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Three years Kingston on GT: remember the best moments

“Hi GT!” - this is how we start almost all of our posts. For the past three years you have been reading about Kingston and HyperX on the pages of your favorite portal. What do you think, did not miss anything? Any interesting articles read? Caught the hottest discussion and controversy? Well, today you can easily check it, because we collected statistics, prepared a digest and a whole set of prizes and gifts. Let's start?

What is read most often

In 2015, the material was “fired” about the differences between the then-popular DDR3 standard RAM and the new rising star, DDR4. The post, though turned out to be relatively small, but collected more than 80,000 views. And at the same time it became one of the most accessible guides on the features of the models of these two types of memory.


A little less collected publication about the advantages and disadvantages of RAM-disks. With a volume of 128 RAM “gigs” in 2016, it was already difficult to surprise anyone - but the expediency of placing a virtual partition of the drive in them was questionable. To which we answered in the article.


A little later in the same year, one of the most widely read materials in the entire history of our publications took off. It was about "live" boot images that help to resurrect your favorite PC in case of anything. However, with such a useful promise, and not to get to the leaders - it would be necessary to manage. By the way, this manual two years ago is still relevant. Use on health.


In 2017, record-breaking articles also shot a doublet. The first talked about sore: why the RAM module may not work if it is clearly intact. She collected a little more than 50 thousand views and a solid number of comments. We are glad that we were able to help in such a pressing issue.


The second was seen six months later; It talked about the imminent transition of the industry to DDR5. This is despite the fact that not everyone crawled on DDR4, but here is a new standard. Anyway, analytics in the field of hardware is very useful, and the article describes in detail when to wait for new technologies and why they come so quickly. Read, if you missed last time, or you suddenly managed to forget everything.


What readers liked most

Somewhat unexpected for us was the statistics of posts met by readers of our blog most favorably. Our very first post for January 2015 tops the audience rating. And they say, the first pancake is always lumpy ... Well, what can I say - thanks for the warm welcome! We promise to continue to delight you with useful and interesting publications.


No less interest was also caused by our second article devoted to a tour of the production facilities of the Kingston plant in Shanghai. Of course, looking at the process from the inside is always more interesting than just exploring the product packaging and reviews on the Web. And judging by the comments, many of our readers are familiar with the peculiarities of factory life.


Overclocking is not only not healthy enthusiasm, but also a separate sport. Do not believe? So you definitely missed our interview with Smoke, the legend of the Russian champion in overclocking computer hardware. And if they didn’t miss it, they probably were among the rated material that fell into the final karma rating for the entire existence of our blog.


Against the background of a multitude of “hardware” headers, there was a place and a post related to programming - an article about creating our bot for Telegram gained a decent karmic number. This was facilitated by the launch of our quest on Igromir or the photoset of girls cosplayers - it's hard to say for sure. Still, we hope that the material itself was interesting to the readers first (but let's think about cosplay).


The karmic rating is completed by another nostalgic article, but this time about game consoles. More precisely, the difficult fate of memory cards for them. From tens of kilobytes on cartridges to terabytes in the current generation - all the way in one article. Some decisions were logical, others were exotic even by today's standards; anyway, gamers with experience have appreciated the retro post, not forgetting to brush away the severe old school tear in discussions.


What was discussed in the comments

The most commented was the topic of the advisability of installing an SSD as a “first aid” for an old but still workable computer. It is not surprising: the upgrade is a timeless theme, and the increase in productivity has not stirred the hearts and minds of users for many years. Here is a kind of exchange of user experience and occurred in the comments, setting the corresponding record.


All the same drives, but already from the world of mobile devices, is devoted to another article, which tells about the relevance of microSD in the era of growth in the amount of internal memory of mobile devices. As it turned out, the age of the spherical iPhone in a vacuum has not yet arrived - memory cards are still dearly loved for very specific features - comments are in confirmation.


