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Our whole reality is a process.


It doesn't matter where and when this conversation took place, and what we talked about earlier. Moreover, I turned on the recording of the conversation from that moment.

... in fact, we are not a matter, but a process.

- What other process? These are some kind of computer games or a matrix - I decided to translate everything into a joke, since such a turn clearly went beyond the edge of common sense.

- The most common process. Try to refute this and you will understand that all scientific discoveries confirm this. Moreover, each new discovery confuses the situation more and more, as it requires a new separate theory, which at least somehow explains everything. One of the latest discoveries is quantum teleportation, which puts an end to the theory about our material origin, because all the existing laws of physics have been violated. Light speed exceeded. But physicists here too dodged and came up with string theory. They explained quantum teleportation with the fact that the whole Universe is supposedly stitched with invisible strings. Those. the particles are actually very elongated and are infinite lines, not points.

“Suppose we have a process, how does he explain quantum teleportation?”
- He cancels the concept of distance. The process takes place in one place, it can be said on one "carrier", therefore no strings are needed so that a pair of quanta instantly transmit information at any "distance". If we describe it figuratively, then for a unit from a computer game, a browser is an inaccessible two-dimensional Universe, but physically they exist on a single processor. They are different parts of the same process and there is no distance between them. They are one-dimensional.

- It turns out time does not exist, as well as distance.
- There is only the sequence of the program, the frequency of the "processor". This is the time. After all, physicists have long found that time is uneven - it flows faster in space than on earth. They explained this by gravity. The stronger the gravity, the slower time flows. For example, can you imagine the connection between time and mass?

- Honestly, it is difficult .
- And if you imagine that time is the speed of the “processor” and it depends on the information density - the higher it is, the more “programs”, the slower they are executed. A small program will always run faster than a large one.

“The well-known physical problem is that classical Newtonian mechanics does not work at the quantum level, and vice versa, quantum physics does not work at large objects. Is the statement that we are a process, how can this be explained? Is it really possible to take and create the Unified Theory of Everything, about which Hokking wrote?
- This is well illustrated by the example of the same program code that a person creates. After all, we create only what we consist of. Those. the processes that we generate are of the same nature and working principles as ourselves.

- "In the image and likeness of his" ...
- Exactly. Our cars have four wheels (four limbs), two headlights (two eyes). They move, as we do, due to the energy of oxidation, only we burn proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the car hydrocarbons, gas and ethanol. Auto breathes and exhales ...

- This is just appropriate. Evolution has created perfect swimmers and flyers, so the plane was created in the shape of a bird, and the submarines copy the sperm whale.
- I agree. But look at the program code and server technologies, here we seem to be not tied to any laws of physics, but still create a copy of our reality at all levels. What we have, for example, in a computer game. Unit - imitates a person, an object that corresponds to a substance, functions that are molecules, operators that are essentially atoms, and finally the smallest particles of machine and binary code. Those. absolutely any program consists of two elementary particles 0 and 1. Also, our reality, no matter how diverse it is, contains two elementary indivisible codes.

- Although everything is logical, but it is very fantastic.
- Antimatter obtained and even annihilated. Those. matter just disappeared. With the combination of matter and antimatter, both substances disappear. This is the surest proof that we are not a matter of information but of matter.

- It turns out annihilation - is it just a mathematical operation, when zero is multiplied by one?
- And what else? This cannot be compared with ions or other charged particles, because, having connected a proton with an electron, only the charge disappears, the particles themselves form a neutron. Electric current is also not where it does not go, just somewhere there is oxidation, somewhere restoration. Annihilation is the complete disappearance of "matter."

- So how about the Unified Theory of Everything, over which physicists are fighting?
- Oh yes. Well, here is the same situation as with the program code. What do machine code and functions have in common? Yes, almost nothing. It is impossible to compare and derive a single formula for processes of different nesting, since they initially perform different tasks. For example, you build a house, you have ventilation and lighting requirements, but then you decide to apply these norms to the brick, because it is also an element of the house. But you understand that no rules on illumination and ventilation to the brick can be applied. Why, then, look for uniform laws for the atom and the planet?

