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Useful fast food


Fast food is convenient, inexpensive, can be quite tasty, but one thing spoils everything - it can hardly be called useful. Thus, we are faced with an engineering challenge - to come up with useful fast food ...

So, first of all you need to describe the requirements for a new product:

The course of thought was approximately like this - the most convenient for eating on the move, these are apple patties (you will not be filled with apples). Got it, bit off and go on. True, it is desirable to drink something else. In second place is something combined, starting from the move and hounds and sandwiches. Pizza, sushi and especially Chinese food on the go is impossible without harm to your costume, or even T-shirts from the last World Cup.

It is already possible to make a preliminary conclusion that the food should be inside something that can be picked up and put into the mouth, without leaning over the plate, so as not to get dirty and not to stain the passers-by.

Almost everywhere is bread. But I do not eat bread. Not because there is gluten, but because you are quickly recovering from it. Especially in light of the new ketone diets

How the thought worked:

  1. Wrap the food in some kind of lettuce leaf. But all this will unfold, slightly bitter, if the sheet does not contain a distant relative of the one who can be found on a plate at a dinner in the Kremlin. It is also not technological, and obviously expensive (manual labor)
  2. Wrap in rice cake. Although rice and carbohydrate, but not bread, moreover, it needs to be much smaller, it almost does not affect the taste, if salted. But low-tech, like a leaf of lettuce.
  3. What if from rice dough to make molds for one bite, fill with food and then close the second part of the mold? At first glance, not bad!

Development of the idea:

Types of food that can be placed in molds:

How is it?

Material options for molds:

This, as well as other pictures - from the Internet

Technical implementation of the cooking device. Probably, this device will have the following nodes:

In this article I did not touch the business component of the project. First you need to test, find suitable materials for the manufacture of molds, pick up products, taste. Then, somewhere in China to find suitable manufacturers of food processing equipment, ask the price, then make a business plan. Does anybody want?

If you have any ideas - write in the comments.

I wish you to live long and happy years before developing immortality, after ... and further on through singularity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410689/