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Players of Fallout 76 who will be found in the secret location of the developers will be banned

Bethesda has more and more problems, some of them are connected with Fallout 76, a game on which the company has placed very high hopes. The problem is that the novelty is unfinished, there are a lot of glitches and problems in it, which sometimes lead to the fact that it is simply impossible to play in Fallout 76.

In addition, the company is increasingly using Banhammer, applying it even to those players who simply use the mod, which allows to improve the graphics of the game and some game moments. Gamers are simply banyat, despite the fact that before modding was an integral part of the Fallout ecosystem.

The other day there was information that some players got access to a secret location created by developers for their own needs. In this place there are a lot of different things, armor, weapons, etc. Some of the artifacts found are used now, others are only planned to be used in the future, so the developers are not too happy that someone can reveal their plans.

Players who in one way or another gain access to the location in question often take items in order to sell them to other members of the community, and for real money. Bethesda promised major changes in the game this year, including fights between players. Therefore, in the developer's location there are things that will be needed in the future, and which are of considerable interest to gamers.

For the first time, data about the appearance of a room was published on Reddit a few days ago. The video that was posted above was originally uploaded by the “explorer” of the world of Fallout 76, but then it was deleted, so the movie was re-cast.

Some time later, Bethesda published a post on Reddit, where it announced that the accounts of those players who had been in the location were bathing. Also, the developers have banned the use of more unannounced game elements. Those sellers have also decided to ban, although buyers, apparently, continue to play, their accounts are not affected. On the same Reddit, some players who received such rare artifacts wrote that they were not aware of the fact that things were stolen.

In particular, new colorings for power armor were found on this secret level - perhaps all this is going to be added to the game in the near future. In addition, a “live” NPC was discovered at the level, whose name is Woobee. It is he who is depicted in the image in the announcement. There are no NPC people in Fallout 76 right now, all people are live players. Woobee’s presence may indicate that initially the developers were still going to add NPC people, but then changed their minds. But maybe he was left to test armor, weapons, and so on.

The administration offers banned players to recover, but at the same time asks to tell how they got into a closed location.

Bethesda in response to the actions of gamers indicated a list of prohibited things. Here the “banned” branch is gradually being updated, the company is adding more and more new elements.

Earlier, Bethesda announced that two major updates will be released soon. The first of them should appear today, January 14th. It is intended to improve the performance and stability of the game, as well as to fix bugs and problems that are detected by the community. The second patch will add several features, including an increase in the number of drawings and merchants in stores.

According to the developers, no new content is added. But later, fans of the game will receive new quests, weekly events and updated game content. There may even be open shelters that no one has yet access to. Over time, players will be able to trade with each other.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/435992/