- It turns out that the Unified Theory of Everything will never be created?
- I think it is obvious.

- And yet it is very strange to understand that you are a process. After all, I see everything, I feel ...
- From the point of view of the physiology of "reality" does not exist either - all signals to the brain come through nerve electrical impulses. That is, roughly speaking, if you take your brain, put it in a vessel and connect it to certain wiring, then you will also “feel” everything, even fall in love and grow old. We are simply an information process that has recognized itself as a person.

- Ie All this does not exist - I held my hand around.
- There is of course. What you do not like to be a process? In our case, it does not matter. There is such a form of existence and it is self-sufficient.

Look at the stone, you perceive it as matter, but in fact inside it there are vibrating atoms. At the same time, the very nucleus of an atom is 10,000 times smaller than the atom itself. Those. from physical sight, stone is a vibrating emptiness. And if we consider that we can annihilate it, i.e. to turn off the process, it is even illogical to talk about the “material” essence of the stone. Why are all atoms and elementary particles constantly pulsating? Because the process needs frequency.


“Then why don't we see reality in the form of green“ snow ”or program code?” The reality is too diverse.
- When you want to crop a photo, you can set the necessary parameters in the binary code of the image, or you can simply open the visual editor and do everything there. The second option is faster and simpler. A visual editor is more convenient than a binary code, so our reality is just such a visual editor. You interact with other “programs” in the visual editor and you can modify them, they suit you. Everything is very simple. But you can also get into machine code and in functions and program not at the level of objects, but at the level of operators, which science actually does, plunging into molecules and atoms.

Even programmers are already writing programs with objects and they are getting bigger all the time, they will soon be writing programs with ready-made modules — that’s more appropriate. No one uses a binary code or punch cards, so you don't need to see green snow.

- This is of course very entertaining, but I think no one will believe this without evidence from the physicists themselves.
- Well, three years ago, physicists, quite convincingly explained that quantum teleportation is a consequence of the fact that our Universe is a hologram. Those. the particles do not actually move anywhere, but are on a two-dimensional plane, we just perceive them as three-dimensional, so the paradox happens when particles regardless of distance interact instantly. So there is only one step left - to recognize the Universe as one-dimensional and all the actions in it are a process and the puzzle will finally work out. Very soon, physicists will tell you everything in more detail with the formulas, why we are a process and how to live with it.

- I think people will be shocked.
- Well, they got used to the round Earth, they will get used to it gradually. In general, most people do not care what the physicists say - they are busy with more "important" things. Recently, great discoveries have been made, the same annihilation, quantum teleportation into space. How many people know about this?

The main thing now is to explain telepathy, extrasensory and other extraordinary events, scientists will not need to look for some new theories and waves. After all, all the relatives, and especially the twins, are actually nearby. It is not surprising that the so-called “mental” connection between them is very strong.

“But distances don't exist.”
- Here we mean the priority of the information code. After all, it is structured and executed according to a certain algorithm. Otherwise it would be chaos. In addition, close relatives have the same codes by 50%, remember genetics, there are also some codes, as in the programs.

- I ate a tomato or got a virus - all this is simply the result of the interaction of scripts.
- Speaking of viruses. In fact, it is not alive - although it is counted among living organisms. In the virus, there are no processes at all - neither metabolism, nor movement, nor, especially, reproduction. It consists of an informational RNA or DNA molecule and a capsule. Everything. Only infected cells replicate the virus. A computer virus has absolutely the same nature. This is so that it is clear that between processes in a computer and in our reality there is often no difference at all.

- The laws of physics also do not exist.
- Of course there are. These are just rules set by the hypervisor.

Hypervisor theory

This is the most accurate term known to us, which describes the Creator. You do not think that everything arose by itself?
A hypervisor is a program or a hardware circuit that provides or allows simultaneous, parallel execution of several operating systems on the same host computer.

- It turns out, someone somewhere just pull the cord and we disappear?
- Well, it is certainly very exaggerated. The system is much more stable and self-sufficient. Although we have not yet come into contact with the hypervisor, we cannot say anything for sure.

