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Who are amateur shortwave hams

And why would you (not) want to be one of us

HAM radio operators are a separate caste in the world of electronics enthusiasts (electronics), about whose secret life to the average soldering iron and arduinostroitelu little is known. Further in the text, the words "radio amateur", "radio" will be called amateur radio operators.


Under the cut is an inexpressibly tedious article without a single picture for those who want to learn a little more, but do not yet know where to start asking questions, as well as for those who, contrary to logic and common sense, still want to join this Brownian movement.
And also - about ultrashort waves

The history of radio amateur begins with the invention of radio communication as such, when it began to experiment with an increasing number of enthusiasts who used the opportunity to establish radio communication with their hobby colleagues exclusively in the form of a hobby, without kl. benefits. Since professional telecoms workers from the very beginning were interested in the possibility of increasing reliable communication range, commercial communication, bilateral and broadcasting, concentrated in areas of long and superlong waves, which more easily skirted the obstacle in the form of a horizon and provided decent ranges. Radio amateurs, on the other hand, identified useless short waves that practically did not look beyond the horizon and were of no interest. Therefore, it is radio amateurs who are credited with discovering the ionospheric passage of radio waves, reflecting them from Heaviside layers, which purely practically discovered the possibility of communicating on short waves with any point of the earth, including the long path, and even the possibility of the existence of a round-the-world radio echo when the radiated energy skirted the earth several times . As soon as this was discovered and experimentally confirmed, commercial, service and military radio stations of broadcasting and two-way communication rushed into the area of ​​short waves, and radio amateurs were identified with several narrow bands, which almost invariably survived to the present day. Plus, as other users switched to ultrashort waves, to satellite communications, and the like, they managed to free up several more ranges, plus the historical ones, on which all shortwave activity occurs.

Although the term “short waves” rather unambiguously refers to the frequency range of 3 ~ 30MHz, in everyday life it’s radio waves that are called short waves, rather than the entire shortwave region of the spectrum, and the shortwave also includes the medium wavelength band 160m (1.8MHz) and sometimes the longwave bands. Much less often to the short waves include the VHF band 6m (50MHz). This is not a mistake, but a tradition to associate the use of bands with shortwave.

A bit of biology. Today, there are three types of radio amateurs:

To become a radio, you need to get a radio license. Usually it looks like this: you apply to the national radio organization or directly to the communications administration of your country, you pass the qualification exam - yes, you need to prove that you are sufficiently prepared to be entrusted with the right to use the radio station as a hobby (and not as a commercial user for money), and on the basis of the exam you get a license and assigned call sign. The call sign is the first and only name of a radio transmitter, by which it identifies itself and other radio transmitters; duplicate, identical call signs do not exist, all are unique.

The structure of amateur callsigns is simple and logical, but not without rare exceptions, which we will not focus on.

A typical call sign looks like AB1CDE .

AB is a prefix by which a territory is uniquely identified (a country or a specific region of a country, if such a division is provided). Most often consists of two letters, sometimes from one letter, sometimes from letters and numbers. Minimally interested in aviation, it is easy to find that the radio prefixes are equal to ICAO prefixes.

1 - one digit. This is a mandatory element of the amateur call sign, including distinguishing it from the call sign of the aircraft. The digit separates the prefix of the callsign from the suffix. However, if the prefix consists of a letter-digit, then the digit after the prefix is ​​sometimes omitted and only in exceptional cases (the memorial call sign RAEM) is the digit absent altogether. In some cases, there are more than one numbers, almost always it is a temporary call sign in honor of some event, some kind of round date. In some countries, the figure does not mean anything and is given in order of increasing numbers or just by chance. In some countries, the figure indicates a specific geographic region within a country. In some countries, the number means a class of license or carries any other information.

CDE is a suffix consisting of one to four letters, usually prominent in order of increasing numbers. Sometimes the first or even the second letter may matter, for example to indicate the geographic region of the country or the class of the license.

There is no need to memorize all this, you just need to understand the principles, frequently encountered call signs will be remembered by themselves, and unusual, obviously new ones for you, will cause an irresistible desire to “work” the station with a new call sign as soon as possible. Take, for example, the call sign W5UN - this is a real-life operator, very famous in his circles. W means the continental part of the United States, there could be one letter or two, specifically this operator has one. 5 indicates a conditional region (AR, LA, MS, NM, OK, TX), and the letters UN are obtained simply in turn or selected from those unoccupied at that time. A conditional region is not guaranteed, since in the United States it is allowed to keep your call sign when moving, and you can also receive a call sign of your choice (free), including the number of a foreign region. We can also assume from only four characters in the call sign, although it is a special case for the United States that the operator has the highest license class, i.e. maximum tolerance. The fact is that in most countries (but not, say, in Japan), when upgrading a license class, the right to choose a shorter call sign is given, but not everyone uses this right, so a long call sign does not necessarily mean a low license class, but a short one almost always means high class license.

Take another example - P3X, also a real-life operator. By the prefix P3, we define Cyprus, the digit is generally omitted, and the suffix consists of just one letter X. This is a special callsign for competitions, it was given to the radio daily 5B4AMM radio receiver exclusively for use during radio sport competitions (we will return to the competitions), where 5B is the prefix, 4 is the separating prefix number and AMM is the call sign suffix received in turn.

What, in fact, do radio transmitters? The main areas are:

How, in fact, conducted communication. First, there are several types of signal modulation. Usually they coincide, but it is possible to carry out communications in different forms. Communication is usually carried out on the same frequency, but often use a small separation of frequencies and even different bands. No one has his own frequency. Frequency unoccupied at a given time is temporarily occupied by an operator who makes a general or directed call. Who hears and wants to answer - is responsible. Then, when the calling operator finishes work or changes the frequency, the previously occupied frequency will be released and any other interested person can immediately take it. The calling operator first calls the call sign of the one whom he calls, or gives a general call, after which he calls his call sign. The operator answering him also first calls someone else's call sign - the one to whom he answers, and then his own. Or, as is usually the case in practice, the respondent calls only his call sign and, if the caller hears him and wants to communicate with him, he will call him targeted, by call sign - as it usually happens in competitions when there is no time (you need to have time to spend as many connections as possible for the allotted period), and also when a relatively rare station calls, with which many people want to “work out” (to make a connection) and simply have no time to waste time and keep waiting.

In terms of signal modulation, use the following options:

The old tradition of radioamination is the exchange of postcards, called QSL cards, confirming the fact of establishing a connection and often giving additional information about the station, which may be interesting in itself or necessary to complete diploma programs. Some radio collectors collect QSL cards, so for their sake they want their own card besides the utilitarian function to have some hint of artistic design, some are needed only as evidence of radio communications for diplomas, and some do not exchange cards at all, and this is a problem for all those who need a card for a collection or for diplomas. Fortunately, there are electronic exchange systems that are instant and free for users of these systems, but the number of those who register and regularly report their connections is still relatively far from total.

What will you get from joining a radio radio? Loss of money for equipment, loss of time to work on the air, conflicts with family and neighbors due to unintentionally created radio interference. Will radio broadcasting make you better? Of course not. But then why? Well, imagine what you saw in these Hi-Res images of your Internet, say, Saturn. Now remember what it was like to see him in a children's telescope, where, shaking in convective currents, a dim fat point was visible with something in which only a visionary could see the ring, and if he was lucky, Cassini’s crack. So here: you can connect with any point of the earth without getting up from the sofa, simply via the Internet, and if the sofa is too far, then through satellites. But still, it is exciting - to communicate directly, without the Internet, only at the expense of its equipment and cameramanship.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410731/