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Professional stereo lithographic 3D printers DWS XFAB

DWS Systems is an Italian manufacturer of photopolymer 3D printers for jewelers, dentistry and industrial prototyping. The company's product range includes both desktop and large-sized models; today, the XFAB line is in the first category.

What is it

DWS XFAB are photopolymer printers based on SLA technology, laser stereolithography. The beam of the UV laser is deflected by means of two guided mirrors, illuminating the polymer layer through the transparent bottom of the bath.

The XFAB range consists of three basic models - 2000, 2500 and 3500. The middle and high are in three versions: SD - general purpose, HD - jewelry and PD - dental.


When developing desktop printers, DWS used some of the solutions previously used by the company in industrial devices. More about them - below.

DWS Printer Features

Photopolymer cartridges are tubes with a long spout, the bath is filled automatically, thus minimizing the contact between the printer operator and the resin. But the design of the cartridge does not limit the nuances of working with the polymer - DWS printers are equipped with a thermal monitoring system to reduce the influence of the ambient temperature on the print result.

From photopolymer - to the bath. For more uniform wear, it is equipped with a moving mechanism in the printing process, the manufacturer calls it TTT, Tank Translation Technology.

A special spatula with long teeth is used to remove models from the slotted platform; this combination is designed to minimize damage to the printout during separation.


The new XFAB model is equipped with a built-in PC with a folding display. Changed the geometry of the platform and bath. The manufacturer claims that the resolution has been increased in this version, but does not provide specific information.

DWS Materials

For various tasks, DWS offers several lines of photopolymer materials.




DWS Labs' XFAB 3D printers are suitable primarily for professional printing in the fields of jewelry, dentistry and industrial prototyping. A wide selection of consumables allows you to use XFAB when printing casting parts, master models, flexible or high-strength functional parts.

Fans of XFAB are unlikely to be interested - the high cost and the inability to use third-party resins make it unattractive for hobby use, despite its outstanding quality. This is exactly a professional tool.

You can place an order for a stereo lithographic 3D printer in Top 3D Shop .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410691/