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Intuition Trainer (TIN-2)

Somehow I was sorting out all the trash in the cabinets and found an interesting device that I bought 7 years ago. Called "Apparatus for the development of brain activity" - an intuition simulator (TIN). Its only functionality is to shock you if you press the wrong button.

Introduction (from the manual):

Every day life puts us before a choice. And very often we make far from the best decision, while receiving punishment in the form of trouble or suffering. With the help of the device you will learn to think intuitively, independently developing this ability in yourself. This will help to avoid mistakes and choose the right solutions in any area of ​​life.

TIN supports the main life principle - the punishment for the wrong decision. When working with the simulator, you should feel at which of the two buttons the electrical discharge is located, and choose the “safe” option. For every mistake TIN punishes you with a small electrical discharge. Over time, you begin to feel in advance on which button of the device is the discharge. The reflex is formed automatically, without thinking, to make the right decision. The same principle is transferred to life.


The author of this device is Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov, he even has patents:

Patent number 46418

He is fairly well known on our Internet sites, so we will not dwell on it. To whom it is interesting, he will find it himself, and we will go to the simulator itself.

Intuition Trainer

First I wanted to buy the latest version of the TIN-4 simulator for review, but the price of 7700 rubles killed this desire. Therefore, further it will be written about the outdated version of the device TIN-2, which is not currently being released. In the new versions of the device, nothing radically changed, only small improvements.

Version History
List of changes taken from the site web.archive.org.

Innovations in TIN of the second generation (TIN-2):

  • The function of turning on the PIN has been added after a long (15 seconds) holding the “Start” button (before the PIN was turned on by simply pressing the “Start” button). This is done in order to exclude the accidental inclusion of TIN, as well as to protect children from accidental electric shock.
  • Added the function to turn off the TIN - now the TIN can be turned off by holding the “Start” button for 15 seconds. Automatic shutdown of the PIN after three minutes also works.
  • TIN microprocessor program was changed - new functions were introduced that will be used in new games for TIN.
  • Improved device layout.

Innovations in the third generation TIN (TIN-3):

  • The program of the microprocessor TIN-3 has been changed for more stable operation.
  • TIN-3 complies with USB 2.0 specifications.
  • Works without USB HUB.
  • It is possible to store information about 5 users (use TIN by five users, or you yourself can create 5 different training profiles for yourself).
  • It is possible to update the software yourself on the Intuition Development Portal.
  • Added function to check the level of remaining battery charge.
  • Much more accessible to understand the passport simulator.
  • Improved packaging

Innovations in the fourth generation TIN (TIN-4):

  • Changed TIN circuitry to be able to use several training profiles in the future.
  • TIN microprocessor program was changed - new functions were introduced that will be used in new games for TIN.
  • Reworked element base for more reliable operation of TIN-4.

TIN-2 was manufactured in “MPP VERS” in Novosibirsk in 2009. The logo of Mirzakarim Norbekov is pasted on the upper part and the slogan “To know. Be in love. To create.

The device has 4 buttons. The long “Start” button, when pressed for a long time, turns the simulator on and off, and during training it “guesses” one of the two answer selection buttons. Two side buttons to select an answer. The front transparent button-indicator with 10 red LEDs shows the strength of an electric shock (10 levels) and, when pressed, allows you to change it. If you select the wrong answer, all 10 LEDs light up. Buttons click loudly, surrounding these clicks are annoying, especially if the room is quiet.

There are two electrodes in front of which the simulator beats with a current if the answer is chosen incorrectly. During training, you need to put a finger on them. Top plus, bottom minus. Current beats while holding the wrong button. The voltmeter showed that when the wrong answer button was clamped, the impact voltage was unstable, the maximum values ​​at 10 levels: 1-58V, 2-65V, 3-72V, 4-81V, 5-88V, 6-97V, 7-104V, 8 -112V, 9-121V, 10-129V, MIN-2V, MAX-170V (about MIN and MAX will be written further). The sensation of electric shock depends on the dryness of the skin of the hands. If the hands are wet, then it hurts at the lowest levels, and if the hands are very dry, then the blow is not felt even at the maximum levels.

Above is the Mini USB connector, through which you can connect the simulator to a computer. Accidentally observed that if one finger is attached to the USB port, and the second to the top electrode, it strikes with current. The voltmeter showed that the voltage is stable and depends on the desired impact force: 1-114V, 2-129V, 3-143V, 4-159V, 5-174V, 6-191V, 7-206V, 8-221V, 9-240V, 10 -254V, MIN-4V, MAX-291V.

