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How to become a wizard (part 1)

Hello, dear reader.

I want to share the story of a magical quest in reality. The theme is the world of Harry Potter. Its peculiarity is that all the interaction between the user and the room is realized with the help of electronics. There is no classic lock or task.

The purpose of the articles is to show which approaches can be used in modern quest construction and reveal the technical component of the “Potter” quest. Show what solutions we used, how we tied them together, and what came of it.

For convenience, the information is divided into 2 articles. In the first part, the reader will get acquainted with the quest and the scenario, will pass the way from the beginning to the end by the player. In the second part we will look under the hood of the quest and shed light on technical solutions, provide the schemas and source code.

All ideas and solutions are our own.

Attention! Under the cut a lot of text and photos.


It all started in 2015. My brother and I were looking for a place to test our skills. The task of implementing such a rather large project as a quest room seemed like a worthy option. On the implementation of the first version took about six months. Then, for more than six months, the room worked in a regular mode, we learned our lessons (this was the first such experience and the first business experience) and went on holidays. For three months, the script has been significantly reworked. part and interior. The final product turned out really interesting and magical. It is about this version of the quest, we will tell.


Players enter the door, which is styled as a wall on a 9 platform:

What is behind the door? A room with many interesting things.

Let's take a quick look at the main subjects. Below is a 3D model of the room, kindly developed by our colleague Alexander. The top view is very convenient for understanding the overall structure of the room:

Players enter the room through the door, it is indicated by number 1. Number 2 is the cabinet, the main purpose of which is to hide the presence of the second room from the players. At number 3 there is a cabinet hidden in the wall. In it, players will find a magic wand and robes. The remaining items can be divided by their affiliation to the storyline. The potions table (4) is related to the green and red lines. Mirror (5) (located right outside the door), chest (6) and labyrinth (7) - to the green line. The fireplace with the picture (8) (it is absent in the diagram, the number indicates the place where it is located) relates to the blue line. Dobby (9) belongs to the red line.
The unifier of forces (10) and the object in the center (11) are the final tasks in this room.

The goal of each storyline is to get a sphere that contains the power of its owner, one of the founders of Hogwarts.

Photo spheres

Next, we briefly describe the quest process. The plot lines will be described in series, but they can be traversed in any order and even in parallel.

As a rule, players immediately begin to examine the room and rather quickly find a magic wand and gowns that are in the closet (3):

A magnet is mounted in its tip - with its help we will create magic.
The rest of the interaction of the players produce without additional items: this is a different pressing, opening doors, etc. There is one exception to this rule — the use of mined spheres. About this - further.

The potions table (4) contains a bowl of memories, 2 caskets and potions.
The chalice of memories is Google Home in our wizarding world. When developing, we set the condition that the room must respond to user actions, like any normal interface. This is done using the bowl:

For certain triggers (player actions), it reproduces “memory” - an audio track.
At the moment of playing, the bowl glows in one of three colors: green, red or blue. Each color corresponds to its own script branch - there are only three of them. So, red is the branch of Gryffindor, blue is Kogtevran, green is Slytherin. (Where did the fourth faculty go - read on).

There are also Dumbledore memories. He accompanies the player in the course of the quest and gives hints. While playing his memories, the bowl is highlighted in white.
This information in a somewhat veiled context is explained in the introductory audio track, which starts playing as soon as players enter through the platform door 9 ¾:


Hereinafter, under the spoilers, I will duplicate audio text.

To read
Hello Harry I am very glad that you and your friends discovered the chalice of memories. This is a strange object on the table with potions, smoke emanates from it. Do not touch the bowl with your hands, at the right time she will tell you what to do. It was in her that I left for you the most valuable of my memories. Take advantage of them to defeat the Dark Lord and free the magical world from the looming threat. But pretty chatter! As you already know, the Dark Lord can be defeated only by destroying all the godmothers - parts of his dark soul. For the discovery of crucifixes after your birth, the Order of the Phoenix was created. We worked tirelessly and made a stunning discovery: there is another way that Voldemort does not even suspect, and this is a huge advantage. We managed to get a diary of Penelope Puffendoi - one of the founders of Hogwarts, which tells that each of the founders had powerful power, which they concluded in magical objects and safely hidden, so that she did not fall into the wrong hands. After reading, we decided that the diary should be destroyed - too important information was stored in it. You have to find the three remaining items and combine them - together they are very strong. Hurry up, Harry, you only have an hour before Voldemort’s complete victory over the forces of good!

Green path

Next, players can go any of the story paths. Let's assume that they became interested in the cup of memories and decided to study the potions table:

They will start to touch and rearrange the potions and this will be the right decision, because if you move one of the bubbles, Dumbledore’s memory comes on:


To read
Slytherin was an ambiguous wizard. Although he was always attracted to dark magic, he understood the importance of the balance of power between good and evil. That is why he became one of the creators of Hogwarts. He was a famous potion maker and alchemist. With the help of his knowledge, he first discovered the serpentine crystal, the powder from which gave him the opportunity to speak with snakes. After this invention, he began to notice that his watch began to stop at the same time ... It became the key to its true strength.

