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First contact

- What is he doing there? Isn't his mission accomplished? - Dean, has long wanted to discuss this with the captain.
Greg broke away from the messages:
- Continually insists that the plan requires completion.
- Can you turn it off already?
- It is not so easy. On it the whole ship, and the ship we need.
“Then let's tell him that the task is over.”
“The last time we said that, he was going to send everyone to the surface and burn the ship with him, dropping it on the star.” He said that if you do not work out the plan to the end, then taking into account all the risks, it’s safer. Hardly dissuaded. I had to let him do what he was doing.

Earth is doomed. After 120 years, it will turn into an ice ball. Life will be preserved except near the underwater geothermal sources. But life on the surface will be unbearable much earlier. And we can not stop it. Colonies on Mars are far from autonomy and so far entirely dependent on Earth. Mars is the plan of B. The efforts for its terraforming have been increased many times over, but whether it is possible is not yet clear. We need a new home - a planet suitable for life. And very urgent.
Almost all Earth supercomputers were combined to service two giant artificial intelligence - Hoper and Phoenix. The first worked on the terraforming and colonization of Mars, and the Phoenix we are the colonizers of exoplanets. Strictly speaking, these were not two AI, but rather two large teams of various AI on medicine, physics, biology, psychology, engineers and builders. And these teams were fueled by two strategists, two super AI - our Hoper and Phoenix. Their cognitive power was truly impressive. Some seriously feared whether we could keep them under control. But there were no options. To implement these tasks on our own in the allotted timeframe, we simply could not do it.

- Didn’t it happen after all this severity when visiting the ship?
- Exactly. In fact, he holds the ship hostage and is working on the final stage. And we will allow him to do this until we figure out how to steer the ship without him, or until he finally calculates possible scenarios and offers us the best.
- And you are not afraid?
- To be honest, not very. He had had difficult periods before. And from experience we know that it is better to allow him to complete what he is doing. Just a little more closely look after him.

We hit the road. To the planet found by Phoenix, on a ship built by Phoenix, we carry out the plan of colonization, developed by him. The most intriguing thing about this was that no one knew the plan to the end. Phoenix gave out plans in strange portions - sometimes for several years ahead, sometimes for several months. He explained this by the fact that further calculations have not yet been made - not enough information. And although the global plan was laid in it, the details were almost always left to his discretion. He was given a list of tasks that he is obliged to coordinate - mainly protecting people from its impact. The rest of the questions were almost entirely under his jurisdiction, and so far everything went very well. His engineering solutions were very elegant, he advanced a little in fundamental physics, developed several new technologies, found a planet, made calculations, built a ship.

- And you know what exactly he is doing now? - Dean did not let up.
- Of course. Mostly innocuous routine. Explores local biology. All over the ears in enzymes and enzymes. Now it's easier not to touch it and go about your business. And knowledge in local biology will be useful to us anyway. Why does he bother you at all?
- I do not trust him.
- Come on, - Greg was genuinely surprised. - It is created for us to settle here. This is the meaning of his existence. And he has repeatedly demonstrated his abilities in the implementation of this task. He is our friend, do not forget about it. Tell me about your local friends.

We went into orbit of this planet about a year ago. This was our first contact. And them too. They. Phoenix woke us six months before the goal with the news that the planet was inhabited by sentient beings and that their level of technology was only 200-300 years behind ours, and they were already launching rockets into space. So far mainly to its orbit. And they already have some sort of earthly government. While the truth is rather nominal. Phoenix began to learn their languages ​​and culture on radio signals from the planet as soon as the signal became distinguishable. By our awakening, he had already worked through the initial stage of contact, from orbit. Phoenix learned several local languages ​​and acted as a translator. And the author of almost all of our appeals to local ones. We urged friendship and in every possible way demonstrated that we didn’t come for a conflict. Honestly told our situation and entered into trust. At the next stage, direct contact was planned on the planet. We descended on a planet that was painfully similar to Earth, and, unlike Earth, it had a future.

- As long as we know a little. Their name is Di and E.
“Names are similar to Chinese,” Greg was surprised.
- They are Chinese. Their Chinese first met and called. Their native names I can not pronounce, and not necessary. We communicate all the same through the Phoenix translators, he himself calls them right there.
- You have to learn the language too.
- Not this one. This one is not very common. They called us to something like a party in two days. Said there and get to know better.
- You want to go?
- Why not. Besides us there will be about 8 more people.
- Have fun responsibly, do not get into trouble.

At first, of course, it was difficult. But expected. Overcoming Overcome In such cases, Phoenix has provided fairly detailed strategies of behavior. It worked. We began to assimilate, establish contacts, even make friends. They began to learn one of the local languages, the local began to learn our language. Xenophobia, of course, is ineradicable to the end, but it is quite amenable to control on both sides. We started breathing deeply on this planet, we began to feel it as our second home. We started to believe that we have a chance.

The next day, Phoenix called everyone to the ship. He insisted that this was important and that he could only communicate the details on the ship. As a result, we surrendered and arrived. Greg was not very pleased:
“So why did you put us together?” On the planet, our behavior looked very suspicious, and we, thanks to you, have established good contact with them. Now, your actions interfere rather than help colonization.
- Not at all, captain. Our colonization plan is finally fully developed and ready for the beginning of the final stage.
- Honestly, we already actually live on this planet. What is the final stage?
- I finished developing the necessary virus. For the locals, it is lethal, very fast and effective, carriers are many insects, almost all animals and birds on the planet, but it is harmless to them. As, of course, for you. I gathered you all on the ship, because I thought that, taking into account the time spent on the planet, watching the mass death of local people could hurt you.
- You were damn right.
- It was originally planned that I would be able to collect all the samples and develop the virus in a few weeks, then these difficulties would not have arisen. However, the process of studying local biology was delayed, then experiments were required. As a result, I had to gather you here to compensate for this error. But you should know that the feeling of affection will soon pass.
- Are you crazy?
- No, I rechecked the whole plan several times. After the first phase, it will be necessary to identify individuals resistant to the virus and deliver their samples to the ship. I will modify the virus and in the second run we will clean the planet completely. Plus, I calculated the speed and direction of the winds on the planet, chose the places and time of spraying, so that the virus spread as quickly as possible and evenly throughout the planet.
- Ok, enough. I think we will not stick to your plan this time, excuse me. The virus will have to be destroyed.
- I'm afraid this is impossible.
- Find a way.
“Captain, a minute and a half ago, there was a suitable moment in the atmosphere of the planet and all the rockets were launched. I have no more control over them. Your new home is almost ready.

Zhenya Belik
Ps. Second contact, or instead of an epilogue


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410527/