to choose who can switch business from one bank to another in case of problems. We need a stable service that will not let the money “freeze”, because in a small business there are so few of them.

Well, since RBK MONEY has a “window of opportunity” significantly less, both in the form of an entrepreneur (only legal entities) and in the number of payment options (two times less than in others), I have not considered it further.

For geeks and not only: how to connect and maintain the system

For all three of these entrepreneurs, who, most likely, have come to their senses just now, and want to quickly integrate into the legal trading system as quickly as possible - speed and simplicity of connecting services is important. And it is necessary to pay attention to this, studying the conditions of money I / O proposed by the aggregator. As a rule, accepting payments begins after online registration, but withdrawal is possible only after receiving the original documents with bruises and signatures. With modern aggregators, registration is carried out online, and the connection to the payment system is made fairly quickly: with Yandex.Cashires during two days (the same terms with Tinkoff and Dot), with Robokassi within 24 hours (by the way, not waiting for documents with stamps).

Even taking into account the nuances of each aggregator, the procedure for concluding an agreement is much simpler than a banking one. The package of required documents is much thinner, and the connection speed is higher. Plus, each aggregator has its own useful chips. In "Robokassa" is - simple registration of IP in the process. Thanks to the partnership of the aggregator with the bank “Tochka”, our “Schwei” it is possible to issue an IP in two clicks and get all the necessary services online. And Yandex.Cassa, as part of the Russian telecommunications giant, facilitates the integration of an online store with Yandex services, sales monitoring and analysis, such as Yandex.Metrics and Yandex.Market.

And as a potential participant in a small business, I think I will not lie if I say: programmers decide everything. A business of two or even ten people does not want to fool with the connection features or hire a “hacker team” to configure and debug. There is no money for it, no hands. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such an aggregator, which will either do everything for you, or its connection will be so simple that you can do everything in two or three clicks without special knowledge. Both Yandex.Cashy and Robokassa have no problems with this. And the latter is implemented in 48 different site engines (CMS).

Of course, problems are possible even with the current level of technology development. We remember how a total failure occurred in December 2017in the work of online cash registers, because of which both large and small businesses lost the opportunity to trade and report normally for a few hours. Solve problems with services and “catch bugs”, distracting from trade, do not want anyone. Therefore, choosing any form or type of integration into the "financial system according to 54-ФЗ", you need to pay attention to the work of support. In many payment processing services, it is not immediately possible to reach the support service. Opinions about the support of Yandex.Cash are quite diverse, but there are also often complaints about a low reaction rate, lack of competencies and a desire to understand the intricacies. Robokassa also has dissatisfied users., but in general, it has a clear interface, originally sharpened by a far from IT (and therefore, non-advanced) entrepreneur. This understanding can be very useful for a beginner merchant who does not have a friend like me, who is “flogged”. Your risks and labor costs must be planned and calculated in advance, so that you will not be distracted from the actual production and trade.

The apogee of apotheosis: new opportunities and whether they are needed?

Yes, the concepts of scrum, agile and holacracy to ordinary people and even big businessmen are not yet clear, and their applicability in business is questionable. But, even without understanding the meaning of the word “iteration”, a business tends to develop iteratively. That is: run some business solutions or improvements with minimal investment of money and resources. Then, test their effectiveness and take further steps based on the conclusions. If entering a solution with a minimum investment made it easier, giving an impetus to development and increasing momentum, this is the right decision. Such an iterative rule of development is fully suited to the choice of a payment system (and integration into the legal field of trade according to 54-ФЗ). The ideal payment aggregator will “turn on” any business online with a minimum of time and money and will allow to continue to realize new opportunities.And in the case of Robokassa, having logged a day in a day with a minimum of red tape and costs, a seamstress who didn’t have an IE and his own website would be a legal entrepreneur with his own online store in six months. And get another "bonus" -“Robomarket” solution , which allows you to create your own store with a domain name, as an example - strazi.robo.market, where “strazi” is the name of your store. And it will be possible to trade on the online platform, without having your own website. But "Yandex.payment" does not provide a trading platform, but only "hooks" its payment services to an already existing site.

It turns out that if you need to quickly and inexpensively integrate into new financial realities (and for microbusiness, “quickly and inexpensively” is vital), then the aggregator is better, not the bank. Those who trust the "giants of the market" and needs frequent withdrawal of money, suitable "Yandex.Cassa." And those who need stability, simplicity and maximum choice of payment methods, plus additional services like IP registration in two clicks and marketplace for trading, will suit Robokassa. The main thing is to count your time, money and priorities.

In short, this is all that I learned from the analysis of payment systems, banks and aggregators. Another reason why I wrote this material: I admit that I missed something or lately there have been some changes. Therefore, I want to ask people from micro and small businesses and IT: which priorities are more important for you? And by what criteria would you choose this or that bank or aggregator? What did I miss or ignore? Write in the comments and let's discuss, because the topic is very urgent and the delay in it can literally kill any start-up business.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410503/