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Control over the space telescope "Spektr-R" could not be restored

The moment of telescope assembly

As previously reported , the Russian Spektr-R space telescope stopped responding to commands from Earth. The information he transmitted, but did not accept. As far as one can understand, the command transmitter failed, the last of the backup ones.

The Spectra team believes that one reason for the failure is cosmic radiation, which has accumulated in electronics during the eight years of flight. “As a reason for the inoperability of the Spectra-R transceiver, experts suggest the effect of radiation dose accumulated over the flight period in the satellite’s electronic component base,” said a TASS source in the rocket and space industry.

In order to solve the problem that arose on the "Spectrum", there are two ways. The first is “soft”, it assumes a reboot of the software. The "hard" method allows you to restart the device with power off. “The second method is not suitable, since the last set of the receiver is left in operation and we cannot turn on the device - there will be no one to receive a radio command from the Earth. The “soft” method is now automatically implemented: a reboot takes place every eight hours, ”the expert explained.

On January 14, the American station in the USA managed to record the radiation of one of the transmitters of the Spektr-R spacecraft, whose control was lost on January 10, as reported by Interfax. “Today, on January 14, the station for receiving scientific data in the USA managed to capture the carrier radiation of a separate transmitter (scientific data) of the Spectr-R spacecraft, which indirectly confirms the information that the onboard systems as a whole operate in accordance with the logic laid down in them ", - reported in the" Roscosmos ".

Unfortunately, after the implementation of the communication program with the apparatus, success was not achieved, the command radio link does not work. Specialists will continue to attempt to contact the space telescope for a long time, as long as possible, these attempts will be carried out daily. Scientists place special hope on January 16th. “On Wednesday, there will be work on the new program from the Bear Lakes station - there the specialists of JSC RKS will vary with more precise signal settings, which is available when specialists are directly at the station,” said Alexander Roschemos, adviser to the general director for Roscosmos on science.

The on-board computer of the radio telescope will independently support the operation of the device at least until summer .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436094/