TIN has a long list of contraindications, these are various physical and psychological diseases, pregnancy, as well as possible contraindications to torture of influences on the body by electric current. In this case, the device can only be used when the electric shock function is disabled.

Eats from three finger-type batteries 1,5V (type AA). When working, it produces a weak squeak, a choke (a coil), which converts an electric current for punishment, beeps.


Since Geektimes users like to look at the insides of devices, we will perform an autopsy on the patient.

Inside there is only one board.

On top are: 4 buttons, 10 LEDs, a field effect transistor. Bottom: Atmel ATmega8L-8AU microcontroller, quartz resonator, a pair of inductors, capacitors.

In patent number 61114, the drawing of the device has the following form:

Drawing from patent number 61114

Connect to computer

TIN-2 can only be connected to USB 1.x, to USB 2.0 it can be connected via a USB hub that supports only USB 1.x. In TIN-3 compatibility with USB 2.0 corrected.

To Windows 10 can not connect, because There are no drivers, there are drivers only for Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2008/2003. Linux and macOS, as well as smartphones and tablets are not supported.

For TIN-2 there is a program “TIN Lite Club Version”, with the help of which you can read the statistics from the simulator and also export it to the portal. With the help of this program, you can set the force of electric shock for each of the 10 levels from MIN to MAX or enable the “no current” mode.

TIN Lite Club Version

When connected to a computer, the device becomes something like a computer joystick with reverse feedback in the form of current shocks. You can play games.

On the portal there are two games "On-line training" and "Football. Penalty series "
Games on the portal

But I could not start them, they always show the error "The server is not responding ... Try again later."

Games on the portal - an error

There used to be some other site from which I downloaded the game Oriental Treasure. She works with a simulator, requires Flash to run.

Game Treasure of the East

Now this and any other games for TIN on the Internet could not be found. Unfortunately, there is no open API for the device either, so it’s problematic to write your games.


I think that for Geektimes a review without testing would not be complete, so I decided to conduct an experiment and try to practice this device. Yes, and most interestingly what will happen if you train with this device for some time, otherwise he lay in the closet for 7 years in vain.

The principle of training (from the manual)

The task of the simulator during training is to create conditions under which the internal state of the trainee changes. During initial training, the practitioner may be afraid of the inevitable punishment for a mistake in anticipating the “dangerous” button. In the future, there may be irritation, and even aggression, on the fact of punishment. Such conditions are most difficult to maintain a state of calm. To maintain internal balance from working with the simulator requires composure and composure. There is a need for an effort of will to apply these qualities during training. With regular exercises, a reflex gradually forms to remain calm, despite serious external stimuli. This state in most cases predetermines making the right decisions not only when working with the simulator, but also when making any choice in the realities of everyday life.

“Feel” the button, pressing which you will not receive punishment. Try to predict it. Click the selected button. During the training, carefully remember what is happening inside you, what feelings prevail when you make the right choice. Be especially attentive to the analysis of internal states when you do not receive punishment after several presses in a row. This indicates that you are somehow "holding" the work of your intuition. Remembering this state, try to artificially call it, and right there in training to check its effectiveness and effectiveness. Try to “feel”, “feel” for these abilities in yourself and nurture and improve your intuitive perception skill from training to training.

Attention!!! It is not recommended to train more than 50 minutes a day.

Naturally, one cannot learn anything in a day or two or a week, so I set limits for myself: to train for 60 days in a row for 40 minutes.

Total: 40 hours totally spent, received 87,024 electric shocks. The interest in training completely disappeared by the end of the second week, then I had to force myself every day. Indeed, as written in the manual, in the first weeks there was fear and irritation when receiving a punishment, then you get used to current shocks, the state is calm, even if it hurts.

I didn’t learn how to feel the button by clicking on which I would get the punishment. Basically it turns out to press the right or wrong buttons for 1-5 times in a row. Sometimes it turns out more, about 10 times in a row, but this is rare. It never worked again.

Results graph

Result table
DayTotalRightRight (%)Deviation from 50%

Judging by the statistics of the instrument, the result is equal to the random, i.e. 50% with a slight deviation of ± 2%. But there is a nuance, on some days the deviation was greater. Two points are interesting. The first is that in the first weeks of training there were no such large deviations. And the second is that these days there were 6 times more mistakes and only 1 time more correct answers. Perhaps this was some kind of intuition, or maybe just some kind of calculation error in the device. TIN, unfortunately, does not save the result of each click in the form of some kind of log, so it’s impossible to say exactly how he felt these days.

In general, the experiment showed that in my case 60 days is not enough to draw any conclusion, and there is no desire to train for a longer period.

If someone practiced this device write in the comments about your results.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410703/