In your hands you hold a small vial, but its size is not comparable with its value. After connecting with fire, he will open the way to the secret of Slytherin.

A few words about him. reactions
Unfortunately, we did not succeed in realizing the chemical reaction in the form in which we saw it, so the scheme was simplified and while playing this audio, one of the tripods on the table simply opens. Yes, you can too :)

In the box, players find just such a hint:

It is not difficult to guess that this is the scheme of opening the door. How it looks live:

The snake's eye is a handy indicator that tells the player that he is on the right track.

Behind the door we find a mirror (5):

A star is drawn on it, each vertex of which is numbered. Also, three symbols are drawn near each vertex.

On the chest (6), which is located near the maze, all these symbols and a similar star with a large figure 4 are drawn on the spreadsheet. That is, This is an indication of a specific three characters.
Players need to guess this and bring the magic wand to these characters in turn. After that, the chest will open and activate the Slytherin memory:


To read
Strange, very strange. The watch stopped again. And again at the same time. I got them from my grandfather, Alastar Slytherin. The mechanism is absolutely intact, I checked countless times. It seems I understand why this is happening ... and I have no choice. I must use them as the key to the receptacle of my power.

Time on the clock - a clue to the labyrinth:

As soon as the puzzle is solved, a green light lights up in the labyrinth near the sphere, players receive honestly obtained Slytherin power and listen to the memory:


To read
I, Salazar Slytherin, leave this memory to the most worthy of my heirs. For many years I have been struggling with the most difficult alchemical task - finding the philosopher's stone. As it turned out, this is just a tool with the help of which I was able to reach unprecedented heights in alchemy. Snake powder, a basilisk summon spell, the ability to transform magical items and endow them with new properties have become my most valuable knowledge. Today they come to you, the most worthy of the students of Hogwarts.

It should be said that this is the longest storyline. The remaining two forces require solving a much smaller number of puzzles. It takes about half the time spent in the first room for users to solve the green branch - this is 15-20 minutes.

The reaction of people to when the labyrinth turns on is priceless :) We spent a lot of time with it, but it was worth it. Technical details will be discussed in the second article.

Red path

This is a quest with Dobby and it begins with a bookshelf. There are books on it, among which one book is special. If you take it in hand, then the memory is activated:


To read
Gryffindor was a very brave and powerful magician. His kindness knew no bounds. He was the first to treat elves and other magical creatures as equals, and not as servants. They were his best friends. For many generations, the legend of the kindest magician passed from old men to young elves. Perhaps Dobby knows some of them. It’s easy to make friends with him - he loves books and socks.

The book is initially closed in order to open it, the player needs to touch the dragon egg on the front cover with a wand:

In the book, players find a sock:

Watch the passage:

On the toe there is lightning, the same is easy to see in Dobby on the arm. Bringing a sock to Dobby's hand, the player gives him this sock :) Dobby immediately replies:


To read
Dobby is free! How can he thank you, brave heroes? Perhaps you are interested in the story of the power of Gryffindor. Dobby will tell her, although it is prohibited by the code of elves on pain of death penalty.
(continues whispering)
Legend has it that Gryffindor was a very kind and brave magician. So brave that he could hide his power under the nose of his detractor - Slytherin. I only know that he penetrated several times into the room where Slytherin was potions brewing. Examine the dark magician's table, perhaps with his help you will unravel the mystery of the power of Gryffindor. Good luck Harry Potter.

After the release of Dobby, the second box from the potions table opens automatically. From there comes a red light and players find a red sphere in it. Gryffindor activated:


To read
Godric Gryffindor welcomes those who have been able to pass through this ordeal. Now my power goes to you. I know that you, brave travelers, use her in the name of good, because a person with impure thoughts could never free an elf. Compassion and sensitivity are alien to the dark soul. Go ahead, brave souls, and may my power help you!

By the way, this is my favorite audio! The effects are simple, but in the quest on the speakers sounds just awesome!

Blue way

Near the chest is such a chic fireplace with an improvised flame:

Outwardly, nothing strange, but upon detailed examination, it turns out that some bricks can be pressed. When you first press any brick, 3 actions occur:

1. All pushable bricks are illuminated for 100 milliseconds.
2. Candida Kogtevran's eyes are missing.
3. Memory is activated:


To read
Candida Kogtevran is a very wise and exceptional-minded woman. It was she who developed the plan for the construction of Hogwarts and watched that everything was done correctly. We all walk along the corridors that arose in Candida’s imagination and we eat in the hall that she invented. Even the Vizli twins use secret passages provided by Kogtevran. (mysteriously) In addition to secret moves, she bewitched some pictures: some follow you, and you can follow others.

It hints at the need to explore the picture. If you look into the slot in the eye, you can read the hint: "Do not let the picture watch you." This is a veiled riddle, and the solution is under the spoiler.

It is necessary to close the picture of the eye, for example, by hand. Pressable bricks will be highlighted in turn.

Players need to repeat the combination in the correct order, and when the goal is completed - the picture opens, revealing a secret cell in which players find the third blue sphere.

A bit of history
Initially, the clue was "You are missing something very important."

