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In 2018, it became possible to continuously monitor aircraft anywhere in the world.

A year ago, FlightAware announced the start of deploying a satellite-based air traffic surveillance system using ADS-B equipment hosted on Iridium NEXT telecommunications satellites.

KDPV: Aircraft routes. Visualization of FlightAware. 2018.

This was published on GT. For the first time, it will be possible to continuously monitor aircraft anywhere in the world . In 2017, the Falcon 9 rocket launched most of the satellite constellation into orbit.

FlightAware is headquartered in Houston, USA. In the Russian segment, the company is so little known that sometimes in the media you can see news based on FlightAware data, signed by journalists as data from the Swedish company Flightradar24. Like Flightradar24, the company collects, processes, and sells data that allows air and transport companies to optimize the cost of operating aircraft, for example, to save fuel.

FlightAware has its network of ground-based ADS-B receivers, which increased by 51% in 2017, which enabled it to monitor aircraft flying to some of the most remote corners of the world. With the help of 4,000 ground-based receivers, FlightAware can track the movement of aircraft at 200 airports around the world.

Airport Surface Coverage function. The movement of airliners on the runway and taxiways. One of the taxiways is closed to traffic.

ADS-B is a surveillance technology whereby an aircraft automatically determines its position in space using GPS and broadcasts it by radio, allowing air traffic organizations to track the position of the aircraft more accurately than using conventional radar.

We are talking about receiving the most common air traffic control technology in the world - American ADS-B, in this case, the 1090 ES (Extended Squitter) system, which contains the coordinates of the aircraft's location.

Most civilian airplanes in the Russian Federation and all foreign ones use this system and can be “seen” by amateurs with simple and cheap equipment. Domestic military aircraft are not available for observation, with the exception of some transport or passenger planes of the Ministry of Defense operating flights in international airspace.

The United States Federal Aviation Administration obliged all aircraft flying above United States airspace at altitudes exceeding 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) to be equipped with 1,090ES equipment by January 1, 2020. This requirement also applies to aircraft that fly close to the busiest US airports at lower altitudes. Perhaps these requirements will apply to multikopter, and they will also be required to have such equipment in the near future.

Thanks to its FlightFeeder program, FlightAware produces and distributes ADS-B receivers to volunteers around the world for free. Mostly in the area of ​​uncertain radio network FlightAware.


FlightFeeder receivers track aircraft emitting ADS-B 1090ES signals for more than 450 kilometers (subject to direct visibility between the receiver and the aircraft), and can also track aircraft that are not yet equipped with ADS-B 1090ES through a cooperative monitoring process behind the aircraft, called multilateration (MLAT). To improve aircraft tracking, FlightAware has created a community that brings together people from more than 170 countries.

Map of the location of the FlightAware network receivers. FlightFeeder receivers are orange.

The transition to aircraft tracking technology using ADS-B technology is the first major advancement in aircraft tracking since the invention of the first radars in the 1930s. ADS-B ground stations improve the quality and accuracy of flight tracking, but, like radars, they are limited in their ability to track aircraft over 70% of the Earth’s surface covered by water.


In addition, it is not possible to install receivers on large land areas due to geographical, political or economic reasons. For example:

To solve this problem, FlightAware receives data from ADS-B receivers located on new Iridium NEXT satellites.

The joint project FlightAware and Aireon, combining the “space” ADS-B with the data of ground stations, provided global coverage with an unprecedented opportunity to track the flight of aircraft “from gate to gate” along the entire flight route.

However, this space system does not address the issue of how to track aircraft that are not yet equipped with ADS-B 1090ES equipment. This is possible through the process of cooperative observation of the aircraft - multilateration (MLAT). This will be in the next article.

For now КДПВ:


The next day in the news:

The Global Hawk strategic unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and the United States RS-135 and P-8A Poseidon manned reconnaissance aircraft approached the Russian border at a distance of 10-15 km during flights over the Black Sea, but did not violate it. TASS was informed about this by the commander of the 4th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Southern Military District (SO), Lieutenant-General Viktor Sevostyanov.

More on TASS:

Army commander of the Southern Military District: US air reconnaissance services fly 10-15 km to the southern border of the Russian Federation

Perhaps someone remembered the series "wick"

Deaf protection

¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

An explanation of this trajectory of the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance vehicle will be in the near future, how it works and how to observe such “invisible” aircraft using a cheap station based on OrangePiOne. Do not switch.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410679/