“Can we still go higher?”
- We can realize how it works and make contact with it. Moreover, we are functionally little different from him - our Universe was created by the standards and processes of the hypervisor. We also create, let the primitive, but still virtual worlds by their standards and take as a basis its functionality. Reaching the hypervisor level is the same goal for many religions as Buddhism, Hinduism.

“Why doesn't the hypervisor communicate with us?” After all, humanity has created so many religions and is very much ready for dialogue.
- Would you communicate with a unit from a computer game? At this stage, we are more interesting as an object of observation. It makes sense for a hypervisor to communicate with neighboring hypervisors or to try to reach a higher level, because we don’t know how many nesting levels exist and how many parallel processes at our level.

- What is this "this stage" we are?
- At the stage of a low level of knowledge of the universe. In fact, we ourselves do not make contact, we do not hear. For a start, you just need to get closer to the hypervisor in the level of your understanding and insight to hear his words. You will not communicate with a unit from a computer game simply because it does not understand you, does not hear it. But with the neural network with pleasure and even teach it something. We must come closer to the level of the hypervisor. They say Buddha succeeded.

- Comparison with units hint that we also create virtual reality and become hypervisors. Nesting will grow?
- Comparison with units for clarity. In terms of complexity, these are incomparable processes. The only time we are hypervisors is sleep and meditation. Why do any laws of physics cease to operate there? Because here we are hypervisors and set the rules. Sleep or meditation is a more accurate copy of our reality than computer programs. It is quite possible at some stage of development, we will also be able to create stable realities and become hypervisors.

- It turns out when religions say that a person is only a part of a large ocean, it is close to the truth.
- This is the truth. Even from the point of view of classical science, we actively exchange molecules with the outside world. We breathe, eat and drink - this is all a huge exchange of information. Plus add verbal and non-verbal communication. From the point of view of the process - we are also one, just the hypervisor divided us into relatively independent scripts. A person cannot be in a vacuum. This is a fact, so we are not self-sufficient, we are part of the process.

- What to do to get closer to understanding the truth? Need to further develop science?
- You just have to go in another direction. All the most valuable discoveries about the essence of our reality were made in antiquity. If you want to learn something, read the ancient philosophers. Now we almost stopped in knowledge.

- But science has reached great heights. How can you deny it.
- Heights in what? In the dismemberment of corpses? Science has succeeded in analyzing (dr.-Greek. Άνάλυσισ - decomposition, dismemberment, disassembly), but the synthesis is in a sad state.

- And the analysis is bad. After all, we learned what matter is. Thanks to the same science, your thoughts are confirmed. You rely on the discoveries of scientists.
- Analysis is also needed, but you can’t do it alone. Suppose a unit from a computer game decided to find out the whole truth - he put himself into functions, functions into operators, operators into machine code and got to the basics - binary code and saw 0 and 1. How did this help him to know the truth? Yes, almost nothing. But if he went in the opposite direction, perhaps he would have guessed the existence of a hypervisor. Moreover, the synthesis is infinite, the analysis will always rest on indivisible elementary particles and stop.

- That is why we do not know what will happen after death?
- Yes, even such a simple question leads us into a stupor.

“If it’s so simple, do you have an answer?”
- You also have an answer to it, just you are too lazy to get it out of yourself. Look at the cells of your body - they are constantly dividing and dying, dying and dividing. Every day, a person dies and is born 200 billion red blood cells. As a result, life is maintained in your body. Your life is possible because of death. Strange, right? But after all, these are simply two mutually balancing processes. If you remove the cell death the body will not be updated and will die. What is cancer? These are your own native cells, which are beginning to divide very intensively. These cells have more life, so the whole body dies. Life and death is the balance that makes our existence possible. Look around, is there evidence of eternal life? Yes, the same bacteria are constantly dividing and, in fact, each of them is the primary cell that started division. Bacteria live forever. Does the tree live forever? Yes, it throws seeds in which its information is collected, new trees grow from seeds. Death is just a reboot of the process. If there were no death, there would be no birth (creation, creation), development would stop. Of course, if you do not let in harmful scripts, you can live a very, very long time.

- Under the scripts do you have what we eat?
- To a greater degree of thought. Although food, viruses, just communication also affects us. The concept of a healthy lifestyle is much broader and is not limited to food and sports.

