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No opportunity to get new lungs? Worth trying refurbished

Harald Ott, a surgeon at Harvard Medical School, believes that the unusual methods used in his laboratory in the future will be able to resolve the issue of the lack of donor organs for transplantation. On average, in the USA alone, about 20 people die every day due to the fact that donor organs were not received on time. If the idea of ​​Ott really works, then in the future donors will not be needed.

The basic idea is to take the organ and remove all living cells from it, leaving only the skeleton. Then patient stem cells are injected into the tissue of the patient, which are used to grow the tissue cells of the specified organ. As a result, the resulting organ will not be rejected by the body of the recipient, since the immune system considers it its own.

But after all, donors are still needed - because the source body needs to be taken from somewhere? That's right. But in this case, the donor may even be an animal. Ott showed that organs compatible with the human body (any) can be created, even if you take the source from a pig or rat. It is clear that a rat lung cannot be transplanted into a person, as, incidentally, a pig one, but this is only an experiment that has shown the effectiveness of the method.

Approbation of the method of regeneration with the organs of animals has justified itself by 100%, showing the effectiveness of the method.

The scientist began to develop his methodology while studying at the University of Minnesota. A decade later, his own laboratory began to study the conditions in which stem cells could begin to develop into the tissues of a particular organ to restore the health of this organ.

Now Ott's team has tried to transplant the reconstituted organs back into donor organisms - the same pigs and rats.

Despite the fact that the returned organs are already “human,” that is, incompatible with the immune system of animals, the latter were able to live with them for a week. That is, the technique proved to be fully operational.

So far, the scientist does not reveal all the secrets, but we must think that the technology really has prospects.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410541/