The topic of technical progress continued the post about the growing appetites of software from the beginning of the “zero” to the present day. Memories of the affairs of bygone days and the reasoning that the grass on the photo wallpapers was greener, the software easier and more slender, and Windows XP, naturally caused active discussion among readers. Remember and nostalgic.


A summary article about the evolution of the iron PC stuffing and the notorious “5% per year” for the CPU for 2016 caused a lively response from the audience, and at the same time became a harbinger of a breakthrough in processor engineering, which happened a year later. However, the release of new generations was really just a matter of time - and the more interesting it is to look at this analytical material in retrospect.


What is useful to people

The utility rating, along with the already mentioned materials about the LiveCD and problems with RAM , added a post about optimizing the performance of smartphones running Android. And although not everyone has enough time and patience for the "completion of a file" - enthusiasts who have added material to the bookmarks, it turned out a lot. We wish them good luck, and we are preparing new interesting articles.

No less popular distinguished post about the classification of memory cards. Whatever Jobs and Cooks are broadcasting from the stage, the ability to independently manage files and backups is priceless. So the material about the nuances of choice and analysis of the characteristics of portable media turned out to be most welcome.


“It works - do not touch”: this statement is known to everyone who has already passed the amateur stage of communication with the hardware part of personal (and even professional) equipment. But what if the new piece of hardware does not work, as it should? The BIOS / UEFI configuration issues and other surprises when installing an SSD drive into an assembly are covered in our article completing the top ones added to favorites.


Editor's Choice

Of course, even such an extensive user rating does not include all articles. And meanwhile, decent material behind the scenes remained a lot. According to the editors' version, we included the most informative posts in our top charts, which for one reason or another were not included in the main nominations. For greater objectivity, we did not invent individual categories and simply chose one article for each year of publication.

In 2015, a post about fake USB drives was published to this day. It would seem that a flash drive is an inexpensive accessory, but do not forget that the most expensive is not the drive itself, but the data that is stored on it. So when you buy it is worth a bit of vigilance - everything will be cheaper than to restore precious photos and nerve cells.


The year 2016 was marked by not less informative material about the features of the user struggle with the imperfections of various devices (and sometimes just laziness of manufacturers). How to “modify the device with a file” and get the maximum return from it, which was not planned by the vendor, we told in our blog. Hopefully, the developers of the gadgets also read it and took note.


As for the year of the past, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the post about the features of overclocking RAM, if you have not already done so. The new generations of Intel processors with the letter K and the entire AMD Ryzen line openly hint at this. The main thing - to approach the process with the knowledge of the technical part. Which, together with the history of the phenomenon, you will find in our article.


Open to dialogue

We have always listened to you in the comments and personal messages: you told us what concerns you, what interests you, what I would like to know more - and wrote about it. And we are not going to give up this ultra-useful practice. Do you have a burning topic about RAM, drives, gaming peripherals or something else, one way or another connected with the activities of Kingston or HyperX? Do not hesitate and do not google - just ask and offer comments. We are sure to implement the best themes in our blog. And the most creative commentators also hand over gifts (in addition to articles on topics of interest to them).

Three years together - this should be noted.

We are extremely happy that for three years now you, GT users, have been motivating us to write more and more new articles, share useful tips, talk about new products and just delight you with pleasant gifts. And this article is no exception. If you are already subscribed to our blog on GT - just ask the most creative question in the comments. If, dear reader, you are here for the first time - sign up and join the competition. And it is possible that fortune will smile on you, and you will receive one of the prizes:

Comments will be accepted until March 28, and on March 30 we will summarize and announce the results of the competition.

For all readers of our blog, we have prepared a special offer - HyperX Alloy FPS and HyperX Alloy Elite mechanical keyboard with a discount of 1000 rubles. The offer is valid in partner stores DNS , 4FRAG and Mvideo until March 12. Share this information with friends, there is nothing left!

For more information about Kingston and HyperX products, visit the company's official website .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410719/