- What do you mean by synthesis?
- Philosophy, which practically does not exist, and art, which few people are really interested in.

- If it is understandable with philosophy, how does art relate to science?
- Art is a way of knowing reality. And it is a more powerful tool than science. Inspiration is nothing more than insight. We are part of the whole universe. Moreover, since everything is created in an “image and likeness,” which is logical, we can penetrate and understand the structure of our reality at the hypervisor level by the power of thought. By itself, man is an object for the study and knowledge of the entire Universe; we are for ourselves the most accessible material for knowledge. But science seeks to know the distant planets, man runs from himself.


- It turns out we already contain in ourselves all the knowledge about ours and about a higher reality.
- Everything is arranged in a similarity, it just has different levels of nesting - electrons revolve around atoms, planets around the sun, galaxies revolve too. Each level repeats lower and higher. Knowing yourself, you will know the world. But creativity, in contrast to science, besides logic, involves a more complete set - feelings, emotions, without them an accurate picture of the world cannot be made. If you use logic, you get a logic circuit. Emotions - emotional cast. Only by using absolutely all of his abilities can a person know the truth.And, believe me, no formula will be needed for this.

- It turns out you need to study art and we know everything?
- First, the error in the terminology. Not to learn, but to learn. And secondly, I did not say that art in its current state provides answers to all questions of the universe. I just indicated the direction. Creativity (synthesis) is the inner state of our essence, and works of art, no matter how brilliant they are, can only push you to cognition, tell you, and you should get all the other insights yourself.

- But what about religion, which just specializes in the knowledge of the Creator.
- If you take the philosophical component of religions, then this is a very valuable material for knowledge. Religions, unlike science, for some time debated and reflected on the essence of the Creator. Another thing is that at some point this discussion was frozen and transferred to the category of unbreakable dogma. But this does not prevent us from using early workings.

- It turns out that if everything is a process around, then thoughts work as effectively as “matter”.
- They are material, even from the classical point of view. Before we build a house we carry his plan in our head, i.e. it is first a thought that materializes. You can not just take a single thought and build a house. Thought is primary. What is "matter" - it is more inert, limited by law processes, the thought is limitless.

- "First there was the word." In general, it is surprising how many of precisely ancient thoughts are confirmed in modern science. How at their low level of development could they articulate such global concepts so precisely?
- And why did you decide that before people were less developed? It is just the opposite. But this is a topic for a completely different conversation. And now I have to go, I was glad to talk.

- Wait, but what was the point of creating the Universe in the form of a process?
“You excuse me, of course — there was clearly irritation in the interlocutor’s voice, he was obviously in a hurry somewhere, but you are a typical example of a fragmentary formation.” All knowledge is divided into sectors and is studied, not realizing that knowledge is holistic in nature, they cannot be split up. Why almost all the great discoveries were made long before us? Is everything already open? Just the scientists of that time were not engaged in one science, they did not divide knowledge into pieces. If you combine at least physics, biology, psychology and philosophy, you can find the answer to almost any question.

Tell me, if you decided to create a copy of our world, you would make it digital or sculpted from clay.

- Of course, digital is faster and more accurate.
- You see. The description of our world in the form of a process gives an answer not only to the question “how?”, But also “why?”.

- It remains to answer the question "why"?
- Physicists, in principle, refused to look for an answer to this question and consider the discussions on the topic of the hypervisor (Creator) to be meaningless, since it cannot be measured. But if we call a detective in someone's apartment and ask to find out who lived here, he will be able to tell us a lot about the owner. At the same time, he is not in the least embarrassed by the fact that he has never seen or seen this person. Detective will be enough to study material evidence. So, in the knowledge of the hypervisor, you need to turn on a detective and study material evidence, which is not just a lot - the whole Universe is one big material evidence.

The river flows into the sea along the most optimal route, this is the principle of optimality, a stone breaks away from the mountain, a mouse gives birth to a mouse, this is the principle of similarity. Apply these principles to understand the hypervisor and you will understand the meaning of everything. You will hear his words and even be able to say it yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410575/