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RestOn Sleep Tracker - pulse, breathing, smart alarm and much more

In general, RestOn is what a sleep tracker analyzer should be. This is not a bracelet that records phases based on your movements. If you try to describe it with the help of some other categorical terms: it is rather such a heart rate monitor for sleep, as a result of which you get comments in the morning that will help you better manage your health and get better sleep.

The logic of creation is very clear: according to various estimates, from 20 to 60% of the adult population have different problems with sleep, some of which are difficult to diagnose. The scatter in numbers is due to the fact that until a certain time, many simply do not attach importance and do not see the system in the difficulties experienced.

Moreover, if we are talking about, for example, insomnia, then everything is more or less clearly: a person himself will understand that he falls asleep badly and for a long time.

But there are a number of problems that can only be indicated by external symptoms that are not immediately related to one another. For example, dramatic changes in emotions, confusion, decreased performance against the background of feelings of fatigue, etc. What is the reason for this? With an uncomfortable pose in a dream? With the surrounding climate? It's not always easy to say right away.

Self-treatment by “folk methods”: from tea with chamomile to alcohol, often can not bring the desired relief, aggravating problems.

RestOn - just the way that is intended:

How it works

RestOn Z400 is a processor and a tape with sensors that, in turn, evaluate the physical state during sleep.

The tape has a length of 80 cm, which on the one hand makes the behavior of one person more free. Turning to the side, moving in one direction or another, most likely will not allow you to "move out" from the tape.

Moreover, as the developers claim, the second person will not interfere : the tape will still accurately capture the dream of only the one who lies on it.

Before you go to bed, you need to spread the ribbon on the bed so that it is at chest level, and then secure the sensor to the sheet using a special magnetic "cover".

Thus, you do not have the additional inconvenience of wearing wristband trackers, but you get additional information that was previously unavailable.

Appearance RestOn

Before us is the second generation of sleep trackers RestOn, and the current version has a much more compact size and light weight.

The gadget comes in a small light box.

Inside there is a sensor, instruction (including in Russian) and a charging cable.

Sensor RestOn has an oval shape and consists of two parts.

White, the top is a magnetic mount that provides a reliable "fit" on the sheet.

On it, on the reverse side, a small instruction manual.

The tape tracker does not have any external irregularities, roughness, and, therefore, will not cause any discomfort during sleep and will not cause a sudden awakening.

The sensor itself is thin and light and has several outputs on the case: on the side there are two temperature sensors for environmental analysis:

And from the bottom - the output for the charging cable:

On the case there is a diode indicator. When you cover the sensor with a lid, attaching it to the sheet, it will turn green, indicating that the tracker is ready for use.

Then the sensor can be synchronized with the application.

App from Sleepace

The company Sleepace deals only with the problems of quality of sleep, and today is not only a supplier of gadgets. One of the developments is information and educational software for IOS and Android .

The application can work without connecting to any gadget: in this case, you can use life hacking, advice, listen to soothing music, and also put the phone next to you on the bed, get approximate data about how you slept, for example, turned over whether in a dream.

Where most of the interesting possibilities are paired with a device from the Sleepace ecosystem. Any of them is connected in a special section - “Device” on the panel at the bottom of the screen.

The main “tasks” of RestOn will include:

Sleep phase analysis, pulse and respiration tracking, environmental analysis

The main screen of the application is like a separate menu, where you can (from top to bottom) observe the average assessment of sleep quality, temperature and humidity, playlists for better sleep, alarm settings, helpful tips, as well as the layout of reports by weeks and months.

Music sections can be run without connecting to the device. A brief explanation is given to each of these sections, but the music must be downloaded separately, swiping out to the second screen.

Under the "Management" button we mean the automatic start of tracking by time:

Smart alarm will automatically start on your smartphone.

The “Sleep Assist” section suggests a “smart stop” of this function, stopping the music when the application realizes that you are asleep.

But perhaps the most interesting section will be reports. A standard report consists of the following data:

In other words, there are data that may indirectly affect the quality of sleep (environment), data that will help in the analysis, perhaps, to change something, if you notice that you constantly turn around, maybe you need a new pillow, for example? As well as health data.

The data are presented in the form of tables and graphs indicating the upper / lower boundaries for pulse and respiration, as well as the average figures for the night. The pulse scale is divided into several parts on the side, so that you can understand the boundaries of your pulse during the night.

What you need to pay attention! RestOn is the tape on which you are lying, and it should take some time before the pulse becomes “stable.” For example, on the attached chart below, you can see that the lower heart rate is 50. In fact, if you expand the chart with your fingers apart, you can see that this number falls on the time when the person just fit in, but the sleep tracking mode was started earlier !

Thus, the sensor caught the moment when there was no tight contact of the tape with the body, considering it as the lower limit.

This can be avoided either by starting the tracking manually, or going to bed in advance, before the sensor is already in operation.

According to the results of the night spent, your sleep will be rated in points, and from 100 points the program will take away a certain amount of you from the “bad moments” that may be associated with a particular factor during sleep.

For each identified problem, a comment and a preclinical recommendation on possible “moderation” will be offered. The most valuable here will be data on the pulse and respiration, both on the excess frequency and possible delays.

One of the main values, probably, RestOn is the ability to promptly determine sleep apnea syndrome, critical breathing delays, which in the future can lead to very sad consequences and extremely negatively affect the central nervous system of a person. The trick is that it is almost impossible to identify this on your own in everyday life, and only a doctor’s consultation can reveal any symptoms indicating a possible syndrome.

Please note, there is one important difference in the work of IOS and Android versions. If you push one of the graphs on iOS, for example, heart rate, then all the others follow it. In Android, each graph needs to be pulled separately.

Android version

RestOn in real time

One of the RestOn features is the ability to monitor the pulse in real time.

Practical value here is not very much for the user personally, but it will give an opportunity, if there is such a need, for relatives to observe the pulse and breathing at any time during the sleep of a loved one.

For us, this was a good opportunity to understand, and how accurate the gadget is at all. We conducted short-term (within a minute) comparisons with an optical pulse sensor and an ECG flash drive. With optics, everything went strange at times, probably in this position of the hand, the optical heart rate monitor periodically “stuck”, which in real time sometimes gave a difference of up to 7-8 units:

With the connected electrodes of an electrocardiogram comparison turned out more exactly:

In general, RestOn shows comparable exact results, however, as already mentioned, it takes him some time, a few seconds, to adapt while the person fits.


RestOn Tracker was developed by Sleepace, which has been studying sleep problems for several years and developing gadgets to improve the sleep of individuals.

The new model RestOn Z400 T turned out to be smaller, lighter and more convenient for the user. To date, we also have a convenient translated application for the most popular mobile platforms.

The device allows you to monitor a variety of health indicators in dynamics, as well as note factors that may indirectly influence the quality of sleep + receive tips and recommendations for improving these factors.

To date, the main competitors of RestOn have temporarily left the market, and therefore so far it is also unique. RestOn can be called a “preclinical” home diagnostics, but the company, in order to avoid affecting overly suspicious users, tries to avoid excessive specifics: the charts are divided into corridors of lower / middle / upper, and the recommendations do not include the names of drugs.

However, this does not make RestOn messages useless: there are quite a few preventative recommendations, some of which are already widely used in everyday life: both about the time of falling asleep, and about music before going to sleep, and about other features. Plus, RestOn makes it unnecessary to keep tracker all night on the wrist, which is not convenient for many.

How to buy
The gadget can be bought in our store Medgadgets .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410665/