As the player looks into the eyes of the picture, the pushable bricks begin to be highlighted one by one. In this way, the player misses the decision. Initially, the task was designed for teamwork, because looking into the eyes, it is impossible to see the correct combination - this must be done by another player who is standing nearby.

The memory of Kogtevran is activated:


To read
Congratulations to you, tireless adventurers. Now you know Hogwarts no worse than me. As a sign of my respect, I give you my power.

The process of passing the blue branch can be viewed on the video:


The attentive reader has definitely asked himself the question: “What to do with the forces received?”. They need to be combined by placing on such an amusing stand:

Once all three spheres have taken their places, Voldemort joins the game:


To read
Well hello Harry. See you soon. I see you are very strong. But is your mind so strong? Solve the mystery of the object in the center of the room, if you can.

A lock that prevents this object from being opened opens and players gain access to chess. They will have to solve a simple chess problem:

Remember how magic chess moved on their own? Try to solve the puzzle yourself (you have three moves to checkmate), and then look at how it looks live on the video.

The enthusiasm of the players, especially children, at the moment when chess begins to move is indescribable :)

After solving the chess problem, the cabinet (2), which was closed all the time, finally opens. Dumbledore is activated:


To read
My congratulations, heroes. But it is still too early to rejoice, for Voldemort must have conceived something. Remember, you have gathered great forces together, they will help you to stand in the fight against the dark magician.
The decisive battle is coming soon! Do not forget to take power with you.

So, the players opened a new location. The inscription "secret room is open" adds an ominous mood. Next - complete darkness.

The battle

The battle is the final mission, which takes place in a separate disguised room, which can only be accessed through a closet. The analogue in the gameplay is the final level with the boss.
Below is a photo of this room with light (otherwise it is impossible to photograph), however, the players enter a completely dark space.

When players enter the second room, Voldemort is activated:

To read
Finally, we will come together in battle, Harry Potter, and nothing will help you survive! If you are ready - start! Bring the wand to the point!

The essence of the passage is as follows: one player (the one who has a magic wand) must bring it to the flashing point. As soon as he does this, the music becomes combat, the fans turn on (together with the darkness and music, it turns out very effectively). But the main thing - between the wand and Voldemort there is a “thread” - a clash of 2 spells. The Dark Lord is gradually winning, and when there is less hope, Dumbledore is activated:


To read
Friends, Voldemort is dangerous and powerful. But do not forget that you are very strong magicians. Get into place and help defeat the Dark Lord!

Next, we present a slightly abbreviated version of what is happening, without all the audio, because there are quite a lot of them.

Immediately after the end of Dumbledore's words, a green light starts to flash next to the main player, thereby signaling the player with the green sphere that he needs to take that place. When the player completes the task, Harry begins to defeat Volan. The same happens with the red and blue spheres. After activating the last force, Volan says:


To read
Oh no! This time the victory is yours, the students of Hogwarts! But the Dark Lord is invincible! We'll meet Again..

The laser show turns on, the music changes to a winning one. The administrator enters the room and congratulates the players on the victory.

This mission is designed for team passing and ideally should be completed by 4 people (1 as Harry and 3 assistants with spheres). However, the real minimum number of players is 2 people, one should not open the wand from the point (if he does, the battle stops and Voldemort reports: “Bring the wand to the point”), the other can get in the right places as needed.

If something is not understood, you can watch a video of the passage of the second room below, but there is little visible on it, because there is no light there.

Easter eggs

Since the whole process is quite reminiscent of the game, we could not help but add a couple of Easter eggs to our quest.

Cabinet, through which players pass into the second room, has a closed section. It has a simple player with a speaker. The player has only one track, which is 90% silence. The remaining 10% is a variety of tapping, sharudeniya and other sounds that can embarrass some enthusiastic players, especially if at that moment the player was near the cabinet.

There are several candles on the walls, but only half are lit. The rest can be ignited by simply offering a magic wand. (However, before that, you still have to guess).

The attentive reader noticed a jar of “Pills for Laughter” on the table with potions. On its bottom there is a zipper - the same as on the Dobby and the sock, which must be brought to Dobby. If we bring these pills, Dobby will start telling a joke! When you re-present - the next and so on. There are 4 jokes in total:

Jokes 1
Jokes 2
Jokes 3
Jokes 4

My favorite is about Snape!


So what have we got from this approach?

First, it is gamification and interactivity. Players do not just walk around the room and try to figure out whether to apply this or that thing, but confidently and consistently go through the mission step by step. The room appears as a user interface that responds to player actions.

Secondly, some missions are hardly possible to go through alone, we need teamwork. Such tasks are hard to come up with, but, as a rule, they leave the players a lot of positive impressions. Script writers are advised to pay attention to this point, if you have not already done so.

The average time to complete the quest in the current form is 40-50 minutes, which is a good indicator. This is not too fast or tiring long.

The quest works successfully to this day in the Dnieper, Ukraine, but no longer under our leadership (was sold).

In the next article we will look at the technical aspects of the questroom and find out how everything works under the hood.

UPD : The second part is available here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410585/