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National Geographic Russia: money or principles ?.

Hundreds of millions of sharks are killed annually, mostly for the sake of their fins. Sharks are not bred in captivity, all prey goes in the waters of the world ocean. This fishing damages ocean ecosystems because these predators play an important ecological role in maintaining the normal functioning of marine ecosystems. More than 110 species of sharks are on the Red List of the World Conservation Union as endangered species. The main reason is excessive fishing. Sharks die as by-catch and as a fishery.

Sharks reproduce very slowly. In the next 50 years in the ocean will be less than 12 species of sharks, including whale, hammerhead, white and fox shark. Governments around the world prohibit fishing and trade in fins of predators, whose population is getting closer to the definition of “disappearing”. Various organizations and the media are involved in shark protection. One of them is National Geographic. But as it turned out, a subsidiary of National Geographic in the Russian Federation does not share these principles and advertises the medicine from sharks on its pages.


Underwater photographer Aleksey Stoyda told National Geographic Russia about this unprincipled nature on his Facebook page.

He was approached "from the advertising department of National Geographic Russia with a request to sell them a photo of" deep-sea sharks "for a small fee." As it turned out as a result of communication with representatives of the advertising department, they need photos to advertise the drug from sharks on the pages of the publication.

Alexey Stoid’s full text in Russian:
Dear colleagues - underwater photographers!

I want to share with you my experience of communication with National Geographic Russia, and more precisely with their advertising department #nationalgeographicrussia.

I did not expect that the unprincipledness of this publication could reach such a bottom. A few days ago, I was approached by two ladies from the advertising department of National Geographic Russia with a request to sell them for a small fee a photo of “deep-sea sharks” for some National Geographic project. I tried to figure out what is meant by this.

I have a lot of photos of sharks, I need to know from which to choose ... the result of the appeal struck me (this is very mildly said ... I just lost my voice).

Looking for photos of Katranov sharks for advertising ... medicinal product from sharks on the pages of the publication.

My indignation told me that "... they have to live in the terrible world of" commercial sharks "...

National Geographic Russia - you are not fucked up doing such an advertisement when the main edition of National Geographic is one of the active publications fighting the extermination of sharks?

Or for you money does not smell?

I'm in shock!

Colleagues - Like, Scher, repost!
#nationaleographic please pay attention to your child publication!

He also made a publication in English for the wide publicity of the guidelines of National Geographic Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410693/